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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Days 14, 15 and 16

So day 14 was rest day. :)
Day 15 was chest and back - and I did not do it. So I'm doing that today during lunch.
Today is day 16 and it's plyometrics! So lunch time is chest and back, then after work, running a few miles then plyometrics...and hopefully get my craft room finished. I painted it with two different sheens....and didn't realize until the other day, but they gave me a gallon for free. :)

So I'll be back at lunch to write again.

On a side note - after keeping track of my food, I've decided a couple things.

When I was in high school, I had a small gap between my two front teeth, but I wasn't allowed to have braces until I lost my last tooth. Well, 17 rolls around, and I lost my last tooth. So the braces went on my top teeth. And they told me that I only had to have them on for 6 months. Now, I used to chew at least 7 pieces of gum a day. One for every class, and one after lunch. But I wasn't allowed to have gum with the braces - and I wanted them off in 6 months. So for 6 months I didn't chew gum. Yes, I would call that total self control. To this day, I can chew gum for a very short period of time before I get sick of it.

SOOOOO, I decided that I do have self control, and if I set my mind to something I can do it. So today, I'm giving up straight bread. (Like for sandwiches, or french bread, or whatever.) If it's in a meal, then okay. I'm also giving up sugar today - ice cream, chocolate, whatever. So here's to lots of veggies, fruits, and well, noodles. lol

HERE GOES! I'll be back later today with chest and back rep numbers.

Chest and Back:
20 push ups, second time -14 push ups
wide front pull ups: 11 with one foot on chair, second time - 6 with one foot on chair far way
Military push ups - 5 on toes!!!!! 6 on knees, second time - 9 on knees
Reverse grip chin ups: 6 with chair far away - one foot on chair, 4 with chair far away and one foot on it
Wide fly push ups: 10 on toes, 5 on toes...gosh i'm tired. lol
Close grip over hand pull ups: one by myself! 7 with one foot on chair, far away, second time- 5 on chair, far away
Decline push ups: 12, second time - 6
Heavy pants: 16 with 15 lbs, second time - 9 with 15 lbs
Diamond push ups: 2 on toes, 5 on knees, second time - 7 on knees
Lawnmowers: 16 on right arm, 15 with left arm, 15 lbs, second time - right arm - 10 with 15 lbs, left arm - 10 with 15 lbs
Dive bombers: 4 - eric showed me i was doing these wrong... whoops., second time, 3
Back flys: 8 with one loop in resistance band, 9 with one loop in band

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