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Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 5: Back and Legs, Ab ripper

Day 5 today... I can't wait until day 30 when I do measurements again. I'm really feeling a ton better and stronger.

My legs have always been the part of my body that I HATE. People always tell me - oh its cuz you have strong gymnastics legs. But I can see the part that isn't strong, and I've always hated them. I have a super hard time finding pants that fit my thighs AND my waist. It has ALWAYS been a curse to me. From this workout, I really want toned, skinnier legs. And maybe I'm really not built to have to little legs...but I figure I can try, try, try and see what happens.

All I know is that today, I found out my legs are A LOT stronger than I thought they were. And I'm hoping I can maximize how strong they are, and get the legs I want. So for me- KEEP IT UP! :)

Info for me:
Wide pull ups: 12 with one foot on chair
Close grip overhand pull ups: 9 with one foot on chair
Switch grip pull ups: 5 switches
Reserve Grip Chin ups: 6 with one foot on chair
Wide front pull ups: only 8 in me this time - with one foot on chair
Pull ups: 6
Switch grip pull ups: 2 switches

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 4: Yoga

Yoga day! I haven't done this one before, and I'm super excited. :)

The only thing...I don't have a yoga block or mat... we'll see if I need to get these after this.

Here goes!

My favorite: frog pose and bridge! Frog pose is how I used to do my homework...hehe LOVE IT.
My worst: balance knees can over extend, and they don't like to stay straight (my straight is going further back), and it doesn't feel very good. I need to find a good solution for that. Anybody have any ideas?

Besides all that, I think this yoga dvd is my favorite out of the dvd's I've done so far. I've done yoga ONCE before with my friend and the teacher nicknamed me gumby girl for being so darn flexible (my gymnastics background becomes quite handy for my flexibility). Being flexible is one of my most favorite things, and when I lose any flexibility I think it makes my life more stressful. This was a very nice, relaxing, NOT stressful, work out. Loved it.

PS Tony didn't bug me...until the VERY end. He starts yelling at people to do more...and it's not very YOGA.
PPS the only thing I would need the block for is further stretching, but not the rest. Maybe I can find a good sub for a block.
PPPS I need a yoga mat...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 3 - Shoulders and Back, Ab Ripper

So I did this exercise a few weeks ago - and I ended up hurting my arm pretty badly - I couldn't straighten it for three days. SOOOO...hopefully that doesn't happen again.

Insights today:

Tony STILL bothers me. I don't dare turn it to music only though, cuz I don't want to miss anything. haha And he always says something about joining the kids...does he think he's their parent? So weird.

My left arm is WAY weaker than my right arm. :(

My shoulders crack and it disgusts me every time.

In the ab video, when we do bicycles backwards...I get VERY confused. lol

Info for me:
Today I have 15 lb weights, and smaller ones - I don't know what they are.

Alternating shoulder press: 15 - small ones - need a bigger one for this one
In and out bicep curls: 16 - 15 lbs
Two arm tricep kickbacks: 16 - with the small (need a bigger weight than the small one for this - but smaller than 15)

Deep Swimmers Press: 10 15 lbs
Full supination concentration curls: 8 15 lbs
Chair dips: 22 with knees bent

Upright rows: 15 small ones - seriously need to not use these ones - just a bit bigger - smaller than 15 though. (Second time around used the bigs one - could do them until the last few - use these next time!!!)
Static arm curls: Little ones - too easy, big ones - too hard! (15 lbs in my right arm is okay, but not in my left)
Flip grip twistbacks: Little ones may have worked just right for these - my triceps SUCK.

Seated shoulder flys: little ones are okay - 16 reps
Crouching cohen curls: used little ones- did 15, need a bigger weight for this (did 5 with the 15s on the second time around - just need something in between)
Lying down tricep extensions: did 15 with the little ones - too easy (used 15 lbs)
on the second time - switched back to the little ones haha

Straight arm shoulder flys: 16 reps - little ones (use a bigger one than this but not the 15 lbs)
Congdon curls: little ones are TOO little - but I'm taking it a bit light, so I'll change next time. lol
Side tri-rise: no weights - just body - good, good, good - 17 on both sides

Ab ripper: all 25 reps! :) I love the ap ripper - I can do it all - and it's a short workout.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 2: Plyometrics

Yesterday, I forgot to blog...whoops! But I put my measurements in day 1 today. :)

Today is the second day of exercise. Plyometrics is CRAZY - 58 minutes long. I did this two weeks ago - when I was trying out the system to see if I wanted to do it for 90 days or not - so I knew what to expect, and it gets me every time. lol I LOVE Eric (a guy on the DVD) - he doesn't have a leg and is doing this! SO AWESOME!

My favorite move: Swing Kicks.
My least favorite move: the circle one around the towel - can't remember the name

I'm feeling good, and loving it! :) I also love it when Tony does it with a stool and I don't need to. haha Also, kudos to how flexible I am!! GO GYMNASTICS!

PS - don't do this without a sports bra.:)
PPS - Tony drives me nuts...

So info for me:

Could do everything for the first 30 minutes -after 30 minutes, I couldn't do the last five seconds of a lot of the exercises. Keep it up! Remember - the last ten minutes means the start of sports - SO FUN!

Starting Day: Measurements

Chest: 35 inches - I do this right below my arm pits
Waist:27.5 inches
Hips: 34 inches - on my hip bones
Right and Left Thigh (measured at midpoint): 6 inches from knee - 21.5 inches
Right Arm (flexed, measured at peak of bicep): 12 inches
Left Arm: 11.5 - it creeps me out my arms are different... lol

Pull ups: 1 1/4
Push ups: 17
Toe touch: 7 inches past toes
Wall squat: 22.8 seconds
Bi-cep curls: 8 reps - 15 pounds
Ins and Outs: 26

Weight: 134

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Exercise plan baby!

My friend, Melanie, has all the P90X dvds, so we decided that we should start a work out routine together. I do a DVD in the morning, then she takes that one home, and does it that night or the next morning and then we trade.

In P90X, you're supposed to write down all the reps you do and what weights you do them at, so next time you know how much you did the last time.

Her blog,, and mine, will be used to keep track of that, and our goals.

Along side of P90X, I'm going to continue running as much as I can so I can do a marathon later this year, or at the beginning of next year.

Monday is our start day! WAHOO!!!