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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 3

Didn't happen. I need to catch up on this one.

Did physical therapy exercise - always two hours.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 2 - plyo

Did plyo with Molly tonight. Didn't get up in the morning, so did it at night. It was fun! Need to keep this up.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 1 - chest and back - starting over again with Molly

Food plan:

Breakfast: Egg whites
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Salad or veggie something in the vitamix
Snack: String cheese
Dinner: Not quite sure yet..

Standard push ups: 15
wide front pull ups: 3/4 self, 9 chair
military push ups: 5 toes, 15 knees
reverse grip chin ups: 2 self, 8 chair
wide fly push ups: 15 toes
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 9 chair
decline push ups: 10
heavy pants: 12 with 15
diamond push ups: 4 toes, 6 knee - this makes my right elbow hurt... hmmm
lawnmowers: 13 with 15
dive bomber push ups: 8
back flys: 8 with 15


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 3- shoulders and arms

Molly got sick. :( She wants to start again on Monday. I guess it's fine as long as I'm exercising, right? :)

Any way, so I did shoulder and arms by myself today.

Alternating Shoulder Press: 20 with 15/same (10 each arm)
In and out bicep curls: 16 with 10/13 with 10
two arm tricep kickbacks: 12 with 10/ same

deep swimmers press: 8 with 15/ 10 with 10
full supination concentration curl: 16 with 15 (8 each arm)/same
chair dips: 20/18

upright rows: 12 with 10/ 10 with 10
static arm curls: 16 with 10/same
flipgrip kickback: 10 with 10/same

seated shoulder flys: 12 with 10/same
crouching cohen curls: 10 with 10/same
lying down tricep extensions: 10 with 10/same

straight arm shoulder fly - 16 everybody: 16 with 8/same
congdon curls: 8 with 15/ same
side tri rise: 12 both sides/same

ab ripper

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 1- chest and back, Day 2 - Yoga

Molly and I started p90x over today since she missed last week. It's a good start and I'm so excited.

Had a grape smoothie for breakfast.

Plan on having string cheese as snack, eggs and toast for lunch, a mini salad as a snack, and pork chops for dinner. :) Yup - back on the p90x diet. Need to lose these last six lbs. Just six!! COME ON! lol

Standard push ups: 20/15
wide front pull ups: almost 1 self, 9 chair/8 chair
military push ups: 4 toes, 11 knees/8 toes? lost count
reverse grip chin ups: 2 chair 9 self/1 self, 9 chair
wide fly push ups: 20/10 self
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 7 chair/ 1 self, 8 chair
decline push ups: 10/9
heavy pants: 13 with 10/10 with 10
diamond push ups: 3 self, 7 KNEE haah/2 self, 8 knee
lawnmowers: 10 with 10 lbs/same
dive bomber push ups: 9/9
back flys: 12/10 with 10


Then went off to yoga. GO ME!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Anyone still there?

Hey Steph/Mom - Are you even keeping track? I haven't seen mom's weigh ins, Steph stopped blogging, and I'm not even really sure that any one is actually following the rules.

So let me know what you two are doing!!!

Went "walking" with kids and dogs and Eric. By "walking", I mean riding my bike in it's lowest gear as slowly as possible just as if I were in physical therapy. haha It was nice to get outside.

Friday, November 25, 2011

No exercise today...

So I owe a dollar. Dang.

Are these correct ladies?

Jackie - 5
Mom - 5
Steph - 1

And happy half birthday to me! :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Jam

So today I did the turkey jam - first 45 minutes of plyo yoga -and then 45 minutes of yoga. It was awesome. It's Thanksgiving today and we are allowed to eat sugar. So I ate a few bites of an apple pie, but that was it. Not really craving sugar any more.

Weighed in at 127.2.... not really changing weight here very much. Last weigh in was 127.4.

Is it so much to ask to lose these last 7 lbs? COME ON.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Alternating shoulder press: 16 with 10 lbs/same
In and out bicep curls: 16 with 10 lbs/same
Two arm tricep kickbacks: 12 with 10 lbs/10 with 10

Deep Swimmers Press: 12 with 10  - same
Full supination concentration curls: 9 with each arm with 10 / same
Chair dips: 20 - bad leg on top of good leg/same

Upright rows: 10 with 10/same
Static arm curls: 16 with 10/same
Flip grip twistbacks: 12 with 10/10 with 10

Seated shoulder flys: 10 with 10
Crouching cohen curls: 8 with 10 - i find myself more exhausted as my body is trying to heal
Lying down tricep extensions: 10 with 10

Straight arm shoulder flys: 16 with 8
Congdon curls: 8 with 10
Side tri-rise: 15 both sides

ab ripper

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yoga on a hurt knee

Yoga on a hurt knee is AWESOME. All the stretching feels great!! :) I have to modify it quite a bit, but it's great! Ate no sugar today. :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Chest and Back - week 3

This is week 3 of p90x for Molly - I obviously missed all of last week.

We will see how much of this is conducive to my knee.

Standard push ups: 20 self - have to put my foot on my other leg - so i'm sure that's harder - but only ay i can do it haha
wide front pull ups: .75 self, 9.25 chair
military push ups: 3 self, 13 ONE knee haha
reverse grip chin ups: 2 self, 8 chair
wide fly push ups: 10 self, 2 one knee
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 8 chair
decline push ups: 10
heavy pants: 15 with 10
diamond push ups: 1 self, 7 one knee
lawnmowers: 15 on both sides with 10
dive bomber push ups: 5 like a moron - knee doesn't really let me do this all the way correctly
back flys: 10 with 10

make shift ab ripper - haha hard to do this without a good knee - sadness

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Sunday was great! I ate so well. I even made a chocolate cake and didn't eat the batter or the cake when it was done. Go me! :)

I'm counting calories too - and I didn't have much today. I had about 500. Need to be better tomorrow about getting food throughout the day.

Weighed in at 127.4. Official weigh in day - Thursday.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Jars

Cuz I've been down, I haven't been keeping track of the dollars - so we are starting again tomorrow ... so here is the latest count:

Jackie - $4
Mom - $5
Steph - $1


I think I'm ready to start my exercise again on Monday. So look for me then!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I'll be back in the saddle again tomorrow. I am still going to follow the no sugar, cardio thirty minutes a day, weights three times a week, blog every day rules... but not the weigh in on thursday rules until my knee swelling has gone down. Probably December 14th we will weigh in again. So I will add however many dollars for weight at that point.

So see you again tomorrow! :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sat/Sun Challenge

I was given permission to skip Saturday/Sunday... more like, I need to or I could get myself hurt pretty badly.

Knee surgery went well - the doctor said it was everything he thought it was, and also had to stretch our my ligament - DANG IT. That makes this a two month recovery instead of a one.

I'm still eating well - no sugar. I wish I could eat better and more, but right now I just don't feel good enough to eat at all. I have to so I can take all the drugs - but it's hard when I'm not moving around at all.

Besides that, I can't wait until Wednesday when this big huge cast can come off. Just gotta make it to Wednesday... we can do it!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Back and Legs

Molly and I did back and legs this morning. It was very nice to exercise right before getting chopped into.

Surgery went well Eric said. The doctor told him it's exactly what he thought it was, AND they had to do a lateral release. Ugh. That means two months recovery instead of one. Dang it. But hopefully it fixes all my problems and I can run again! :)

Now, time to just sit and do nothing. Once I stop falling asleep randomly, I'll blog in my real blog and catch up.

I've only had soup today so far - and some saltines.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today Molly and I did yoga for an hour and a half. And she decided she should try the jar thing too. That would be cool. I'm really excited we both have done p90x this whole week. I really have hope we will continue to do this.

So weigh in day: 126.2 :) I didn't gain weight, but I didn't lose what I expected. I need to count my calories better I think. We'll try that.

Anyway, surgery tomorrow = SO NERVOUS. I hope it goes well. I shouldn't have watched youtube videos on the surgery. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shoulders and Arms

Did shoulders and arms with Molly today. I'm glad we're actually going to do the 90 days. Hopefully we stay on track. I have my reps written down - I should probably put them in here.

Had a PB&J, potato spinach soup, strawberry/banana drink (milk, banana and strawberry) and that's it. Wow, I need to eat more.

Oh, and I need someone to keep tabs on my vitamins - gotta take a prenatal and a calcium pill. REMIND ME.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Checking in

So, went to yoga this morning. Why I don't seem to make it every t/th? I don't know! I love it, and I always feel so good afterwards.

Ate well all day - eggs/toast, soup for lunch, lasagna, salad, bread for dinner - NO SUGAR. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Chest and Back

Worked out with Molly today!!! :) LOVE HER!!!

Molly says that she wants to do p90x for the 90 days. If she is doing it, then I'm going to. I love having a partner, and need to get back to better shape again. I'm very worried she will quit though. So I'm not going to say I'm really doing it yet. Especially with my knee surgery coming up. For now, I'm going to stick with just the challenge rules, of 30 mins of cardio a day, and weights three times a week. And hopefully I'll stick to that - and go above and beyond and do p90x again for 90 days. If I do that again for 90 days, then I'm just going to keep doing it over and over, and hopefully be able to get p90x 2 when it comes out.

Standard push ups: 15 self, 5 knees/15 self
wide front pull ups: .5 self, 9.5 chair/10 chair
military push ups: 3 self, 10 knees/4 self, 11 knees
reverse grip chin ups: 2 self, 8 chair/8 chair
wide fly push ups: 15 self/10 self, 5 knees
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 9 chair/3/4 self, 8 chair
decline push ups: 15/10
heavy pants: 12 with 10 (being easy on my shoulder)/10 with 10
diamond push ups: 5 self, 7 knees/don't remember lol was talking to molly
lawnmowers: 15 with 10 each/15 with 10
dive bomber push ups: 8/ 10
back flys: 16 with 10/same


Sunday, November 6, 2011


Ate sugar today. I made an apple pie for a million hours on Sat with Kade and Addi- and HAD to try it. lol It was delicious. Did not exercise - but didn't need to - it's rest day!

Another dollar in the jar for me. :)

Jackie - $4
Mom - $5 (mom did you eat the lemon pie yesterday today?)
Steph - $1

Jar - End of week

Jackie - $3
Mom - $5
Steph - $0

Ladies.... is this correct??????

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Loving my weekend

Kade and Addi are AWESOME. :)

Today I took a walk ALL OVER THE PLACE - must have been at least 1.5 half combined. haha
But still, feel like I could exercise more. Back to my p90x hour and a half work out days. Those are better.

Breakfast -cereal
Lunch - burger
Dinner - pizza

WOW - I ate AWFUL.

Okay, commitment to myself starting with waking up in the morning - better exercise this next week and better food choices than today! HOLY CRAP. lol

Friday, November 4, 2011


Oh, how grateful I am that it's that time to head to the weekend. Addi and Kade come soon, and I'm so excited.

This morning I did ten minute trainer with Tony with my neighbor Julie. She wants to do this for ten days - I guess it's like a warm-up exercise. Who knows. So it's really 25 minutes or so with both ten minute workouts and the cool down and warm-ups. Also, went for a short walk with the dogs to equal the 30 minutes. I look at my exercise now and how pathetic it is, and I hope next week will be at least an hour a day. I also spent ten more minutes lifting some weights since we are supposed to lift three times a week. Still feel like I could have used the hour.

Ate well today still - and the day is not yet over for how good I'll eat. :)

Ate cereal
Ate chicken pot pie leftovers
Ate a wonderful dinner with soup, salad and watermelon! YUM!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

First weight check-in

126.4 today. That was a lovely weight to see. I just need it to keep going down.

Today I had a smoothie for breakfast, chicken pot pie for lunch, and meatloaf for dinner. I also took my vitamins - I need to be better at reminding myself to do this.

I also biked 20 minutes, then walked 20 minutes with Eric. I love exercise. I need to do more of it. I miss it.

That's about it for today. I feel a little better about life today. And I get to hang out with my niece and nephew tomorrow and I'm so excited!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I didn't check my weight today - but will check tomorrow - Thursday is our official weigh-in day.

I ate SO well today though. A veggie/fruit smoothie for breakfast. Tortilla soup made from all veggies and some chicken for lunch. And chicken pot pie for dinner.

No exercise today though - I walked around a ton, but obviously I didn't lift weights and didn't do my 30 mins of cardio - so dollar in the jar for me. Or is that two dollars? (Steph, mom?)

Anyway, I'm frustrated, so you get to hear all about it. A car ran into us today ON PURPOSE. Every fiber of my being would fight this in court.... but I have no energy.

I'm already dealing with MAYBE having to go to court with Best Vinyl and I just don't need another thing right now. On top of that, I feel like we never get ahead on our money and I'm going to have to keep working when we have kids, and I just don't want to do that. I'm just ripped apart right now. I just hope that when I call the insurance tomorrow, they say it won't bring up our insurance or anything if we want to just claim our car damage. It's about all I can hope for right now. I really wish that they would fight it with the other person's car insurance company but at this point... I just want my car to be fixed and this to be over.

I called my mom crying. Sometimes crying is all I can do to make myself feel a LITTLE better because it relieves my headache from everything. And my mom just reminded me how good everything else in life is and that this will pass and everything will be fine again. We talked about other people and the things they are going through and I just wonder... why are people so mean? How can people be so mean? It literally hurts me that people can be so evil. And then be HUGE liars.

Anyway, tomorrow's another day, right? And tomorrow I'll figure out everything. For tonight - time to go. Maybe I can convince Eric to take me on a late night bike ride.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Down .8 lbs

So, already lost .8 lbs. :) haha - not a whole lot, but a good start.

Ate so well today. Made vitamix meals today and then ended with a gyro - YUM.

Did my 30 mins of cardio today. Did I mention we have to do three weight days and half hour of cardio every day? Eric and I went swimming - we are training for a tri as if we are doing one at the beginning of the new year. Obviously need some motivation over here. haha

Another day down! :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Started the challenge...

Today we started the challenge. Mom wanted to wait until today because she wanted to eat whatever she wanted for her birthday this last Friday.

In our contest, we add a dollar to the Jar:
if you eat sugar
if you miss a day of exercise (this also means that there needs to be a half hour of cardio a day, and three weight days - probably m/w/f.)
for every pound gained
if you do miss a blog

The person who reaches their goal gets the Jar of Money - end of challenge is the first of the new year.

So here we go!!!!

Also, I got a vitamix - and I LOVE IT - the food is delicious AND healthy. I will blog each day about what I ate, the exercise I did, and if I need to put money in the jar. Fun fun!

Starting weight - 128.8 (icky) haha

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Challenge

Well... I was doing so well. I was writing down all the workouts, and doing them all up until last week. I was almost done with the third week but didn't do any p90x in WA.

AND, ate a bunch of junk, so I'm sure I've gained weight - so Stephanie wants to lose weight, Mom wants to, and I want to. So... we are doing a contest. I'm really excited. I think it will help me actually lose these last few pounds.

In our contest, we add a dollar to the Jar:
if you eat sugar
if you miss a day of exercise (this also means that there needs to be a half hour of cardio a day, and three weight days - probably m/w/f.)
for every pound gained

The person who reaches their goal gets the Jar of Money

My exercise was seriously lacking today - but still managed to take a half hour walk with the dogs.

Jar - $1 (didn't do weights)

So, this will be super fun. I'm really excited to have motivation to lose the weight. 9 weeks... should be able to lose 9 pounds. Here goes.

Read Steph's here

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 2 - yoga, Day 3 - shoulders and arms

Alternating Shoulder Press: 8 with 20/8 with 15
In and out bicep curls: 10 with 15/8 with 15 - everyone does 16 haha whoops
two arm tricep kickbacks: 10 with 10/8 with 10

deep swimmers press: 8 with 15/same
full supination concentration curl: 12 with 15/16 - 8 each arm with 15
chair dips: 20/same

upright rows: 11 with 15/9 with 15
static arm curls: everybody does 16 - 8 each arm with 10/16 with 8
flipgrip kickback: 8 with 10/10 with 8

seated shoulder flys: 10 with 10/12 with 8 lbs
crouching cohen curls: 8 with 10/12 with 8
lying down tricep extensions: 8 with 10/8 with 10

straight arm shoulder fly - 16 everybody: with 8 - still hard/same
congdon curls: 8 with 15/11 with 10
side tri rise: 15 both sides/12 both sides


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Better start again - Day 1 - chest and back

So... I suck. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time sticking with my p90x/exercise plans. I think it's because I'm stressed. There's a lot of pressure on our finances right now because Eric's job has sucked. But he's moving into his new position now so it should get better, but makes for wanting to start a family not a good thing. The problem is - I'm so ready. So we need to get a grip on reality.

Plus, this morning I weighed 126.6 - and 25% body fat. I want to be between 120 and 122 for my sister's wedding - so I need to get back on this bandwagon NOW. So.. let's try again.

Standard push ups: 15 toes, 5 knees/ 9 toes
Wide front pull ups: 10 with chair/ 8 with chair
military push ups: 6 toes, 4 knees/3 toes, 3 knes
reverse grip chin ups: 2 self, 6 chair/1 self, 6 chair
wide fly push ups: 1o toes, 5 knees/7 toes
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 9 chair/4 chair
decline push ups: 12/8
heavy pants: 10 with 20 lbs/8 with 20 lbs
diamond push ups: 8 toes/2 toes, 8 knees
lawnmowers: 8 with 20 each arm/same
dive bomber push ups: 9/7
back flys: 8 with 20/same

Ab ripper.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 2 - yoga, Day 3 - shoulders and arms

Everything is going great! :)

Alternating Shoulder Press:10 with 15/same
In and out bicep curls: 10 with 15/same
two arm tricep kickbacks: 9 with 10/8 with 10

deep swimmers press: 8 with 15/same
full supination concentration curl: 10 with 15/same
chair dips: 25/same

upright rows: 9 with 15/10 with 10
static arm curls: 8 with 10 each arm/same
flipgrip kickback: 10 with 10/9 with 10

seated shoulder flys: 9 with 10/10 with 10 - everybody does 16 0- whoops
crouching cohen curls: 8 with 10/10 with 10
lying down tricep extensions: 8 with 10/10 with 10

straight arm shoulder fly - 16 everybody: 16 with 8/same
congdon curls: 8 with 15/lost count - with 15
side tri rise: 13 both sides/same


Monday, September 19, 2011

week 2 day 1 - chest and back

Sorry I haven't blogged for a bit -but I have been keeping up with everything. You should all be so proud. I ended the week at 126.8 - my goal was 126.9 - so YAY!

This week's goal will be 125.9. :)

Standard push ups: 18/10- and i'm sweating like a whore in church
Wide front pull ups: 9 with chair/7 chair
military push ups: 5 toes, 5 knees/3 self, 5 knees
reverse grip chin ups: 1.5 self, 9 chair/1 self, 5 chair
wide fly push ups: 13 toes/10 toes
close grip overhand pull ups: .9 self, 8 chair/1 self, 5 chair
decline push ups: 15/2 and then i hurt my shoulder - taking it easy now - AH!
heavy pants: 10 with 20/8 with 20
diamond push ups: 6 self, 8 knees/
lawnmowers: 14 with 20 lbs/Just kidding... I'm done. Ab ripper now.
dive bomber push ups: 11
back flys: 12 with 15

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 2 - Yoga, Day 3 - shoulders and arms

So, yoga was great yesterday - love it. Today was a much better day for P90x - I actually could lift weights today. Not sure what that was about.

I'm sure my knee will need surgery. My appt is next wed- we'll see. But I think it's getting worse. :( But, guess it's a good thing that I'm figuring it out now. Might push back some baby plans... we'll see.

Alternating Shoulder Press: 8 with 15/same
In and out bicep curls: 8 with 10/same
two arm tricep kickbacks: 12 with 8/8 with 10

deep swimmers press: 10 with 10/same
full supination concentration curl: 10 with 15/same
chair dips: 22/15

upright rows: 8 with 10/10 with 10
static arm curls: 8 each arm with 10/8 each arm with 10
flipgrip kickback: 10 with 8/same

seated shoulder flys: 10 with 10/8 with 10
crouching cohen curls: 8 with 10/8 with 10
lying down tricep extensions: 8 with 10/8 with 10

straight arm shoulder fly - 16 everybody: 16 with 8/same
congdon curls: 8 with 15/same
side tri rise: 12 on each side/same


Monday, September 12, 2011

DAY ONE! - Chest and back, abs

Today SUCKED... seriously, how did I get so weak? Guess that's why this is day 1 all over. haha

I'm so ready to do this program again and not quit it. Tomorrow - yoga at the gym. :)

PS - I'm giving up running until after I have knee surgery... I 99% positive this doctor is right about this cartilage thing. :(

Standard push ups: 15 - I'm so weak... I NEED this program again. / 10 toes, 10 knees
Wide front pull ups: 9 with chair/8 with chair
military push ups: 2 toes, 6 knees- seriously? This is pathetic. Where did my muscles go?/1 toes, 6 knees
reverse grip chin ups: 1 self, 9 chair - my goal for these: 10 by myself at the end of 90 days - I could do 8 last time./5 chair
wide fly push ups: 15 toes, 10 knees/4 toes, 10 knees
close grip overhand pull ups: .5 self, 9 chair/5 chair
decline push ups: 12/6
heavy pants: 15 with 15 - obviously could use more/10 with 15
diamond push ups: 2 toes, 8 knees/3 toes, 9 knees
lawnmowers: 15 with 15s both sides/14 with 15 both sides
dive bomber push ups: 8 /4
back flys: 10 with 15/8 with 15

Ab ripper!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


This whole post will probably just be me blabbing.

And before I get too ahead of myself, the program is actually p90x2... hasn't come out yet. The plus one is just a few more extra work outs. I want to do p90x2.

P90X: I'm going to restart Monday again because I've missed a few days, and don't feel like I'm totally invested. I can't put this off any longer, because if I do, I won't be where I want to be around Thanksgiving time.

Babies: I know what my plan is, and I know where Eric is at. I know that's not RIGHT now, but know it's also soon. That being said, it scares me it's so soon. As much as I want kids, and can't wait to have them - I feel like there's so much more that has to happen that isn't working very well. Makes me want to wait a log longer. Maybe take a month trip to Europe or something. But realistically - they follow:
1. Emergency Fund - after spending all our savings doing our fence and concrete - we don't have one of these any more, and I feel very strongly that this be in place before a baby is born.
2. The cars need to be paid off. If my planning works the way I want it to - the cars will be paid off before a baby is ever born. For some reason, this still stresses me out.
3. 10 lbs lost - I want to be at least 120. Which today, is seven pounds away. If I could be just a few lbs under that though - about 117 - I'd be golden. I KNOW I can do it - especially after recently going from 133 to 127. But with a hurt knee, and surgery a real possibility - I'm scared my hope will become a huge FAIL.

Running: I LOVE to run. And I really feel like a person should physically be able to - after they've trained and are prepared - run six miles. It's not like I'm asking to run a marathon here. If what it takes is to have knee surgery... then I guess fine. But no time seems good for that. A two to three week recovery? Um, I don't think so. BUT, could it really be the answer I need to be able to run again? Maybe when p90x is over in 13 weeks. We'll see what the doctor says on the 21st.

Hopes and Dreams: I've recently decided things don't happen unless you actually make them happen. Some things I'd really like in the near future: to get my children's book published, to make at least one album, and to have a career that means something to me. What does all this require: learning guitar/piano so I can create the music to my songs, going back to school possibly for elementary education, submitting my book to a few more places. And WHY can't I do any of those things? No reason. Time to get my butt in gear. None of this "later" business.

Priorities: I'd really like to change up my life for the better - reorganize what is important to me. I think a big part of this comes with giving a lot of things up and not packing my schedule SO tightly. I've talked with Eric and we are going to make it a goal to make one night a week a "do absolutely nothing night". Basically a date night for us - but RELAXING. I love this idea.

Stress: Work stresses me out especially cuz I'm not getting anything at home done. Here's a need to get done soon to-do list...

1. Blog books for mom's birthday, and for Christmas for my mom
2. Go through two family photo shoots
3. Modge podge photos
4. Start the real plans for my Halloween party
5. Finish two quilts

And that's only the beginning. If I were to get all that done though, I'd be pretty darn ecstatic.

Health: I need to go to sleep by 9 and be awake by 5 so I have enough time to exercise and feel good for the day. I need to cook dinner on a regular basis. I need to put the ingredients out the night before, so they are ready the next day. I need to make my lunch the night before. I need to buy a watermelon - I'm craving one right now. I need to organize my pantry.

Home: I need to deep-clean the house, repaint the walls, and organize the crawl space so I can feel some order-ness to my life. I need to deep-clean the craft room so it's usable.

Anyway... new exercise plan - p90x in the mornings, THEN, biking/swimming on Tues/Thus, and running Mon, Friday, and Saturday. I don't want to lose out on all the muscle we built for the tri -and we went swimming last week, and we could already feel it. lol Don't like that.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 4, 5 - back and legs

I used to think that this DVD didn't really do too much for me - I really liked it but didn't get a huge burn. After not doing it for so long - JUST KIDDING. It was wonderful today.

Also, I ran the other day and it was starting to hurt again. So I'm going to see if it was a fluke when I run today and tomorrow. And then call the doc tuesday and see how long it takes to recover from getting my leg scoped. I'm trying to run the ragnar relay with my boys and I need to be okay to do that. So we'll see what happens. I've been doing a couch potato to 5k schedule to get back into running, so I know I'm taking it slow enough. We'll see what Friday/Saturday brings.

Random note: there's another p90x program (p900x plus) for when you're done with this p90x.... hmmm maybe I need that? lol Maybe I'll give myself a thanksgiving gift, haha and get it.

reverse grip chin ups: 1 myself, 5 chair/5 chair
wide front pull ups: 8 chair/6 chair
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 7 chair/ 1 self, 6 chair
switch grip pull ups: 10 chair/6 chair

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day1, Day2 - yoga, Day 3 - shoulders and arms

There's something comfortable about p90x. I hear it come on, and I'm like YAH! Let's go! lol Still wish I had someone doing it with me. I did yoga yesterday at the gym- and will do chest and back on Sunday because I missed Monday.

I'm starting at 127.2 today (holy crap - jersey really packed the pounds on me - I was hovering in 125 and 126 ranges when I left! haha) and 25.6 percent body fat. I want to be between 115 and 119 when I'm done - and hopefully lose about 3 percent of body fat.

Goal this week: Get to the 126 - 127 range. Keep track of ALL calories.

Here goes!

alternating shoulder press - 20 lbs/16 with 20 lbs
in and out biceo curls - everyone 16 - hard with 15 lbs/same
two arm tricep kickbacks -10 with 10lbs/8 with 10 lbs - go lighter next time

deep swimmers press: 8 with 15/8 with 15
full one arm supination curl: 10 with 15/8 with 15
chair dips: 20 normal/20 normal

upright rows: 10 with 10/12 with 10 lbs
static arm curls - 16 everyone - 16 with 10 lbs/same - these are hard with 10
Flip grip twist kickbacks: 10 with 10 lbs/same

seated shoulder flys - 2 angles- 16 everyone: 16 with 10 lbs/16 with 10 lbs
crouching cohen curls: 8 with 10 lbs/same
lying down tricep extensions: 10 with 10 lbs/same

straight arm shoulder flys - 16 everyone: 16 with 8 lbs/same
congdon curls: 8 with 15 lbs/same
side tri rise: 12/same

ab ripper!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Tomorrow I'll start p90x all over again. I'll do yoga on tues/thurs instead of plyo tues and yoga thurs. Then I'll trade kenpo on saturday for the plyo.

My goal - get down between 115 and 119. I want my body fat to be at 21% - 22%. Last time I did p90x it was at 23, but I am starting at a smaller weight, so we'll see how realistic this is. The program will end somewhere around the end of November. If I can reach these goals above - this will be the most ideal for me and my plans to end around this time! :) I'm excited and hope to do a wonderful job and get to where I want to be. My main goal - have skinny legs! :) My legs are getting so much thinner - which I love - but I know they still have a lot to go!

So - lots of protein, and having to be SUPER good about counting calories. That's what really helps me the most.

I'll have an update on weight and measurements tomorrow.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Calorie Counting

So, I'm thinking calorie counting has SO much to do with losing weight. I'm at a steady 125! :) WAHOO!! So my next goal, 120. I can't believe I've made it to 125. It's crazy. And it's consistent - not going back up - which is SO good. I do look a ton skinnier in a swim suit, and feel SO much better. There is a huge difference between 133 and 125. I'm sure there's a huge difference between 125 and 120 as well - 120 here we come. I take it a week a time. I just hope to be one lb lighter every week - and it's been working really well. I need to be AT LEAST 120 when I get pregnant... I'm not gonna have large legs, and large arms... then blow up my stomach. I'd be a huge ball of fat. Gross. I envy girls with little legs - when they get pregnant, they don't look fat all over! So that's the goal.

Went to the knee specialist who thinks I tore cartilage in my knee. If that's true, then the shot he gave me should allow me to run without pain for a month or so. If longer, great. But if it solves it... then when it hurts again, they'll have to scope the cartilage. BUT, if it doesn't hurt - then awesome. SO we'll see.

I'm supposed to run over a mile by next week to see if it is hurting. I'm gonna start training for a 5k like I've never run before in my life - basically from couch potato to 5k runner. Hopefully that will help.

And that's all for now. When I get back from Jersey, I'm gonna start p90x again, but two days of yoga at the gym, and plyometrics instead of kenpo. And then Eric and I are going to bike, run, and swim at least once a week to keep up what we have gained from training for the tri.

Now... time for a serious vacation.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I DID THE TRI! I'm so happy that after being on crutches just six weeks ago, we were able to bike/swim/run the tri! HURRAY! So many people tried to tell me I can't do it, that I'd hurt myself more, and that it would be a very bad idea, but GUESS WHAT?! It was freaking awesome. And I'm glad after a year of wanting to do it, I got to. Eric was amazing to race with and I just loved it all.

My knee gave me trouble after the first mile. But then Eric and I skipped, walked, etc etc. :) It went really well and I'm so glad we went. We are probably going to do a sprint every year at least, and if we want to do an olympic, we'll do the spudman because the swimming part is FREAKING AWESOME. The current is such a great help.

Anyway, on thursday, my chiro popped my fibular bone back in place... we think that's the problem. If it is, I just need to slowly get back into running again. Hopefully that's the issue. I go to a very good doctor in two weeks that is a "knee" doctor, so we'll see.

Anyway, I gotta go to bed now - so another update later. BUT, as far as my weight goes - I've moved down into the 126- 128 range. So it's progress.

It's all about the calorie counting - so far. haha

That's all for now!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A life update

Still sitting here at 128/129. Can we move on already? I can tell I'm toning up but I just gotta get back into lifting weights consistently. After the tri is over, I definitely want to bike, swim, and run at least once a week to keep it up and continue to do a tri once a year. My new plan, after Jersey, will be to do p90x but sub yoga/plyo on tues/thurs for yoga at the gym, and then do plyo on saturday when you're supposed to do kenpo. It will probably be what I need to drop the weight.

Life is just crazy right now. We have every week FULL of stuff. This Saturday, I have NOTHING planned - except for making sure Eric has everything he needs done before the concrete comes. I'm not gonna plan anything though, and get some photos put on dvd for some clients, clean up the house for family coming soon, and tie up some loose ends on some projects. Saturday is going to be a good day to just catch up on some stuff I think.

Because we have so much planned, I feel like winter is just a step away.
This weekend - time to relax, hopefully.
July 30th - tri
August 6th - carpets cleaned, finish concrete, mom/sister get here
August 13th - ripping out old garden and redoing, putting in a HUGE new veggie/fruit garden
August 20th - JERSEY

Then, one last weekend for the "summer" months and winter should be on it's way. I don't consider September a summer month - it's more fall, but since Utah doesn't really have a fall, maybe our summer will continue a bit more before turning into dead winter again. Who knows! But then three months later, it will already be time for Christmas. CRAZY!

I can't wait until we go on vacation to Jersey, come back and can just RELAX. I'm in the process of changing over my photography website as well - and changing the name of it. I'm meeting with a company on Friday to discuss adding some deals to their sites, and I'm going to actually pay money to advertise in the next bit. I'm excited about a new change and getting it rolling more. I did a wedding this last week and forgot why I stopped pushing myself so much - so getting back on track there.

We're spending everything we have saved on our fence/driveway extension. The next step will be to get back on track with savings, and continue our emergency savings so we can have a good 18 grand in emergency funds before a baby comes. Hopefully, Rox gets knocked up, and her babies can sell for a grand each. :)

I've been taking my pre-natal vitamins religiously. My friend has taken them since she was in high school to avoid spina bifida - cuz her sister got it. She said the more folic acid you take, the better - so I'm hoping I've got enough going to be safe on that side of things. The doctor said take them three months ahead of time, and so I think I'll be perfectly safe by the time we start trying. Now, just gotta lose these last 8 lbs before getting pregnant. I don't think I could stand making the smallest part of my body so big, while having huge legs and huge arms! HAHA We'll see what I can muster. Plus, I want to be able to exercise as much as I can while I'm pregnant, and the doc said to do whatever I want now so I can continue to do it - so can't really slack in that area.

I also need to get better at blogging. We've been so crazy, I've just stopped. Here AND on my normal blog. I don't have too much to put on the normal blog - except about the tons of projects we have done in the last bit. Need to get that on the blog before the tri. And then I need to make sure I update this as well. I've been using MFP to track my calories - and I need to better at that too so I can see what I'm eating and how it's affecting my weight loss.

And last but not least, I need to make dinner. I have this great want to just sit down and cook all day. Ugh - why do I have a full-time job again? Oh that's right... still need an income. DARN. haha

Sorry this is all so random. Just lots of thoughts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


As I waver back and forth between 127 and 129, I begin to think "could this possibly be the beginning of the tricky weight loss?" Since my last entry, I haven't seen the 130's at all. My body fat has consistently stayed between 25 and 26. I feel better - my clothes are getting almost too loose. haha I'm eating well, I'm exercising for the tri, and I'm getting back into the groove of things.

I went running the other day - ran for .62 of a mile. Felt fine - but my knee was giving. So, I need to make sure I always wear my patellar band. We're going to attempt a mile today and see how that goes. I'm being very slow and very careful, but figure if I can at least run a solid two- three miles, taking the walk in between those miles and running again won't be that bad for the tri.

On the side of all of that though - is some void. It's something I can't really explain. It's something I've been feeling pretty consistently since March. My favorite religion teacher at BYU said it will go away with babies. And maybe that's what it is... being baby hungry? I mean, I know I am because I see cute baby clothes in the stores, and think, oh it's so time for that in our lives.

But then I remember that I need to be at my job for at least a year for FMLA to take effect - meaning they have to keep my job for 12 weeks while I'm on leave. Then I remember how crazy I am about the time frame they should be born in, and I remember that the cars need to be paid off, and I remember that we need to put a fence up, and we need an emergency savings, and I remember that there are all these extra things that need to happen first... and I'm patient again.

But will a baby really feel that void? I'm not so sure. Because it all stems from not doing what I really want to do be doing with my life. It includes so much more I feel... but is that just me being crazy? Being bored?

So, I'll take it day by day until I figure that out. And we'll keep training for the tri that I'm just SO excited for! I'm so glad I get to do it, and just can't wait!

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Hump

When I ended p90x, I weighed 128, but I also had 23% body fat (started at 27%). Since I didn't maintain weight lifting past p90x (first hurting my leg in the dirty dash, and then hurting my foot), I have only maintained my weight (gaining two pounds here and there) since then, but also gained 4% of body fat. Obviously, not a good thing. It means that I have to keep lifting weights or I just can't stay toned.

So, I have this goal of getting my body fat back down, and am in the 26% range today. My main overall goal is to get this down...BUT, I still know that my weight has a lot to do with how much body fat I actually have.

Today... I hit, what I like to call, "the hump." This is 128.8 lbs. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen this number on the scale, but cannot make this number go any lower. It could be something I eat, it could be that I just hit that number for a moment, but it wasn't "real" weight loss - just water weight or something, it could be a number of things. But I THINK that a lot of it has to do with being on a Friday (just like today) and then not being perfect for the weekend. Well my friends, that is just not going to happen. Somehow, I'm going to make it through this number. Somehow, I'm going to push past it and forever get under that number. I'm not really sure if I can. Part of me wonders if my body likes to be at this weight - but I'm just not satisfied with that, so it's time to do something about it. Look for my update on Monday to see if I made progress or not. :)

If I still have body fat to lose - and I do - then my weight has got to come down with it, right?

So here's to a perfect weekend of healthy foods. :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

And let's get to running...

Today I was cleared from wearing any brace whatsoever. :) Now I'm allowed to do whatever I want - but if it's going to be a long hike or something, I should probably wear my brace. I can run, but need to start slow and gradual. I'm going to the PT tomorrow just to see if he thinks I need any type of therapy done.

I don't have to go back to the doctor unless in a month, the little parts that are still tender to touch, are STILL hurting. Then I need to go back and figure out what else is wrong.

But... that means I'm doing the tri! :) The swim is getting easier and easier. I can swim almost a whole mile freestyle. I CAN swim a whole mile - just switching up the ways I swim. We biked the other day 11 miles - we still need to get up to 25 miles. Just need a good day to go that far- maybe this Saturday.

Training is going well and I feel really great. I'm still losing and maintaining weight - but not gaining - and that's a good thing.

So, let's get this show on the road, and do the tri I've been waiting for! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Guess what...?!!?!?

Guess who has clearance to do the bike/swim part of the tri? ME!

Last Thursday, my doctor told me to ditch the boot, and ditch the cruthes - a small ankle brace it is for me! :) HURRAY!

And then I got sick... :( With an AWFUL cold. But I went swimming and did my 1250 yards - felt awesome. You know what I learned swimming? That you use your foot in an array of different motions and that my right foot has lost it's flexibility. It will take time to get it to do the things the left one does, but hey, I can swim, and it doesn't hurt! Just so weird!

Went biking and did a good 7 miles - should have been ten but we ran out of time. Didn't even hurt a little bit. BUT, I found out that I did not retain ANY muscles in my right leg. My calf muscle doesn't exist even the slightest. It's so sad.

I also know that I can run up my stairs. I'm not supposed to run, but sometimes I forget, and run to go get something and then realize, I RAN! lol So I think I'll be running in no time. HOPEFULLY. :)

I just need four good weeks of running training to finish the 10k at a slow pace.

BUT HEY - I get to do my tri! OH HURRAY!!!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

My Life Lately

I feel like this blog is a good place to actually talk about what's really going on with me. I have my personal blog for staying upbeat, remembering things that have happened, and for lots of pictures, and I have my own personal journal for my most personal thoughts... but I feel like this is a place I can go to to talk about what I'm struggling with and maybe seek some guidance from my fellow blog readers - even if it's not about p90x. :)

I've been doing so great with p90x. It's so hard to get the cardio I want in though - but I'm still working my muscles. I have to be careful with my leg and all, but it's been good. I do one legged push ups and things - just everything I can do without getting so fat not doing anything.

I've lost two pounds since I've started. This depresses me and makes me glad. Why? Because one, I'm losing weight - and how can that not be good? But two... how much more of this yo-yo can I stand? How do I get past this small hump, and move on to dropping weight. How do I actually reach these goals I have, and be comfortable with the way I look and feel? I know that I have a lot of fat on my legs... I know I do. And I know I can get rid of it. I'm just not utilizing the right tools apparently, and I need to figure that out. I figure that p90x will help me a ton - just wish I could be doing more. I feel so helpless and lazy.

Plus, I want to have a healthy baby. And I want to be so fit during that pregnancy. And how do you do that? By being active now. The doc told me I needed to do whatever I wanted to do while I was pregnant, NOW. That way I could continue doing it and my body wouldn't freak out. And if I stick to our plan of having a baby some time in 2012... there's not much more time to put this off. People lose weight all the time. And they do it well. Why can't I be one of those people? I CAN. So I just need to do it and stick with it. I think the problem is... I've run out of tools. I'm not sure what my next steps are... I can't even think about that right now though.

This foot thing is so hard for me. People say, "you never know what you have until you lose it." And that is true in so many ways. I mean, yes, I have always been grateful for the fact that my body works the way it does. But not having the full function of just a foot... it's not even my ankle, or leg, just a foot... is just exhausting. I'm trying to find the good in this lesson. Be more patient with things, relax more, etc etc, but I'm done.

This is extremely depressing. I LOVE to exercise, and this is killing me. I love to do things for myself. I love to keep my house in order. I love to be outside in the summer, weeding, and taking care of the yard. And this year it's my turn to do the yard the way I want, and I can't even do that. I've gotten to a point where I just don't care if my foot heals... like, of course I care, but so many people have been so... pessimistic. They say things like - it will take at least a year to heal. This is going to take forever, so just let it be. BLAH BLAH. I am starting to feel like the doc doesn't know what he is talking about any more... like it's time for a second opinion. But I'm not a doctor... how should I know?

Plus, I'm so upset I may not be able to do my tri. I mean, realistically, this thing isn't even 50 percent gone, and it's been four and a half weeks. So, who am I kidding when it comes to the tri? I shouldn't even be thinking about doing it - I'm just trying to stay so optimistic about it. People keep telling me - um, are you crazy? I wouldn't do that. And I just keep thinking... where's the hope in that? It's one of the things I wanted to do before we got pregnant... and this is the one I wanted to start with. I know there will be other tris, but I so had my heart set on this.

I'm trying to tell my body good things, so it will heal itself. But let me tell you how hard that is. It's so hard to be optimistic when all your optimism is stolen. It's get harder and harder every day. I don't like being late to things, I get really anxious when things are supposed to take a certain amount of time, and take way longer, I get so jfksjf;kdsjf;ksdjfk;sdfj; when things just aren't working well... and this foot thing has been all of those things. Late on healing, taking time it shouldn't have, and just NOT working well. It makes me so super anxious. And sitting around doing NOTHING so it will just heal? I mean... come on. How long can a person do that without going insane. I've been trying to do stuff that I haven't been able to do - stuff you would think, you could totally do that. But I can' photography for instance. I've tried to go around and just take pictures... but I can't stand without my crutches, so I can't hold a camera.

Basically, I can sit and do nothing - watch tv, or read a book.... and I'm just not good at doing that when I know there are a million other things that I need to get done. I'm supposed to elevate, ice, compress, and rest my foot... seriously? How long can a person do that for? I've done it EVERY day and it's not helping.

I'm really depressed about it all. The worst part is, I can't explain that to people. I can't explain exactly how I feel to someone. It doesn't make sense to anybody. And it's all inside of me. My new boss describes me as spunky... that's right, spunky. And all I can do is describe myself as depressing.

My next appt is Thursday. The appointment where my doctor will look at my foot, and say "looks like we have another two weeks." Where I'll remind him it's been five weeks, and that my muscles are going to start to atrophy (even though I think they already have.) And then he'll tell me that we can do at least one more week in my boot, and we'll see where we go from there. Let me tell you what... he better be giving me a smaller boot if he's gonna shove me in that thing for one more week.

I think I need to request an MRI. It's not going to cost me anything but my time. I'm already meeting all my deductibles with the hospital visit. And what have I got to lose? I'm SOOOOOOO done. The worst part is... I know it's not getting better. I know the bruises have gone... and it looks a lot better, but it still swells everywhere. It still aches just lying here - elevating it like I'm supposed to. Will it ever be the same? I'm so doubtful.

I'm trying to stay positive... I am. And I'm trying to think of all the people who have it harder than me, that this shouldn't even be a problem. But this is my trial I suppose - and I can choose how to deal with it. And I need to choose to deal with it well.

So this is me finishing my complaint... so I can move on and handle it well. I just so needed to get my thoughts out... so thanks for spending the time reading.

I need to make a change in my life. I need to get this healed up, I need to get back into a better routine to get fit.. I need to make some changes that will make me happy. I need to stop putting everybody else's happiness in front of my own, and take charge of my own. I'd even say it's maybe time that I be a little selfish and focus on what I need from my life. I'm the only person who can make me happy, so it's time to face that reality. It's time to spend more time on me, and not always on everybody else. Time to get my goals done, and stop messing around. It's time to get better, and get moving. Get back into the things I love. Maybe I should join the orchestra this year. It's just time to do SOMETHING.

Reminder to myself - keep your chin up - it can only go uphill from here, right?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's been a week

So, I've been doing p90x for a week now. I need to get on here and put all my numbers in so I can keep working off of them - and not just writing them down on paper. I'm doing really good. I didn't check my weight today, but will tomorrow. I also have been calorie counting, and it can't just be calorie counting. You still have to eat good foods - learned that this weekend. lol So sticking as close to the diet as I can. I'm doing really good I have to say.

My goal is to lose one - two pounds a week. If I lose more- fine, but one - two pounds sounds realistic to me, and also real fat. Sometimes, I lose a few pounds at a time, but it's just like fake weight I swear. lol

Anyway, that's what's going on here. I feel better even just lifting weights - feel toned, and that's what feels awesome to me.

Now if I could just heal by the 16th... come on foot!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Lots of things...

Doctor visit didn't go well. Probably can't do the tri. :( I'm really upset about it. And I know there will be more tris, but I've wanted to do this for a year, and I wanted to do my first one here because the current drags you during the swim. I wanted to do a tri before I ever got pregnant... and I can solve that with another tri at another time... but I'm just so sad.

Next visit is on June 16th and we will see what he says then. I'm taking every precaution to try and get my foot better in the next two weeks. He said it shouldn't take more than six, and he's hoping for five... ugh. We'll see.

Next, I started p90x on Monday with Molly. I, of course, skip the parts that use my leg - and just do more one legged push-ups or stretch. I have also been calorie counting and eating VERY well. I gained weight not exercising and being on crutches, and have lost it all since I started p90x.

I think it's time for us to really start thinking about having kids soon, and I need to make sure I'm the fittest I can be. So I'm really motivated. That's good, right? Helps me stay on track.

Eric - Angela's husband - just lost like 25 - 30 lbs in a few months, and my cousin lost weight just biking and counting calories, so why can't I? (Because I always stop myself...)

So I think this is exactly the motivation I need. Hopefully. We'll see. I feel like I get a good start all the time and then go down hill. Hence the reason i started p90x again - it's the only way I've ever lost weight - so why not do it again? So here goes! Trying a beginning to weight loss again.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Where have I been you ask?

I've been on crutches in a huge honkin' boot that weighs like a million pounds. :(

I have no idea what I weigh, and my tri training has been seriously put on hold. Before I had this accident last Friday night, I was still exercising and doing a great job with my diet, but I have no idea what my last stats were.

Molly wants to come over and start p90x with me, so we will see if I start it over again. I still want to do my yoga twice a week, and my tri training after work, but doing the cardio for p90x AND yoga will probably be too much. We'll see.

Anyway, hopefully Monday's check-up will end in GOOD, GOOD, GOOD results such as no crutches, no boot, and a small brace to heal the rest of the way. I sure hope so! :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


So who lost a pound, and 1 percent of body fat?


That's right. It's so much easier to eat right when you're actually making progress. So today is day 33 and counting. I'm going to give myself the best birthday gift ever - the gift of weighing 120 lbs. :)

Random thought - I wish my little running man on my tracker was more accurate - instead of saying I lost a pound every time I lose like .5 lbs, it could actually say you lost 1.4 lbs. lol

Anyway, here's to eating healthy forever! :) LOVE IT. And I just feel so much better. Plus, I constantly feel like I'm shredding fat off. So I just ask to get to 120... it can't be THAT hard. I think you just really have to want it.

Let's do it!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I gained a pound. :( But I have lost two percent body fat so far. So still declining in body fat, but honestly, I don't think that's enough for me.

My downfalls - when it comes to my diet - is that if I want to eat something, and I am not focusing on my real goals, then I will. Nobody is holding me accountable for what I eat - and if someone were, then I'm sure I'd eat just perfectly.

When I did p90x, and did it for 90 days straight, you all held me accountable by just reading my blog. I knew that if I missed a day, you would all know, and I wouldn't have REALLY completely P90X.

SO... Andrew has offered to keep me accountable for sticking to a healthy lifestyle. :) I'm really excited about this. The plan - for 35 days (the day before my birthday) be absolutely perfect. And with him watching me and keeping me accountable, I have more drive to actually stay absolutely perfect. I'm hoping this is exactly what I need to conquer this hurdle, and reach my goal. He has me writing in a little journal that I keep in the kitchen, and is going to track my progress for me. Every night, we'll have a little pow wow and he'll tell me how much I suck or how good I'm doing. The mere thought of him knowing I wasn't absolutely perfect, drives me to be absolutely perfect. I hope this is what I need to drop these last ten pounds.

Yesterday, Eric and I swam. It was only 950 yards, but I did it in 17 minutes. I've gotten faster! :)

Today, I went to my yoga class. LOVE IT. And tonight we'll bike, and maybe I'll try to run some. We'll see. I still need to go get the things I previously talked about.

So you pesky ten pounds - SEE YA! :) Hopefully this is the change I need (because frankly, I'm getting quite sick of going nowhere, and IIIIII am the only one stopping me.)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

So it's thursday...

I went to yoga this morning. LOVE yoga. And my leg feels fine today - that's the fastest I've ever felt better. Maybe I need to make sure that yoga twice a week is a staple for me. Keep that leg stretched. On days it's not offered, that I feel like doing more yoga, I should do the p90x yoga, or the video Cathi gave me to help my leg.

I also talked to the instructor this morning, who told me that I should try stretching on the IT band rollers and see if it's a combination of IT band and pronating. So now I gotta go buy one of these:

And start rolling on it. Maybe it will stretch where I need it. Maybe not.

And while I'm at it, I might as well try one of these IT band straps.
My chiropractor suggested using the band that goes under your knee when I first saw him. I should call him and ask him what he thinks now. Maybe try the band that goes under my knee, and use the roller and see what helps. We'll see.

Anyway, I'm sticking to my weight at the moment, but still losing body fat. And that's a GREAT thing, so I'd say, I'm doing pretty darn good. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

For Angela

Sorry friends, I AM still here.

I'm frustrated today though. Eric and I did our biking yesterday, and then running like we are supposed to. BUT uh oh... my leg is in pain again! WHAT THE !?!?!?!!?!!!?!?!?! I'm so mad at the moment about this.

I did go a mile without it really flaring up in pain. So maybe I just need to take it REALLY REALLY SLOW. So I'm thinking I'll take a three week break from running. Make sure to wear my chaco sandals for the next three weeks (since they have arches in them) and then try running ONLY a mile, and then we can take it up to like 1.25 miles, then 1.5, and so on. I don't have a TON of time to figure out how to get to 6.2 miles before the tri. If this plan helps, then I need to buy new flip flops - all with arches - so I can save my legs while walking around on a normal day. So maybe some pairs of chaco flip flops.

Anyway, everything else is going well. Something I found out about myself though is that I eat SO much better when I exercise in the morning. If I don't exercise in the morning, it's like my brain shuts off and forgets that healthy foods are freaking delicious. It's automatic to eat well when I've exercised, but takes more thought when I don't. Weird? Kinda. lol

Also, I find that if I try ANY junk - even a small amount, I feel like crap. So, obviously, my body doesn't want it, so why feed myself that?

That all being said - the p90x lifestyle is wonderful. I love eating well and adding muscle workouts to my exercise plan.

Angela - I know I haven't been listing my foods like I said I wanted to- but I have been doing superb! :) Just too much work to think about putting it here. haha

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 3- shoulders and arms, abs

Had to wait until today to do this cuz I was still muscle hurt! :) LOVE IT.

alternating shoulder press: 10 with 10 lbs/10 tih 10 lbs
in and out bicep curls: 16 - 10 lbs/16 with 10 lbs
two arm tricep kickbacks: 9 with 10 lbs/8 with 10 lbs

deep swimmers press: 10 with 10 lbs/8 with 10 lbs
supination curls: 8 with 10 lbs/8 with 10 lbd
chair dips: 15 /17

upright rows: 8 with 10 lbs/10 with 10lbs
static arm curls: 16 with 8 lbs/16 with 8 lbs
flip grip twist kickbacks: 12 with 8 lbs/15 with 8 lbs

seated shoulder flys: 8 with 10 lbs/8 with 10 lbs
crouching cohen curls: 10 with 8 lbs/8 with 10 lbs
lying down tricep extensions: 8 with 10 lbs/10 with 10 lbs

in and out straight arm shoulder fly (16 everybody): 16
congdon curl: 10 with 10 lbs
side tri rise: 12 both sides


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yoga, we meet again

I've been out of the yoga loop for the last two weeks - and it was awesome to go back. I forgot how great it makes me feel. And after a p90x day that made my muscles WAY sore (in such an awesome way), it felt good to get all stretched out.

I've been eating well - p90x style- and losing weight. It's easy cuz I feel way better when I eat this way, and since I get to pick what I eat, and make healthy decisions, I feel empowered and controlled as well. Look at all the benefits. And I'm losing weight. Slowly, but that's a good thing - won't gain it back. Still trying to make my Texas goal, but won't be totally upset if I don't.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 1 - Chest and back , ab ripper

DEAR P90XERS!!! - How do you make the ab ripper harder? Can you add weights somehow?


So I saw Tony on this 10 minute workout... I was shocked! ten minutes? Has anyone ever seen/done his p90x routine? It's at least an hour 15 every day - SOMETIMES an hour and thirty minutes. 10 minutes Tony?! WHAT?!

It felt so good to be doing p90x again. I think this just might be a life thing - doing p90x. Maybe? I just love it too much. And am so ready to have my muscles back again. And if not p90x, then at least remembering to lift weights two to three times a week.

It also occurred to me that I'm gonna need heavier weights pretty soon. I've haven't lost all of my muscle mass, and if my muscles remember anything... then I'll need some heavy ones pretty quick.

Tony just said "most workouts would be done by now...not ours!" Really Tony? What is this ten minute thing?!

So Monday we did our swimming, and yesterday did our running - but missed biking cuz Eric wanted to check out this car he wants to buy. We'll see what happens. It was a beautiful car - but would replace my jetta, and gets worse gas who knows.

Sidenote - Jersey has been making the weirdest high pitched noises lately. lol

Also, dedicating an hour and 15 minutes in the morning is so much more practical than two hours. There's just no way I wanna get up earlier than I am. This is good for me.

And then of course, exercising at night with Eric is the extra cardio I need - so I'm happy. :)

PS the p90x diet - so much better than any diet. It's just a good change in diet, instead of a quick fix. Love it.

standard push ups: 14 toes - what a weakling I am lol/ 6 toes, 10 knees
wide front pull ups: .5 by self, 9.5 chair/8 chair
military push ups: 3 toes, 7 knees/2 self, 6 knees
reverse grip chin ups: 1 self, 5 chair/7 chair
Wide fly push ups: 15 toes/10 toes, 5 knees
close grip overhand pull ups:.5 self, 6 chair/5 chair
Decline push ups: 10/5 HAHA
heavy pants: 12 with 15 lbs/12 with 15 lbs
diamond push ups: 6 toes, 8 knees/1 toes, 6 knees
lawnmowers: 12 with 15 lbs on both sides/12 with 15 on both sides
dive bombers: men's way - 7/4
back flys: 12 with 10 lbs/10 with 10 lbs


Monday, April 4, 2011

The P90x lifestyle change

So I dropped the 11 day diet already. It helped me remember to make better choices, and now that I've instilled that in my mind again, I'm back on the p90x bandwagon. It's the only thing that has ever let me drop weight and body fat, so I'm back to it. :)

I'll be doing my tri training, and the weight videos for p90x three times a week like they do in the program. Then I won't be totally overdoing it. So basically like doing p90x without the cardio it suggests - cuz I'm biking, running, and swimming as well. :)

I really enjoyed this article today wherein it states: It’s only natural to want quick weight loss results once you make the commitment to shed a few pounds or more. But this is one area in which slow and steady is the way to go. “Permanent weight loss can only be achieved when one makes a lifestyle change,” says Peter Vash, MD, MPH, executive director of Lindora Medical Clinics in Costa Mesa, Calif. and assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCLA’s Center for Health Sciences in Los Angeles. Eating a healthful diet and sweating it out regularly are the best ways to reach your weight-loss goal."

I think that's why p90x was so successful for me. So this morning I've already had my eggs, ate a banana for snack, and plan on a good chicken salad for lunch.

I've put the details to the diet on my diet page so I can remember it as well. It's not really that hard - and I love that.

I'll also have to add how many servings of the foods I have left throughout the day.

4 protein servings - ate egg whites
1 dairy servings - ate cheese
0 fruit serving - ate banana
2 vegetable servings
1 fat serving
1 carb serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Friday, April 1, 2011

A new month

A new month means a new goal, right? I loved this article on goals. Really inspired me to continue doing well in my goals.

My end goal is to be 120 by the time I go to WA on May 24th. My next goal - to be SUPER fit to be able to finish my olympic tri!

My mini goal still remains be 125 (for at least a few days so it's not a fluke) by the time I go see Steph. I've got the exercise part down, so it really is all about what I eat. So, again, I'm making sure I'm eating just right. I think after these 11 days are over, I'm definitely going to start the p90x fat shredder diet again. Once I've lost all the fat, I'll move on to the next p90x stage.

I was talking to a friend yesterday, and about diets. The problem with "diets" is there is no lifestyle change. I love the p90x diets because they are lifestyle changes. They help you remember that you eat to live. I'm not saying that you can't eat things you enjoy, because that's just stupid, but the main purpose of eating is to survive. The 11 day diet is NOT a lifestyle change, BUT, that being said, has reminded me why I like to eat the way I like to eat - why I enjoy making healthy choices. I love the way my body feels when I feed it something healthy compared to sugary things.

So here's to 28 days of learning a better lifestyle. It takes a month to make a habit right? Totally doable.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ups and Downs

I like the little person who runs across my weight tracker. It's like I'm really doing something and making progress or something. I weighed in this morning - gained .2 lbs, but got to 25 point something % body fat (I think it was 25.6 but I need to check again). That means I've already gone from 27% to the 25's! Cool beans? I think so.

Went swimming yesterday and did 1150 yards in 29 minutes. It's exciting to see that I can go further and further and can really do it. I should have got up this morning and done yoga and p90x arms, but slept in. I'm stressed over Eric's friend moving into our house and just slept instead. haha But we'll bike tonight for our training - and that's a VERY good thing.

I slipped up yesterday and had cereal for dinner instead of following the diet. That was bad - but I just didn't feel like taking time to figure out what to eat, and making a smoothie, and blah blah. So... I'm going to be perfect again today, and have decided that every time I even think about not following it, I should just look at my thighs and remember I want thinner ones. haha We'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I have hope!

Weight: I've lost 2.8 lbs since Monday! WAHOO major!!

Now, I've just got 4.8 to go by the time I see Steph, then 5 more by the time I go home for my birthday.

I feel like there's hope. I feel like, yes, I can do this - I can do anything.


Yesterday we biked for 7.5 miles and ran 2 miles. Our bike ride was 35 minutes and 31 seconds. That's the time I hope to beat.

I ran - and no problems. I need to go back to the chiro and get my hips aligned again though - I knocked them out, I can feel it. So I'm gonna lay off on running too much and next Saturday get readjusted again! :)

Tonight's exercise is swimming. Hopefully I can stand all the yards the tri training has me do.


The diet has been great today. Tonight we're eating breakfast for dinner - a smoothie, scrambled eggs, and some ham.

The heaviest I have ever been must have been about 138. I wasn't there for very long and don't remember it very well because it disgusted me. The lowest I remember being, as an adult, was 119 - and at that time I wore a size 3. Since then I've regularly wore a size 4 or size 6. I'd like to be back at that size 2/size 3 figure again. All of my clothes fit me now - I don't have like fat clothes, or clothes that I can't wear because they are too small... but I'm just WAY more comfortable when I'm not carrying extra weight. So, this is my challenge to myself. Get this way before I have kids so when I gain weight from that I won't freak so much. haha

More later!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Doing good... so far :)

So, yesterday the diet went PERFECTLY. My downfalls - WANTING food that I can't have. But I remind myself that it is only 11 days. It's a good diet for remembering that healthy people eat because they have to, not because they want to. Eating is for keeping us alive and well, not for pleasure, and I think that's something a lot of people forget. I know I do ALL the time. haha I think at the end of 11 days, I'll look at food again the way I did with p90x and be able to follow the p90x fat shredder diet better. So we'll see which one I do again. Either the 11 days again, or p90x. After 11 days they want you to eat whatever you want for three days, and then generate a new 11 day diet. So I may just do that.

Today is day 2 of the diet and it's an all fruit day except for one meal. One meal is a sandwich- so that will be dinner.

I'm not getting up for my morning work outs -so I changed up my schedule a bit so I can realistically make it to the gym classes I want to go to. Check it out on my work out schedule page.

Yesterday, according to our tri training schedule, I needed to swim 900 yards in 19 minutes. It's the first time I've swam 900 yards - and I did it in 22. I'd say that's not really that bad, and I'm really proud of myself. I'm glad we have a training schedule now - we'll keep it up for sure this way. I'm so excited to actually be training - makes my goals more real.

I did not check my weight this morning because I took the scale to Molly's last night and never got it back. I'll check tomorrow morning.

Monday, March 28, 2011

A New Beginning

So today is the day I start the 11 day diet. Today is also the day I start real training for the tri. There are 17 weeks until the triathlon and I made a schedule on a tri website for training, so I'm really excited about that.

I'm going to run twice a week at first, until I know that my knee is completely fine. Because guess what? It hasn't hurt at all. And on Saturday in Atlanta, I used the fitness center and biked, used the elliptical, and ran on the treadmill... NO PAIN whatsoever.

So could this be the start to a great road ahead? :) I sure hope so!

My goals for the month - lose seven pounds by the time I see Stephanie (April 28th - one month from now). Lose five pounds between the time I see Steph and going home for my birthday.

Oh, AND stick to the training schedule so the tri is NO problem! :)

Here I go! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yes or no?

So, am I better? I don't know yet.

My knee hasn't hurt where it usually does, but the guy at 26.2 said I need to hit my toes first and not my heels when I run. So when I ran with Molly, I tried it, and made my thighs, shins, etc hurt. It also made the other side of my knee hurt - but on both knees, and then was gone when I was done running. Hopefully it's the - you're getting muscles - kind of hurt, and not the HURT hurt.

Since I ran, my knee has hurt a TINY bit in it's normal place - but maybe that's just me being paranoid.

So, maybe I'm better now? Maybe what I needed were some shoes. We'll see. Part of me is so excited that I may have found a solution - the other part of me is skeptical.

I'm going to take it easy on the running though and just try to get back into it. Maybe running three miles the very first time I run in forever isn't a great idea - but maybe I just need to build back up to it all again. Maybe?

So, the 11 day diet starts on Monday. I am going to go grocery shopping for it when I get back and be SO good. It's only 11 days- how could I not? Plus, I'm running out of precious time before I see Steph. We'll see what happens.

Anyway, nothing more to report here. Later skaters!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

running! :)

I ran 3 miles yesterday... and my knee didn't hurt. And it hasn't hurt yet today... we'll see how this goes. Maybe I'm fixed. :) And all because of some shoes.

Other than that, Molly and I have to move our diet/weigh in to next monday because I'll be in Atlanta this week and not able to follow it, but I have given up all sugar.

Also, if my leg is better - I can start insanity soon - so I probably will just after we get my sister in Dallas. :)


Friday, March 18, 2011


Why has it been since Tuesday that I last posted you ask? Because I've been crazy busy and stressed with work. So much so, that yesterday I only ate mike and ikes, and some wheat thins. WHAT KIND OF EATING IS THAT? And yes, that's literally all. So when I say that I've already lost two pounds... um, kinda obvious. lol

Anyway, Molly and I are doing a contest and I'm really excited. We are weighing each other each week, and starting these diets that her husband's family used and they all lose weight. It's only 11 days, and then it generates a new plan, and you can do another 11 days, or just until you're done losing weight. I'm really excited because I have had NO motivation. Seeing my sister just isn't enough I guess. So we'll see how this will work. I need to get my life back in order. We do our first weigh in on Saturday, and start the diet Sunday.

I went to 26.2 running store and found out that I pronate A TON in both feet. They say if you're under ten (of what they measure) then you don't pronate and need neutral shoes. If you are over ten, you definitely need help. I'm 16 and 17! Got new shoes- and they re-filmed me in those, and it took the pronation to 6 and 7. PERFECT. So I'm going to try to run with those tonight or tomorrow -whatever Molly and I have time for. Hopefully that's my leg problem. ALSO, they said I heel strike which leads to runner's knee, so I need to make sure I'm running more forward, and on my toes. All I have to say is PLEASE be the answer. If it is, I'm going to the chiropractor and giving him the BIGGEST hug! I've been doing yoga still at the gym. Hopefully next week I'll try the other classes. :)

And that's it!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eating well!

Yoga was great this morning. When I went there though, I saw this class being done that looked oh so fun! So I looked up the schedule and it's a hip hop hustle class. HOW COOL! haha

There's also a muscle mix class, so I think I'm going to get rid of one yoga class, and try the hip hop hustle or the muscle mix class. Then Mon, Wed, Fri I'll still do the p90x weight videos, and then do cycle mon/fri and then either pump or turbo kick on Wednesday. Need to go to both and see what I like. I love all the choices though! There are also water aerobics at the time I go as well - so that could be fun too!

So, I've decided that I'm going to post what I ate YESTERDAY today so you can comment on it. :) Also, I've been doing a great job with eating the p90x diet, so hopefully I'll drop this weight soon! :)

New tip for myself: Analyze myself each day and remind myself that I would like to get healthy and thinner - so NO mess ups on food!

Goal for today: Keep up the healthy diet you've got going on! :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Buckling Down

Today I woke up with the sense that I needed to really buckle down if I was gonna lose this weight before seeing Steph. Last week, I finally weighed myself - it had been forever, and saw that I had gained weight. I knew it though... my stomach has been all kinds of bloated, to the point that I thought I could be pregnant, but I'm not. So not pregnant = just fat. haha Anyway, so weighing in with five extra pounds, meant that I had to lose 13 instead of 8. :( SAD DAY! BUT, I lost 3 of those within the week, so now have exactly ten to lose. Better get on it huh? This is where I think how hard can ten pounds be? So I was going to give it my all in my exercise today...

As I started the p90x chest and back video, I was pumped and ready to go. Finished the warm-up and then finished 22 push-ups on my toes, and was feeling freaking fantastic. I went to get some water... and realized that the clock I moved yesterday said 8:04... my phone - that was on the correct time YESTERDAY said 7:04!! WHAT?!?!?!?! I called a co-worker and sure enough, it was 8:04... NOOOO!

So had to stop exercise, and get ready for the day. And now I feel djfkldsjfkldsjf;kldsjf;lkdsjdklfdj. Oh well. Tonight, if Eric is home, I'm going to go swimming with him. If not, I'll do some p90x, go swimming by myself, and then do a yoga class maybe. We'll see. Just trying to get in some good exercise.

I have about six weeks to lose those ten pounds. The first two will probably be easy, but the next 8 - those are my pesky ones. So here goes.

Goal this week - lose at least two pounds.

Fruit for breakfast! yum!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Exercise and Diet:

So, it's been going well in terms of exercising and such. I've gone back to the p90x fat shredder diet. I feel healthier living like that, so I want to keep that up. After I've lost some more fat, I'll add more of the next level. I really do enjoy eating a healthy diet all around - and hate when I succumb to packaged foods, and sugars.

I did yoga this morning - oh how good that felt! I love my gym pass - maybe a little too much. I've also been swimming with Eric, and doing some thigh machines at the gym as well. Now I just need to get back in the p90x weight DVD groove. I'll be sure to do some tomorrow - AND my cycle class! WAHOO!

General thoughts:

I'm bored of life right now. Why you ask? I'm not sure. I think it's because I've been thinking a lot lately of how to become a singer - meaning to have one album out there to share with the world. And the thought that that will probably never happen, depresses me.

Also, I think it's about time we start on the rest of our family. I have a lot of plans though that I want to happen before I get pregnant. I want to do the triathlon NOT pregnant, and I want to make sure we will be out of our car loans by the time the baby is born (next May). I'd also like to lose these pesky 8 lbs my body loves to hang on to. I think I have some good goals, and am achieving them at the current moment, but I wonder how long I can actually wait until I finally feel like it's time. We'll see.

So for now, maybe I'll pick up guitar lessons, or figure out how to make a violin background of some of my songs and make a demo cd. And I'll keep up this great healthy diet, and lost those stupid pounds. :)

Foods eaten today:

Egg whites with salsa and cheese

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day Nothing...

Soooo... it's not that I WANT to say this, but I HAVE to do this. No more Insanity.

I went to the chiropractor who is pretty sure he can fix me. GREAT! Let's get it done already! He thinks I was running on a "short" leg - meaning one of my legs was shorter than the other, and the constant sliding in mud didn't make it any better. He thinks a few adjustments and I'll be as good as new. And if I want to keep running races, to come make sure I'm adjusted right before a big race. :)

In the mean time, no running, or pounding in the ground aka NO insanity, and NO running. Fine... I can handle that.

So in the mean time, my exercise regiment will cross Insanity off the list and add a cycle class at the gym. So I'll still do p90x arms- monday, wednesday, and friday - and instead of insanity, I'll head to the gym and do the cycle class. Then tues/thurs - I'll still do yoga, and that's all for those days. I could also do a muscle mix class on mon/wed/fri - and then cycle. And tuesdays and thursday, do cycle, and then yoga, or something of the mix - but we'll see what I end up liking. My neighbor - Tammy - probably wants to come with me - so it will be way more fun!

Hopefully this is enough to keep my weight loss goals. Just means I need to be extremely strict about what I eat.

And it means I need all of your support.

So today's diet:

Fiber bar for breakfast
Banana for snack
1/2 of a Cafe rio chicken burrito - whole wheat.

I'll add more as the day progresses. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 10 - cardio circuit, Day 11 - recovery

I'm depressed.... my leg is KILLING me. It's gotta be more than just in my head, right? I mean, it was good for a while there... but I don't think stress makes it any better. I'm having it relooked at it by a knee surgeon, and then hopefully my chiro will call me back today and get my MRI for me so he can give me some advice. It HAS to be impossible that I would never run again....HAS to be.

If worse comes to worse, I won't run until the tri. And then take lots of medicine and wear my brace. :(

Also, I'm not losing weight like I did before the cruise... weird? I think I really need to fix some eating habits of mine when I'm home. KEEP ME ON IT! I will track everything today. :)

BUT, I HAVE to lose these pesky 8 lbs I've been wanting to lose since p90x. Just 8 please! :) And I have to before I go see my sister. I love when people notice a change ,and she hasn't seen me in 18 months... so she would. It's time.

Plus, if I'm serious about being thin when I'm pregnant... THEN GET ON IT JACKIE!

Also, I'm not getting up and doing this like I should. I get up and feel so tired, I go back to bed. SO no more of that! Need to get up - go to both yoga classes, and do weights on m/w/f! SO GET UP JACKIE! :) There's only 50 days left... so take advantage of it!

Also, I'm going to have a goal a day... today's goal - fasting... I'm going to kick start a healthy diet change by fasting for 24 hours. So no eating until tomorrow morning. Detoxify some! :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 9 - Pure Cardio

Did cardio power and resistance last night - didn't feel good, but felt good exercising so that's something.

Took the day off cuz I don't feel good and tried my hand at pure cardio. It was hard to breathe throughout, but by golly, I AM NOT missing a day.

Also, I'm getting skinny legs but gaining belly fat - that tells me I'm eating too much sugar and too much white flour. So I need to start writing my food down here. :) Keep me on track people!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 6 - Plyo cardio circuit, Day 7 - Rest, Day 8 - Cardio Power and Resistance

Still need to do my cardio power and resistance tonight BUT we have been swimming a ton, and I've been doing so good. I think within five months - for my tri and all - I'll be so ready!

I did my 200 yards in 4 minutes - shaving 2 mins off my time. Maybe I counted wrong the first time, or did get better!

I don't really have a lot to report besides the fact that I have a sore throat. I hope it's gone after today. :(

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 4 - cardio recovery, Day 5 - pure cardio

Soooo... did cardio recovery, and decided that I'm going to do the p90x arms MWF - and just alternate. Seems like the best option to me - Thanks Angela for that input as well!
I didn't get any arms done yesterday because yesterday was AWFUL.

TODAY!!! Today, I went RUNNING! Molly is training for a 5k that is in a month. So, today we did a 5 minute warm-up, then ran for 60 seconds,then walked for 90 seconds. It was wonderful. Came back home, iced my leg and stretched (for precautionary measures) and then did Pure Cardio! My leg didn't hurt once... I think I just need to continue to use my hypnosis/subconscious talking to it, and we'll be just fine. :) I have my tri in July... hopefully this will all go well!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 3 - cardio power and resistance

Didn't get to do yoga today. This week I've just not felt the exercise like I used to. BUT today, I was all back to normal - wahoo! So I'll catch the yoga classes next week for sure. Today's video was good - and felt really good to get motivated and moving again. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 2 - plyometric cardio circuit, p90x shoulders and arms, ab ripper

So yesterday I didn't do Insanity- not because of laziness, but because I totally tweeked something through my shoulder and neck. Gave it a rest day yesterday, and got a nice massage from Eric and I think that helped a lot. It still hurts today, but it's okay enough to use it. So I'll just skip my rest day on Sunday - and use it from yesterday instead. :)

Also, I'm really excited to get moving on getting pretty again. Saw a pic of me on my cruise... I HATE MY LEGS. SO let's get these bad boys toned!

Monday Eric and I went swimming. The tri is 1.5k swim or .98 mile or about 1700 yards. I was able to swim 200 yards in six minutes. I'm going to keep track of my time and try and get better and better. I have a long way to go. Good thing it's not until July. :)

Talked to Molly yesterday and she wants to start running on Saturday. :) Leg... you better be good. I think I need a new routine of icing after running. I think that might help a lot in terms of feeling my leg hurt or not. We'll see.

Okay, now to all my readers...biggest question!!! In p90x, you do three weeks of the same arms, and then a rest, and then three weeks of new arms, etc. BUT, Friday was always back and legs - with the extra pull-ups. But I'm not concerned about doing weights on my legs, just for my arms. SOOOO... do I just do a bunch of pull-ups? OR, because Insanity is only 60 days, should I just do the first arm day, then the next arm day, then on friday pick up the first arm day again, and then monday would be the second arm day, etc etc. So like on Friday I would do chest and back again, monday would be shoulder and arms, then wednesday would be chest and back again, and then friday shoulder and arms again? Then I'd just do that until it was three sets of two, then switch to the next set of arms. What do you think? HOPE IT MAKES SENSE!! :)

Shoulders and arms:
alternating shoulder press: 12 with 10 lbs/12 with 10 lbs
in and out bicep curls: 16 with 10 lbs/16 with 10 lbs (everybody does 16)
two arm tricep kickbacks: 15 with 8 lbs/12 with 8 lbs

deep swimmers press: 10 with 10 lbs/10 with 10 lbs
one arm concentration curl: 10 with 10 lbs/i forgot to count right lol
chair dips: 16/15

upright rows: 8 with 10 lbs - this hurt where i tweeked my neck SO bad./10 with 8 lbs
static arm curls: 16 with 10 lbs/16 with 8 lbs (everybody does 16)
flip grip twist kickbacks: 12 with 8 lbs/3 with 10, 9 with 8

seated shoulder flys (elbows out to sides not back): 12 with 8 lbs/12 with 8 lbs
crouching cohen curls: 12 with 8 lbs/8 with 10lbs
lying down tricep extensions: 15 with 8 lbs/12 with 8 lbs

straight arm shoulder flys- front, then sides (everybody does 16): 8 lbs/8 lbs again
curl up hammer down: 10 with 10 lbs/12 with 10 lbs
side tri rise: 15 both sides/10 boths sides

ab ripper!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 1 - fit test - P90x chest and back

All right - so obviously I suck. But that's okay. Because I have a very good motive at the moment. I see my sister (who I won't have seen for 18 months) in something like 65 days. If I saw her now, she would probably think I was way skinnier from when she last saw me, but I'd like her to really say, wow Jackie, you look amazing! :) I know I did a great job in p90x, and I've kept it off, but I haven't really been able to keep the tone I had up as much without doing more p90x arms.

Also, I always feel really fat when other people have lost weight, and my mom has lost 100 lbs, so I need to make sure I've lost some too. :)

That being said... I can't miss insanity and I can't mess up my healthy diet in this next little bit or I will not be able to meet my goals. So, I HAVE to do this.

Girls who inspire me: Jennifer Aniston :), and my friend Megan. I want to look just like her when I'm pregnant. She had five weeks left to go in this picture... if she's not the most fit, beautiful pregnant person you've ever seen, I'm not sure who is! :)

So here's to losing those next ten pounds and hopefully getting some thin legs! Go me! :)

p90x chest and back:
standard push ups: 12 toes/8 toes, 4 knees
wide front pull ups: 8 foot on chair/8 foot on chair
military push ups: 5 toes, 5 knees/3 toes, 5 knees
reverse grip chin ups: 1 self, 6 chair/7 chair
wide fly push ups: 9 toes, 6 knees/5 toes, 5 knees
close grip overhand pull ups: 3/4 self, 6 chair/chair
decline push ups: 8/6
heavy pants: 10 with 15 lbs/8 with 15 lbs
diamond push ups: 6 toes/2 toes, 6 knees
lawn mowers: 15 with 15 lbs/10 with 15 lbs
dive bomber push ups: 8/4
back flys: 8 with 15 lbs/8 with 15

ab ripper!

Fit test
Switch Kicks: 89
power squats: 25
power knee: 79
power jumps: 22
globe jumps: 9
suicide jumps: 10
power jacks: 10
low plank oblique: 49