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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My new goal

Sooo... Not being able to exercise for three weeks really did a number on me. And then trying to run again, and not being able to - not cool.

So, I've decided to do what I can and suck it up. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for them to take an xray or MRI and see what's going on.

Until I know that, I'm gonna take it easy this week and exercise what I can. This morning I did the p90x ab ripper, some pulls up, and some weights. Feels good to get out and exercise again - even for just a little bit. Tonight I hope to get a bike ride in. We'll see.

Not being able to exercise though, I had a lot of time to think about what I want for my body, and what my body wants. So here's what I really want. I want to be healthy. I exercise because it makes me feel good, and I eat right because it makes me feel good. My secondary goal is to lose weight. I have maintained my weight since p90x - but have not lost any more than that. That being said, my main goal is to be 115 the day I get pregnant. That means I have 13 more lbs to lose. I really don't think it's a huge goal to lose 3 more lbs by Thanksgiving - so that's the goal.

Eric and I will have our cars paid off in 19 months. I am not having any kids with those car loans - so that gives me AT LEAST ten months to lose 13 lbs. Not that we want to start trying in ten months, but that we COULD if we wanted to. Just over a pound a month - I don't think that's asking a lot. We'll see. But the little goal for now... 3 lbs by Thanksgiving. GO ME! :)

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