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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Anyone still there?

Hey Steph/Mom - Are you even keeping track? I haven't seen mom's weigh ins, Steph stopped blogging, and I'm not even really sure that any one is actually following the rules.

So let me know what you two are doing!!!

Went "walking" with kids and dogs and Eric. By "walking", I mean riding my bike in it's lowest gear as slowly as possible just as if I were in physical therapy. haha It was nice to get outside.

Friday, November 25, 2011

No exercise today...

So I owe a dollar. Dang.

Are these correct ladies?

Jackie - 5
Mom - 5
Steph - 1

And happy half birthday to me! :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Jam

So today I did the turkey jam - first 45 minutes of plyo yoga -and then 45 minutes of yoga. It was awesome. It's Thanksgiving today and we are allowed to eat sugar. So I ate a few bites of an apple pie, but that was it. Not really craving sugar any more.

Weighed in at 127.2.... not really changing weight here very much. Last weigh in was 127.4.

Is it so much to ask to lose these last 7 lbs? COME ON.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Alternating shoulder press: 16 with 10 lbs/same
In and out bicep curls: 16 with 10 lbs/same
Two arm tricep kickbacks: 12 with 10 lbs/10 with 10

Deep Swimmers Press: 12 with 10  - same
Full supination concentration curls: 9 with each arm with 10 / same
Chair dips: 20 - bad leg on top of good leg/same

Upright rows: 10 with 10/same
Static arm curls: 16 with 10/same
Flip grip twistbacks: 12 with 10/10 with 10

Seated shoulder flys: 10 with 10
Crouching cohen curls: 8 with 10 - i find myself more exhausted as my body is trying to heal
Lying down tricep extensions: 10 with 10

Straight arm shoulder flys: 16 with 8
Congdon curls: 8 with 10
Side tri-rise: 15 both sides

ab ripper

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yoga on a hurt knee

Yoga on a hurt knee is AWESOME. All the stretching feels great!! :) I have to modify it quite a bit, but it's great! Ate no sugar today. :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Chest and Back - week 3

This is week 3 of p90x for Molly - I obviously missed all of last week.

We will see how much of this is conducive to my knee.

Standard push ups: 20 self - have to put my foot on my other leg - so i'm sure that's harder - but only ay i can do it haha
wide front pull ups: .75 self, 9.25 chair
military push ups: 3 self, 13 ONE knee haha
reverse grip chin ups: 2 self, 8 chair
wide fly push ups: 10 self, 2 one knee
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 8 chair
decline push ups: 10
heavy pants: 15 with 10
diamond push ups: 1 self, 7 one knee
lawnmowers: 15 on both sides with 10
dive bomber push ups: 5 like a moron - knee doesn't really let me do this all the way correctly
back flys: 10 with 10

make shift ab ripper - haha hard to do this without a good knee - sadness

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Sunday was great! I ate so well. I even made a chocolate cake and didn't eat the batter or the cake when it was done. Go me! :)

I'm counting calories too - and I didn't have much today. I had about 500. Need to be better tomorrow about getting food throughout the day.

Weighed in at 127.4. Official weigh in day - Thursday.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Jars

Cuz I've been down, I haven't been keeping track of the dollars - so we are starting again tomorrow ... so here is the latest count:

Jackie - $4
Mom - $5
Steph - $1


I think I'm ready to start my exercise again on Monday. So look for me then!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I'll be back in the saddle again tomorrow. I am still going to follow the no sugar, cardio thirty minutes a day, weights three times a week, blog every day rules... but not the weigh in on thursday rules until my knee swelling has gone down. Probably December 14th we will weigh in again. So I will add however many dollars for weight at that point.

So see you again tomorrow! :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sat/Sun Challenge

I was given permission to skip Saturday/Sunday... more like, I need to or I could get myself hurt pretty badly.

Knee surgery went well - the doctor said it was everything he thought it was, and also had to stretch our my ligament - DANG IT. That makes this a two month recovery instead of a one.

I'm still eating well - no sugar. I wish I could eat better and more, but right now I just don't feel good enough to eat at all. I have to so I can take all the drugs - but it's hard when I'm not moving around at all.

Besides that, I can't wait until Wednesday when this big huge cast can come off. Just gotta make it to Wednesday... we can do it!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Back and Legs

Molly and I did back and legs this morning. It was very nice to exercise right before getting chopped into.

Surgery went well Eric said. The doctor told him it's exactly what he thought it was, AND they had to do a lateral release. Ugh. That means two months recovery instead of one. Dang it. But hopefully it fixes all my problems and I can run again! :)

Now, time to just sit and do nothing. Once I stop falling asleep randomly, I'll blog in my real blog and catch up.

I've only had soup today so far - and some saltines.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today Molly and I did yoga for an hour and a half. And she decided she should try the jar thing too. That would be cool. I'm really excited we both have done p90x this whole week. I really have hope we will continue to do this.

So weigh in day: 126.2 :) I didn't gain weight, but I didn't lose what I expected. I need to count my calories better I think. We'll try that.

Anyway, surgery tomorrow = SO NERVOUS. I hope it goes well. I shouldn't have watched youtube videos on the surgery. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shoulders and Arms

Did shoulders and arms with Molly today. I'm glad we're actually going to do the 90 days. Hopefully we stay on track. I have my reps written down - I should probably put them in here.

Had a PB&J, potato spinach soup, strawberry/banana drink (milk, banana and strawberry) and that's it. Wow, I need to eat more.

Oh, and I need someone to keep tabs on my vitamins - gotta take a prenatal and a calcium pill. REMIND ME.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Checking in

So, went to yoga this morning. Why I don't seem to make it every t/th? I don't know! I love it, and I always feel so good afterwards.

Ate well all day - eggs/toast, soup for lunch, lasagna, salad, bread for dinner - NO SUGAR. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Chest and Back

Worked out with Molly today!!! :) LOVE HER!!!

Molly says that she wants to do p90x for the 90 days. If she is doing it, then I'm going to. I love having a partner, and need to get back to better shape again. I'm very worried she will quit though. So I'm not going to say I'm really doing it yet. Especially with my knee surgery coming up. For now, I'm going to stick with just the challenge rules, of 30 mins of cardio a day, and weights three times a week. And hopefully I'll stick to that - and go above and beyond and do p90x again for 90 days. If I do that again for 90 days, then I'm just going to keep doing it over and over, and hopefully be able to get p90x 2 when it comes out.

Standard push ups: 15 self, 5 knees/15 self
wide front pull ups: .5 self, 9.5 chair/10 chair
military push ups: 3 self, 10 knees/4 self, 11 knees
reverse grip chin ups: 2 self, 8 chair/8 chair
wide fly push ups: 15 self/10 self, 5 knees
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 9 chair/3/4 self, 8 chair
decline push ups: 15/10
heavy pants: 12 with 10 (being easy on my shoulder)/10 with 10
diamond push ups: 5 self, 7 knees/don't remember lol was talking to molly
lawnmowers: 15 with 10 each/15 with 10
dive bomber push ups: 8/ 10
back flys: 16 with 10/same


Sunday, November 6, 2011


Ate sugar today. I made an apple pie for a million hours on Sat with Kade and Addi- and HAD to try it. lol It was delicious. Did not exercise - but didn't need to - it's rest day!

Another dollar in the jar for me. :)

Jackie - $4
Mom - $5 (mom did you eat the lemon pie yesterday today?)
Steph - $1

Jar - End of week

Jackie - $3
Mom - $5
Steph - $0

Ladies.... is this correct??????

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Loving my weekend

Kade and Addi are AWESOME. :)

Today I took a walk ALL OVER THE PLACE - must have been at least 1.5 half combined. haha
But still, feel like I could exercise more. Back to my p90x hour and a half work out days. Those are better.

Breakfast -cereal
Lunch - burger
Dinner - pizza

WOW - I ate AWFUL.

Okay, commitment to myself starting with waking up in the morning - better exercise this next week and better food choices than today! HOLY CRAP. lol

Friday, November 4, 2011


Oh, how grateful I am that it's that time to head to the weekend. Addi and Kade come soon, and I'm so excited.

This morning I did ten minute trainer with Tony with my neighbor Julie. She wants to do this for ten days - I guess it's like a warm-up exercise. Who knows. So it's really 25 minutes or so with both ten minute workouts and the cool down and warm-ups. Also, went for a short walk with the dogs to equal the 30 minutes. I look at my exercise now and how pathetic it is, and I hope next week will be at least an hour a day. I also spent ten more minutes lifting some weights since we are supposed to lift three times a week. Still feel like I could have used the hour.

Ate well today still - and the day is not yet over for how good I'll eat. :)

Ate cereal
Ate chicken pot pie leftovers
Ate a wonderful dinner with soup, salad and watermelon! YUM!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

First weight check-in

126.4 today. That was a lovely weight to see. I just need it to keep going down.

Today I had a smoothie for breakfast, chicken pot pie for lunch, and meatloaf for dinner. I also took my vitamins - I need to be better at reminding myself to do this.

I also biked 20 minutes, then walked 20 minutes with Eric. I love exercise. I need to do more of it. I miss it.

That's about it for today. I feel a little better about life today. And I get to hang out with my niece and nephew tomorrow and I'm so excited!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I didn't check my weight today - but will check tomorrow - Thursday is our official weigh-in day.

I ate SO well today though. A veggie/fruit smoothie for breakfast. Tortilla soup made from all veggies and some chicken for lunch. And chicken pot pie for dinner.

No exercise today though - I walked around a ton, but obviously I didn't lift weights and didn't do my 30 mins of cardio - so dollar in the jar for me. Or is that two dollars? (Steph, mom?)

Anyway, I'm frustrated, so you get to hear all about it. A car ran into us today ON PURPOSE. Every fiber of my being would fight this in court.... but I have no energy.

I'm already dealing with MAYBE having to go to court with Best Vinyl and I just don't need another thing right now. On top of that, I feel like we never get ahead on our money and I'm going to have to keep working when we have kids, and I just don't want to do that. I'm just ripped apart right now. I just hope that when I call the insurance tomorrow, they say it won't bring up our insurance or anything if we want to just claim our car damage. It's about all I can hope for right now. I really wish that they would fight it with the other person's car insurance company but at this point... I just want my car to be fixed and this to be over.

I called my mom crying. Sometimes crying is all I can do to make myself feel a LITTLE better because it relieves my headache from everything. And my mom just reminded me how good everything else in life is and that this will pass and everything will be fine again. We talked about other people and the things they are going through and I just wonder... why are people so mean? How can people be so mean? It literally hurts me that people can be so evil. And then be HUGE liars.

Anyway, tomorrow's another day, right? And tomorrow I'll figure out everything. For tonight - time to go. Maybe I can convince Eric to take me on a late night bike ride.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Down .8 lbs

So, already lost .8 lbs. :) haha - not a whole lot, but a good start.

Ate so well today. Made vitamix meals today and then ended with a gyro - YUM.

Did my 30 mins of cardio today. Did I mention we have to do three weight days and half hour of cardio every day? Eric and I went swimming - we are training for a tri as if we are doing one at the beginning of the new year. Obviously need some motivation over here. haha

Another day down! :)