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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 32 - Yoga

I always love yoga day. It always reminds me that I need to join a yoga group though. lol I need to get on that when this p90 is done. I just need to find one that meets EARLY in the morning. We'll see if I can.

I've been sucking at putting my food here. I'll work on that today.

And then I'll get my miles back on here from my phone. :) No one reads this though to yell at me, so I forget. COME ON GUYS!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 31 - back and biceps, ab ripper

Wed - Day 31 - back and biceps, and ab ripper.

I've never done this back and biceps one...we'll see how it goes.

This workout is only 50 minutes.... weird!!! :)

Tony's teradactyl noise... that was I think he took some hyper juice before this dvd.

My back STILL hurts from Monday. Ick.

Wide front pull ups: 8 with chair far away, one foot on chair
lawn mowers - 15 lbs, 12 today right side; 15 lbs, 13
Twenty-ones: did 21 - need to use one a LITTLE bit lighter - need to use the bands eric gave me
One arm cross body curls: 13 with 15 lbs, could use something heavier - try the band next time
Switch grip pull ups: 3 switches
Elbow out lawnmowers: 12 on right side with 15 lbs, 12 on left side with 15 lbs
Standing bicep curls: tried the resistance band on this one- 14 with two feet on band, need a loop next time or something
One arm concentration curls: 8 on right side, perfect weight - 15 lbs, 8 on left side, 15 lbs
(I hate how Tony tells the camera man to get on him - he's so conceited.)
Corn cob pull-ups: 6 of them - i like these ones, until they hurt my elbows lol oh with chair, far away, one foot
reverse grip bent over rows: 15 lbs, 10 of these
Open arm curls: 15 lbs, 8 - just perfect
Static arm curls: used band - did 16 with everybody - but the band was not right - need to use my weights on these - i tried to stand wider to make it harder - still didn't help
Towel pull ups: 8
Congdon Locomotive: 41 with 15 lbs - everyone was doing 40 - guess I could have stopped. haha
Crouching cohen curls: 7 with 15 lbs...dang I'm weak today. It's all from Monday still hurting me. lol It's the good hurt, it's okay.
Corkscrew curls: 8 with 15 lbs - perfect
Chin ups: 7 with one foot on chair far away -ow... I'm getting tired now. It's okay - there's only 15 minutes left.
Seated bent over back flys: 13 with baby weights
Curl up/hammer down: 8 with 15 lbs - perfect
Hammer curls: 10 with 15 lbs - I keep hitting my shoulders with the weights. lol
Max rep pulls up: I could only do tired!!
Superman: 5 of them with everybody - that was a nice break from weights
In out hammer curls: 9 with 15 lbs
Strip Set curls: 8 for everybody on each one - I started with 15, so then got the bands with two feet wide, then one foot on them, then did last one with baby weights

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 30 - plyo...kinda

I didn't have the plyo cd today, so I switched for core instead.

I like core cuz I feel like I get so much of body toned in this one.

PS it's day 30...I can't believe I've been doing this for this long. But my jeans fit a bit better, and Eric told me my legs look skinny today. And that's what we're going for! :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

First day of fifth week

So to catch up - I don't have a lot to record for all the other days days 26 - 28 - but I loved all of last week. So nice to have a flexible week - its what I'm good at. Stretch is nice - it's just like being in gymnastics again - and after p90x, I think I need to join a yoga group,and continuing running.
PS I still have been running. My iphone has all my records on it. I'll have to get them on here. I run a pretty good two mile now though.
PPS - I don't think I'm lactose intolerant... I think I really do eat too much. So new goal - eat WAY less than I think I want. Still doing good with no sugar. I've become slack with the bread - I just eat it with meals, and not by itself though, so that's at least a good thing.

Day 29:

Eric did this with me today - so fun!

3 in 1 slow push ups: all and bonus
Shoulder flys - 16 with everybody
Dips: 15 - OW
Plange push ups: 8
Pike press up: 8
Side tri rise: 13 both sides
Floor flys: 10
Scarecrow: 16 - little weights
Triceps up and down - can't remember what he called them - 10
Two twitch speed push ups: all of them
Forgot what he called this - 6 with 15 lbs, 2 with little ones
Lying down tri ceps: little weights
Side to side push ups: 6
Pour flys: Wow those were weird... 7
Side leaning triceps: I forgot to count
One arm pushups: I can't even figure out how to do one of these, i just fell on the floor laughing instead lol
Weighted circles: counting, but can I just say...seriously? lol
Throw the bomb: 11 on right, 12 on left
Clap or plyo push ups: 6 with claps
Slow mo throw: 10
Front to back tricep extensions: lost count again...i suck with counting tonight. lol It's because I've never done this dvd.
Yoga push ups - didn't see what he called them - did 8, and I think I accidentally threw out my elbow...hopefully not.
Fly row press: 8 of these
Body blow something... 17

And all done!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

So Sorry! Day 25 - X Stretch

I'm sorry I haven't been around - I got sick Saturday and haven't really felt up to exercising. But this morning I was ready to go - and feel so much better.

We are on the 4th week, and I missed Kenpo on Saturday (Day 20), then Monday's yoga (Day 22), Tuesday's Core Synergistics (Day 23), and Wednesday's Kenpo (Day 24). So at the end of the 90 days, I'm going to add these four back in there. So today is day 25 - it's X Stretch day. This has always been the optional one in the last three weeks, stretch or rest, so I've never done it.

Hope it's good! :)

Breakfast: Strawberry yogurt - 100 calories
Snack: Nutri grain bar, strawberry - 130 calories

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 19

So today was back and legs, and ab ripper. I also went running - put in a mile and a half today of straight running, and then probably another mile or two of fast walking with Eric. It was fun to go with him today.

On a side note - started not eating cheese after lunch today. We'll see how this goes.

Also, I saw a picture of me on Nat's blog...Eric assures me it was just how the picture was taken, and I'm definitely not that large. My head is all small, but my arm is HUGE. It's creepy. Obviously, I'm bigger than I think I am. I haven't gained any weight since I was in 8th I think it's just the picture - but STILL. I don't want to look that way in pictures. Guess I better just keep working harder.

Wonder what else I can cut out of my diet...

Day 17, 18

Wed was day 17 - shoulders and arms, ab ripper.
I wrote shoulders and arms on a piece of paper because I forgot the computer upstairs, and didn't want to go get it - I had already started the DVD. lol

Wednesday, I also ran 2 miles WITHOUT stopping - except for Jersey's little thing - click here. The only problem with running like that, was the outside of my knees hurt so bad! So running on Thursday was out of the question.

Thursday was day 18 - yoga. :)

Friday - TODAY - is day 19 - back and legs, ab ripper. And I'll go running again, and try to get some miles in. Hopefully right when I get home so that it's still light outside.

Food - I'm doing really good with no sugar and no bread (except in meals.) I was sooooo good at the vday party too. :) NO SUGAR! wahoo! After a long talk with some girls, I'm pretty sure that I am lactose intolerant. So I'm going off the dairy for two weeks, and then I'll add it back in my diet and check. I have been putting this off forever because I didn't want to know I was...but I tried lactaid before a meal and it didn't help. This girl said that it was probably still in my system - and I need to start from scratch....

SO HERE GOES! Gosh, soon, I won't eat anything. lol Lots of fruit and veggies is all I can say!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Days 14, 15 and 16

So day 14 was rest day. :)
Day 15 was chest and back - and I did not do it. So I'm doing that today during lunch.
Today is day 16 and it's plyometrics! So lunch time is chest and back, then after work, running a few miles then plyometrics...and hopefully get my craft room finished. I painted it with two different sheens....and didn't realize until the other day, but they gave me a gallon for free. :)

So I'll be back at lunch to write again.

On a side note - after keeping track of my food, I've decided a couple things.

When I was in high school, I had a small gap between my two front teeth, but I wasn't allowed to have braces until I lost my last tooth. Well, 17 rolls around, and I lost my last tooth. So the braces went on my top teeth. And they told me that I only had to have them on for 6 months. Now, I used to chew at least 7 pieces of gum a day. One for every class, and one after lunch. But I wasn't allowed to have gum with the braces - and I wanted them off in 6 months. So for 6 months I didn't chew gum. Yes, I would call that total self control. To this day, I can chew gum for a very short period of time before I get sick of it.

SOOOOO, I decided that I do have self control, and if I set my mind to something I can do it. So today, I'm giving up straight bread. (Like for sandwiches, or french bread, or whatever.) If it's in a meal, then okay. I'm also giving up sugar today - ice cream, chocolate, whatever. So here's to lots of veggies, fruits, and well, noodles. lol

HERE GOES! I'll be back later today with chest and back rep numbers.

Chest and Back:
20 push ups, second time -14 push ups
wide front pull ups: 11 with one foot on chair, second time - 6 with one foot on chair far way
Military push ups - 5 on toes!!!!! 6 on knees, second time - 9 on knees
Reverse grip chin ups: 6 with chair far away - one foot on chair, 4 with chair far away and one foot on it
Wide fly push ups: 10 on toes, 5 on toes...gosh i'm tired. lol
Close grip over hand pull ups: one by myself! 7 with one foot on chair, far away, second time- 5 on chair, far away
Decline push ups: 12, second time - 6
Heavy pants: 16 with 15 lbs, second time - 9 with 15 lbs
Diamond push ups: 2 on toes, 5 on knees, second time - 7 on knees
Lawnmowers: 16 on right arm, 15 with left arm, 15 lbs, second time - right arm - 10 with 15 lbs, left arm - 10 with 15 lbs
Dive bombers: 4 - eric showed me i was doing these wrong... whoops., second time, 3
Back flys: 8 with one loop in resistance band, 9 with one loop in band

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 12: Back and Legs, ab ripper Day 13: kenpo

Back and legs really worked my legs and butt today! Good workout.

Wide front pull ups: 8 with one foot on chair/second time- 9!!!! with one foot on chair, haha had to beat my last one
Close grip pull ups: 6 with one foot on chair, and one special hard one with andrew, ONE BY MYSELF!!! holla!!/ second time - 4 with one foot on chair
Not sure on the switches for switch grip pull ups... - 4 switches - 8 pulls up total
Reverse grip chin ups: 4 with one foot on chair

Kenpo - good cardio. My running starts monday!!!!! WAHOO! 15 miles a week!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 11: Yoga

I LOVE yoga! I think for yoga day I need to join a class with a bunch of other people. I have done a class before, and I just loved being with everybody - so I am thinking about it.

Also, I went to bed WAY too late last night, so I did yoga at night today with Ange.

A few things... my hubby went to walmart for some oil filters with Ange's husband Eric, and he came back with...

A YOGA MAT! I was so excited! And look at the pretty butterflies!! THANK YOU BABE! I LOVE YOU!

Jersey wanted to do yoga too...Ange calls it doga... hehe

Anyway, after writing my food down for two days - I realized I eat a ton of junk. haha BUT, I don't usually eat like that - I hope. Usually if I have fruit around, I eat that for breakfast and lunch and then eat just normal food for dinner. So tomorrow, I need to go get some bananas and apples!!

Note for Rachel - I swear I don't normally eat like that! haha Thanks for the advice! I do think I need to stop eating so much bread - and hopefully my food diary will prove that I don't eat that much junk! lol

Note for Ellie: The leg thing for yoga DOES work!!!! I'm going to keep trying it.

On all of those notes: My trainer, David, gave me my next steps for running my marathon. He wants me to run about 15 miles a week for a few weeks. So monday starts the first day of accomplishing that. Here goes me!

Also, I am making a new goal - for the rest of the week, I have to have two fruits or veggies a day.

Food today:
Breakfast: Peanut butter toast
Lunch: Top Ramen
Dinner: Cafe Rio burrito with salad and chip and salsa

I feel like I ate more than that today...guess not. Gosh...Rach...I do eat a lot of carbs. haha

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 10 - shoulders and arms, ab ripper

Did the ab ripper in the morning, but ran out of time for the other part. So now it's night time, and here we go!

Alternating shoulder press: 15 15 lbs
In and out bicep curls: 16 reps - with little weight - need a bigger one Jackie! GO BUY THEM!!!!/did with 15 lbs the next time and did all 16! WAHOO!!!!!
Two arm kick backs: 14 with little ones/ second time - 10 with 15 lbs...hmmm stronger than I thought? I think so!

Deep Swimmers Press: 12 with 15 lbs but with arms not going all the way down! WAHOO!!!/ Second time - 9 with 15 lbs
Full supination concentration curls: 14 with 15 lbs, 12 with 15 lbs
Chair dips: 12 with straight legs! HOLLA! second time - 11 with straight legs

Upright rows: 9 with the 15 lbs, 14 with little
Static arm curls: Started with 15 lbs, half way through - changed to little ones. used little ones - did a ton! lol
Flip grip twistbacks: 20 with little ones....need something just a little bigger. Second time - used bigger ones, could do 7...

Seated shoulder flys: 16 reps - little ones - second time - 12 ones
Crouching cohen curls: 15 lbs - did 7 , second time - 15 lbs, did 5
Lying down tricep extensions: 20 with little ones, second time - 20 again

Straight arm shoulder flys: need bigger weight
Congdon curls: 15 lbs were perfect
Side tri-rise: 16 both sides - need to remember to keep legs on the floor

Breakfast: Peanut butter on toast
Snack: A donut
Lunch: Pasta and French bread
Snack: A piece of chocolate
Dinner: French bread, fruit roll up, and the rest of Eric's leftover burrito from Cafe rio - can you tell that Eric wasn't home for dinner? lol
Snack: Rootbeer floats with friends - and a slice of bread.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 9: Plyometrics

So I'm not sure what's wrong with me - I start exercising, and I do a really good job, and about a week in, I get to this point where I'm like, this is pointless and I stop. And then I get all untoned again, and hate it, and start again. So, this morning, I thought to myself, I'll just do it tonight like I did yesterday. Then I slapped myself, got out of bed, and went and did plyometrics. And of course, I'm not tired from getting up early, I'm happy with myself for getting up and doing it, and I feel good. So why do I ever convince myself to NOT exercise? It's so stupid. So I'm glad I have all of you to make sure I'm on track. It will hopefully keep me on track.

On a side note, I feel like I'm not losing at much fat as I should be - so I've decided I'm going to keep track of everything I'm eating for the next week, and then we can review it and see what I need to change.

Today's food:

Breakfast: Two pieces of toast with peanut butter
Snack: chips and salsa
Lunch: The pasta I made yesterday, and three slices of french bread.
Snack: Chips and Salsa
Dinner: Pizza hut personal pan pizza, potato wedges, and sprite
Snack: Popcorn

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 8: Chest and Back, ab ripper

Day 7 was rest day...

I didn't wake up this morning to do this - so I did it after everyone left from dinner. Eric did them with me today. :) FUN!

PS Tony...annoying...and self centered.

Standard push ups: 16 - no knees/ second time - 10 with no knees
Wide front pull ups: 10 with one foot on chair/second time - 8 with one foot on chair
Military Push ups: one without knees, 9 on knees/second time - 9 on knees
Reverse grip chin ups: 10 with one foot on chair/ second time - 7 with one foot on chair
Wide fly push ups: 10 -no knees/second time - 7 - no knees
Close grip overhand pull ups: 6 with one foot on chair/second time - 6 with one foot on chair
Decline push ups: 15 / second time - 14 with one leg up
Heavy pants: 15 with 15 lb weights /second time - 12 with 15 lb weights
Diamond Push ups: 1 without knees, 10 on knees/ second time - 6 on knees
Lawn mowers: 15 on right arm, 15 with left arm/ second time - 11 with right arm, 20 with left arm
Dive bombers: 8? lost count hehe/second time - gosh i'm tired...3....
Back flys: 15 with little weights/second time - 16 with little weights

Now ab ripper time!

Day 6: Kenpo

Whoops - I accidentally posted this on my other blog.

BUT, it was fun - and that's all I really have to say about it!