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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 11 - yoga

Yoga was hard this morning - Molly didn't make it over, so she is doing it on her own today. So it made me not have fun. lol


Breakfast - eggs - 360 cals, 1 protein, 1 dairy
Snack: protein bar - 260 - 1 protein

5 protein servings - 3 more

2 dairy servings - 1 more

1 fruit serving -

2 vegetable servings

1 fat serving

1 carb serving

1 single snack serving

1 condiment serving

*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackie,

    Congratulations on getting into P90X and your progress so far. It just happens that we are on the same 12 tomorrow. I found you through a google search on P90x day 11 june 16.

    Yoga was tough for me too today. I seem to sweat more with this than the other workouts plus my balance isn't the greatest. Still, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I always feel the best after I finish in the morning. The feeling is greatest after a shower and lasts all day. I notice you are detailing your diet. Great work. I'm not a big eater but I may start that too soon.

    I'll check in again to see how you are doing. Remember, keep pushing your best, forget the rest.

