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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 86 - Core

I love this video. I think it is one of my favorite's. When I'm done with p90x, I'll miss back and legs, core, and plyo the most. I'll miss yoga - but I would rather have a yoga class where there are lots of people.

Tonight, Eric and I are gonna go on our bike ride. Still staying at my current weight - can't figure out if it's my diet, or something else. Probably just a plateau - still obnoxious though.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 82 - back and legs, abs, Day 83 - kenpo, Day 84 - rest Day 85 - YOGA

Today was yoga... whoops! I thought it was core. So this morning, I woke up thinking I had enough time to do yoga, but didn't - so I'll do it tonight. Darn it.

Tucker and I went on a run instead. I'm kicking my exercise up a notch and being VERY good with my food - to hope to lose those last two pesky pounds to get to ten.

This is the last week of p90x - and then I'll move on to insanity. Gonna have to change the name of my blog or something. haha I just can't believe I've made it this far. I'm so happy I actually went through the whole program.

Anywho - that's it for now!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 81 - Yoga

I should get a medal for the amount of energy I used up yesterday. lol

Went water skiing, wake-boarding, tubing, AND did yoga at the end of the day. Eric is CONVINCED he needs to get me to stop p90x in the next 9 days. Not happening! :)

I still haven't lost any more weight - so maybe I won't reach my ten pound goal. But oh well - I'll work on it again during insanity.

I think that I need to just realize that if I'm doing this the healthy way, and losing it slowly, I need to just be patient - and it will take a while to be where I want to be. But I'm okay with that. I'm excited to start a new exercise program in a little bit though. I'm getting sick of p90x - as much as I love it.

And, Eric and I have been biking almost every day - I love my bike.

Over winter, I think we're gonna get some gym passes, and go train in the pool. Our triathlon is next July - and so I need to start getting more swimming in!! Wanna join Eric and I?

The next race I'm gonna sign up for in the next week is the 5k dirty dash in May next year. The 10k I wanted to do sold out! So much for waiting to pay for it. Darn it!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 80 - Back and Biceps, Abs

Did back and biceps today - still need to do abs.

Still maintaining my weight - waiting for that one pound to drop, and then one more next week! Come on body! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!! :)

Anywho - my sister's house keeper, lol, (the lady she lives with in Texas) called me today. It was so cute - makes me miss my sister that much more. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 79 - plyometrics

So, almost done.... so weird. Plyometrics was great this morning. Glad I got up and did it. Sad I didn't have time go on a run.

Anyway, I've been sustaining my weight - my only goal is to lose two more pounds in the next two weeks. I should be able to - but we'll see what happens.

After that, I'll have 7 more to lose - and then 9 more after that. Gotta split them up to make sure I always have achievable goals. That's only 16 more pounds total. I've already lost 8 - and if it's taken me three months to lose 8, I guess I'll have 6 more months to work really hard at it! :)

Last night's workout killed me. lol I worked my hardest - it's the last time I'll do that DVD, so I wanted to give it my all...and today I'm paying for that. lol Eric and I also went bike riding - and the new pioneer crossing is open. Very cool. Will probably take A LOT of traffic off of main street. We'll see.

On a completely different side note - I can feel myself going into my "I have to have goals and accomplish them" rut. I have had more and more thoughts about wanting to be a singer lately -a goal that is totally not reachable. I went back and looked at my goals sheet on my other blog - and just thought, I need to start doing some of these things, and mark them off my list. Then I can say I did it and be done. And if anything comes from any of them - then great. But I need to do them for myself.

This is why reaching the weight I want to be is going to be so important in my life. Not only to be the fittest I can be and be ready to have a very healthy baby, but because it's something I can do - it's something I can reach.

Anyway, that's all. :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 76 - kenpo, Day 77 - rest, Day 78 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Today I did the workout at night - I was a little sick yesterday so slept A TON - like 9:30 pm to 7:30. haha So doing my workout now, after work. :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 75 - back and legs

Back and legs was great this morning. I LOVE working out in the morning. AND, I even got a small run in. Running isn't as fun if someone isn't with ya - but the dogs loved it. Tonight Eric and I are going bike riding hopefully - and then finishing up with the ab ripper - didn't do that this morning, in hopes that Eric will do it with me.

Anyway... there are 15 days left...

And then I start insanity. I hope by the time p90x is over I will have lost ten pounds. We'll see if I get there. Right now I'm sitting at 8.

2 more pounds in two weeks... for sure!

Hopefully 60 days of insanity will get rid of the other 7 I want to lose to hit my first goal, and then I'll work on the other 9. Not sure if I can lose another 9 - we'll see how my body takes that.

For now though, I'm just happy about feeling better, being skinnier, and losing the weight I hate. My legs look better, my stomach is flatter, and I feel better overall. The hardest thing.. realizing that I will never be able to eat the stuff I've given up - like sugar and white flour stuff.

I was making cookies for some friends this morning, and licked off my finger, and felt just sick after that. Sad, huh? And we went to Tucanos the other day - I ordered just nachos because I knew there was no way I was eating the buffet, and felt so ill.

But, all in all, I really think I'm okay with that. If my body hates it that much, it must really be that bad for me - and fine, I'll give it up. I hate feeling sick like that... to the point, that I'm ready to start saying I hate certain foods.

Isn't it great that at 24, I've finally figured out how to be healthy? They really should teach this stuff when you're younger, and not just be okay with the fact that kids are becoming overweight.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 74 - yoga

This morning, I watched Molly's kids as she went to the temple. Sooo... no yoga.

So Eric promised me he would do it with me tonight. I hope that's true. It's so much easier with someone else.

And then I should probably clean around the house. Can you believe I have only 16 days left... so weird.

OH, my friend Dustin got all the insanity stuff for me! GO DUSTIN! I'm so excited!!!! And, yes, I'm still losing weight - this makes me the most happiest. It only took long enough.

AND, I am going to try this egg white "ice cream" recipe... I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 73 - shoulders and arms

This was a great work-out today - I pushed myself so hard. It will be the last time I do this work out for the rest of the 90 days. I haven't done abs yet - plan is to do biking, then abs tonight with Eric. :)

Food is going well today - yogurt, banana, salad, crackers, tacos, and english muffins :)

went running with Eleesha instead of biking with eric - he had a group counseling thing to go to. Doing abs with him tonight still.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MIA - Day 72 - Plyometrics

Sorry - we've been so busy - I haven't had a second to update this.

Day 67 - yoga - I love my yoga days.
Day 68 - legs and back, abs - this is a great day because I get to work on my legs. I know.. I say it all the time.
Day 69 - Kenpo - still don't love this one
Day 70 - rest
Day 71 - chest, back, abs
Day 72 - plyo.... doing this tonight because I didn't get up this morning. Darn it. I HATE when i do that.

Okay... so I figured out that I fail over the weekends on nutrition because I'm not on a constant schedule. So I tried really hard this last weekend to be SOOO good. AND GUESS WHAT?

I got over my weight plateau! Not only that, but I lost 2 more pounds to boot!

So I have 9 more to lose until I'm comfortable with my weight.

Then I'll make a new goal to lose 10 more - and maintain that weight.

I'm not sure I'll be able to lose 9 more in the next 18 days of p90x, but that will just give me more motivation to continue a new workout program.

I am pretty positive I'll keep up yoga - so good for your spine - and keep up weights, do more running and more biking. BUT, I'd really like to try another program like P90X. Any suggestions?

I've heard that Insanity would be a good one to try. What do you guys think? I think I should probably maintain a program until I lose all that I want to lose.

And then I'll continue with my own workouts- running, biking, yoga, and weights.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 65 - plyometrics, Day 66 - back and biceps, abs

Love plyo - love back and biceps.

Back and biceps is the only video I'll do with Tony's voice on - because all the people are apart of it and having fun - makes it fun for me.

Nutrition is still going well - I've been putting it in my iphone app, so I forget to get it here. But I'm doing good! Still eating TONS of proteins over carbs. I'm being extremely good.

AND, I can't tell you the last time I had sugar... GO ME!! :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 64 - chest shoulder triceps abs


I'm so happy when Molly decides to come in the morning. And it always means I don't have to stress for the rest of the day about working out - and I can go on a very long bike ride this evening. WAHOO! :) SO HAPPY!

So there are 26 days left.. and I still haven't lost the weight I wanted - but the good news is, I haven't put any on. And usually I bounce back and forth - so this is good.

Hopefully with this next phase - I'll go all out and lose more. :) YAY ME!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 60 - yoga, Day 61 - back and legs, abs, Day 62 - kenpo, Day 63 - rest

Sorry for being a lazy butt and not posting. I think one of my favorite work outs - besides yoga - is the back and leg dvd. I want my legs to be the thinnest, so in turn, I work the hardest and feel the best.

I hate kenpo still - just an awful cardio work out.

I still love yoga - and really would like to join a class... but the cost is the thing.

So.... MAYBE, I'll start my own yoga class. Anybody interested? I'd just have everyone bring a different DVD on a different day - or write out all the moves, and use different ones each day, and we'd have our own yoga.

I may have to suggest this on my regular blog - not sure who reads this one.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 59 - Shoulders and arms, abs

I still have to do this tonight....

No Molly this morning - darn it.

Did it at lunch - I love it when I am able to do that!


Breakfast: string cheese and yogurt
Snack: banana
Lunch: chicken salad with corn and tomatoes, spinach for the leaves...
Snack: protein bar

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm back on... and it's Day 58

So day 54 was core... did this in the morning with my mother watching, and she couldn't believe all the crazy stuff I can do! :) She should always watch me work out.

Day 55 - Did yoga with my dad. HAHAHAHAH I love doing yoga with my dad. Eric took some pictures of it.

Day 56 - rest

WEEK 9!! This is the same as the first week.. haven't done it since week 3.

Day 57 - chest and back, abs

Day 58 - pylo - Molly came over for this!!! HOLLA!! It was great!

As far as nutrition goes - my whole trip in WA, my nutrition just SUCKED.

So I'm fasting again today - reset myself - and am going to get back on track tomorrow. Maybe even get more on track - be extremely healthy for the last few weeks.

Funny thing is... all the junk I ate over the weekend certainly did not agree with me. Guess it just proves how bad that stuff is for you. I even threw up after my 5k - granted I was pushing myself EXTREMELY hard - but still. It was gross. haha