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Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 10 - cardio circuit, Day 11 - recovery

I'm depressed.... my leg is KILLING me. It's gotta be more than just in my head, right? I mean, it was good for a while there... but I don't think stress makes it any better. I'm having it relooked at it by a knee surgeon, and then hopefully my chiro will call me back today and get my MRI for me so he can give me some advice. It HAS to be impossible that I would never run again....HAS to be.

If worse comes to worse, I won't run until the tri. And then take lots of medicine and wear my brace. :(

Also, I'm not losing weight like I did before the cruise... weird? I think I really need to fix some eating habits of mine when I'm home. KEEP ME ON IT! I will track everything today. :)

BUT, I HAVE to lose these pesky 8 lbs I've been wanting to lose since p90x. Just 8 please! :) And I have to before I go see my sister. I love when people notice a change ,and she hasn't seen me in 18 months... so she would. It's time.

Plus, if I'm serious about being thin when I'm pregnant... THEN GET ON IT JACKIE!

Also, I'm not getting up and doing this like I should. I get up and feel so tired, I go back to bed. SO no more of that! Need to get up - go to both yoga classes, and do weights on m/w/f! SO GET UP JACKIE! :) There's only 50 days left... so take advantage of it!

Also, I'm going to have a goal a day... today's goal - fasting... I'm going to kick start a healthy diet change by fasting for 24 hours. So no eating until tomorrow morning. Detoxify some! :)


  1. You and I are struggling with the same things right now-waking up and eating the PERFECT foods. I think we really need to call each other in the morning and closely monitor each other's diets. Are you in?
