This whole post will probably just be me blabbing.
And before I get too ahead of myself, the program is actually p90x2... hasn't come out yet. The plus one is just a few more extra work outs. I want to do p90x2.
P90X: I'm going to restart Monday again because I've missed a few days, and don't feel like I'm totally invested. I can't put this off any longer, because if I do, I won't be where I want to be around Thanksgiving time.
Babies: I know what my plan is, and I know where Eric is at. I know that's not RIGHT now, but know it's also soon. That being said, it scares me it's so soon. As much as I want kids, and can't wait to have them - I feel like there's so much more that has to happen that isn't working very well. Makes me want to wait a log longer. Maybe take a month trip to Europe or something. But realistically - they follow:
1. Emergency Fund - after spending all our savings doing our fence and concrete - we don't have one of these any more, and I feel very strongly that this be in place before a baby is born.
2. The cars need to be paid off. If my planning works the way I want it to - the cars will be paid off before a baby is ever born. For some reason, this still stresses me out.
3. 10 lbs lost - I want to be at least 120. Which today, is seven pounds away. If I could be just a few lbs under that though - about 117 - I'd be golden. I KNOW I can do it - especially after recently going from 133 to 127. But with a hurt knee, and surgery a real possibility - I'm scared my hope will become a huge FAIL.
Running: I LOVE to run. And I really feel like a person should physically be able to - after they've trained and are prepared - run six miles. It's not like I'm asking to run a marathon here. If what it takes is to have knee surgery... then I guess fine. But no time seems good for that. A two to three week recovery? Um, I don't think so. BUT, could it really be the answer I need to be able to run again? Maybe when p90x is over in 13 weeks. We'll see what the doctor says on the 21st.
Hopes and Dreams: I've recently decided things don't happen unless you actually make them happen. Some things I'd really like in the near future: to get my children's book published, to make at least one album, and to have a career that means something to me. What does all this require: learning guitar/piano so I can create the music to my songs, going back to school possibly for elementary education, submitting my book to a few more places. And WHY can't I do any of those things? No reason. Time to get my butt in gear. None of this "later" business.
Priorities: I'd really like to change up my life for the better - reorganize what is important to me. I think a big part of this comes with giving a lot of things up and not packing my schedule SO tightly. I've talked with Eric and we are going to make it a goal to make one night a week a "do absolutely nothing night". Basically a date night for us - but RELAXING. I love this idea.
Stress: Work stresses me out especially cuz I'm not getting anything at home done. Here's a need to get done soon to-do list...
1. Blog books for mom's birthday, and for Christmas for my mom
2. Go through two family photo shoots
3. Modge podge photos
4. Start the real plans for my Halloween party
5. Finish two quilts
And that's only the beginning. If I were to get all that done though, I'd be pretty darn ecstatic.
Health: I need to go to sleep by 9 and be awake by 5 so I have enough time to exercise and feel good for the day. I need to cook dinner on a regular basis. I need to put the ingredients out the night before, so they are ready the next day. I need to make my lunch the night before. I need to buy a watermelon - I'm craving one right now. I need to organize my pantry.
Home: I need to deep-clean the house, repaint the walls, and organize the crawl space so I can feel some order-ness to my life. I need to deep-clean the craft room so it's usable.
Anyway... new exercise plan - p90x in the mornings, THEN, biking/swimming on Tues/Thus, and running Mon, Friday, and Saturday. I don't want to lose out on all the muscle we built for the tri -and we went swimming last week, and we could already feel it. lol Don't like that.