AND, guess what?! I went to the Physical Therapist and showed him my MRI, and he kept talking about how it looks like this capsular strain- maybe even a tear. He said he would recommend doing ASTYM for two more months, and NO running until then. I'm allowed to bike or swim or any of that, but if it EVER hurts, I'm not allowed to do that thing. Or the next day it hurts, whatever I did the day before - not allowed to do. Need to let this thing heal.
So THEN, this doctor from downstairs - a general family doctor - came upstairs to say Merry Christmas to everybody and my PT said, "Now, this is the guy who should look at your MRI."
So I showed it to him and he starts talking to me about it and kinda thinks it may be this capsular strain thing. So I asked him how you get this, and my PT said, "you're supposed to tell us!" And I said, "I WAS RUNNING." lol So then I turn to the other doctor, and tell him how I did this, and asked him if he knew what The Dirty Dash was. I explained that you run in this mud... and right as I said that, my PT said, "WAIT, you were running in MUD? I'm like yeah, I told you that - I ran uphill in the mud, and then ...." And I explained how The Dirty Dash goes.
And both doctors look at each other and start agreeing that yes, this is a capsular strain.
SOOOO... new treatment - still get ASTYM, but for two months. NO running, or doing anything that makes it hurt. NO going upstairs.
I'm allowed to do insanity as long as it doesn't hurt - and probably need to take it really light on the jogging warm-ups. I'm supposed to stay active because it helps it heal - just not supposed to re-injure it.
So, 60 days of exercise - with yoga hopefully mixed in there, and two times a week of p90x arms. AND back to the fat shredder diet. My insanity weight loss goal - 8 lbs. :)
Soooo... all in all...
Leg... please be better in two months. Thanks, Jackie
Yay! A possible cure! :) It's about time!