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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ups and Downs

I like the little person who runs across my weight tracker. It's like I'm really doing something and making progress or something. I weighed in this morning - gained .2 lbs, but got to 25 point something % body fat (I think it was 25.6 but I need to check again). That means I've already gone from 27% to the 25's! Cool beans? I think so.

Went swimming yesterday and did 1150 yards in 29 minutes. It's exciting to see that I can go further and further and can really do it. I should have got up this morning and done yoga and p90x arms, but slept in. I'm stressed over Eric's friend moving into our house and just slept instead. haha But we'll bike tonight for our training - and that's a VERY good thing.

I slipped up yesterday and had cereal for dinner instead of following the diet. That was bad - but I just didn't feel like taking time to figure out what to eat, and making a smoothie, and blah blah. So... I'm going to be perfect again today, and have decided that every time I even think about not following it, I should just look at my thighs and remember I want thinner ones. haha We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It sounds like you're making AWESOME progress! Way to go!

    I think Eric's friend moving into your house is a valid reason to be stressed. Don't be too hard on yourself for little slip-ups. You're doing great!
