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Friday, February 24, 2012

Um... wow...

Where have I been? Honestly, I've been a little sick-ish and exhausted lately, so I ruined my streak of good weeks. So here's to starting over AGAIN. So annoyed with myself, but I have good reason, so I'll get over it. I still did yoga the whole time - which I love!

I also added a ton more stuff than just p90x2. Eric and I are now training for a triathlon. We need to decide which one to sign-up for, just not sure which one we're doing. So I've been running - which is going really well. I've been doing a couch potato to 5k app on my phone will do week 2 day 3 tomorrow. My knee hasn't hurt and it's been great to learn to run again. I'm also using vibrams - for barefoot running - and it really has changed the way I run. I love it. It's putting my legs back in shape - so I'm kinda addicted. :)

I also bought a road bike, but still need to do more running, and more swimming. I've done it a few times, but it needs to be more.

 I also added three apps on my phone - 20 chin-ups, 100 push-ups, and easy legs. The chin-up and push-ups are a six week program designed to give make you do 20 chin-ups and 100 push-ups in 6 weeks. You do them three times a week - so every mon, wed, fri I do them. Then I do easy legs tues, thurs and sat after running.

Anyway, Angela wants to try p90x2 with me. So I started it again on Monday.

Here are my total body results:

1 arm chest press - 12 with 15 both arms
4 position pull up: 2 sets/3 sets
push up side arm balance: 10/13
switch lunge press: 6 with 15/again
warrior 3 kickback: 8 with 15 - left leg/6 with 16
warrior 3 curls: right leg - 8 with 15/6 with 15
boing push up - 10/9
leverl pull up: 3 touching chair each time between/1
mule kick burpee: 6/3
swimmers curl in half chair: 8 with right leg on left/6 - need to get my tens out of the car
balance kick back: 8 on both sides with 15
rocket launcher preacher curl: 8 with 15/5


Thursday, February 2, 2012

total body and abs

So week 2 is going well. Can't wait for week 3 to be over, and then week 4 to do something new! WAHOO!

1 arm chest press: 10 with 10/ same
four pull up: 5 sets! :)/4 sets
side arm balance: 10/12
switch lunge press: lost count/ 8 with 10
warrior 3 lunge and tris: lost count again/10 with 8
warrior 3 curl: 12 with 8 lbs/10 with 10
boing push up: 8!/9
crunchy lever pull up: 2!! really did 2 full ones! wahoo!/1
mule kick burpee: 5/3
swimmer's curl press in .5 chair: 8 with 8/same
balance kickback on stability ball: 8 with 10/10 ith 10
rocket launcher preacher curl: 10 with 10 8 with 10
