My knee gave me trouble after the first mile. But then Eric and I skipped, walked, etc etc. :) It went really well and I'm so glad we went. We are probably going to do a sprint every year at least, and if we want to do an olympic, we'll do the spudman because the swimming part is FREAKING AWESOME. The current is such a great help.
Anyway, on thursday, my chiro popped my fibular bone back in place... we think that's the problem. If it is, I just need to slowly get back into running again. Hopefully that's the issue. I go to a very good doctor in two weeks that is a "knee" doctor, so we'll see.
Anyway, I gotta go to bed now - so another update later. BUT, as far as my weight goes - I've moved down into the 126- 128 range. So it's progress.
It's all about the calorie counting - so far. haha
That's all for now!!
I'm SO glad you got to do this! Good for you for pushing through the pain and sticking to your plan so you could reach this goal!