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Monday, August 1, 2011


I DID THE TRI! I'm so happy that after being on crutches just six weeks ago, we were able to bike/swim/run the tri! HURRAY! So many people tried to tell me I can't do it, that I'd hurt myself more, and that it would be a very bad idea, but GUESS WHAT?! It was freaking awesome. And I'm glad after a year of wanting to do it, I got to. Eric was amazing to race with and I just loved it all.

My knee gave me trouble after the first mile. But then Eric and I skipped, walked, etc etc. :) It went really well and I'm so glad we went. We are probably going to do a sprint every year at least, and if we want to do an olympic, we'll do the spudman because the swimming part is FREAKING AWESOME. The current is such a great help.

Anyway, on thursday, my chiro popped my fibular bone back in place... we think that's the problem. If it is, I just need to slowly get back into running again. Hopefully that's the issue. I go to a very good doctor in two weeks that is a "knee" doctor, so we'll see.

Anyway, I gotta go to bed now - so another update later. BUT, as far as my weight goes - I've moved down into the 126- 128 range. So it's progress.

It's all about the calorie counting - so far. haha

That's all for now!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm SO glad you got to do this! Good for you for pushing through the pain and sticking to your plan so you could reach this goal!
