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Sunday, August 28, 2011


Tomorrow I'll start p90x all over again. I'll do yoga on tues/thurs instead of plyo tues and yoga thurs. Then I'll trade kenpo on saturday for the plyo.

My goal - get down between 115 and 119. I want my body fat to be at 21% - 22%. Last time I did p90x it was at 23, but I am starting at a smaller weight, so we'll see how realistic this is. The program will end somewhere around the end of November. If I can reach these goals above - this will be the most ideal for me and my plans to end around this time! :) I'm excited and hope to do a wonderful job and get to where I want to be. My main goal - have skinny legs! :) My legs are getting so much thinner - which I love - but I know they still have a lot to go!

So - lots of protein, and having to be SUPER good about counting calories. That's what really helps me the most.

I'll have an update on weight and measurements tomorrow.

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