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Thursday, April 21, 2011


So who lost a pound, and 1 percent of body fat?


That's right. It's so much easier to eat right when you're actually making progress. So today is day 33 and counting. I'm going to give myself the best birthday gift ever - the gift of weighing 120 lbs. :)

Random thought - I wish my little running man on my tracker was more accurate - instead of saying I lost a pound every time I lose like .5 lbs, it could actually say you lost 1.4 lbs. lol

Anyway, here's to eating healthy forever! :) LOVE IT. And I just feel so much better. Plus, I constantly feel like I'm shredding fat off. So I just ask to get to 120... it can't be THAT hard. I think you just really have to want it.

Let's do it!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I gained a pound. :( But I have lost two percent body fat so far. So still declining in body fat, but honestly, I don't think that's enough for me.

My downfalls - when it comes to my diet - is that if I want to eat something, and I am not focusing on my real goals, then I will. Nobody is holding me accountable for what I eat - and if someone were, then I'm sure I'd eat just perfectly.

When I did p90x, and did it for 90 days straight, you all held me accountable by just reading my blog. I knew that if I missed a day, you would all know, and I wouldn't have REALLY completely P90X.

SO... Andrew has offered to keep me accountable for sticking to a healthy lifestyle. :) I'm really excited about this. The plan - for 35 days (the day before my birthday) be absolutely perfect. And with him watching me and keeping me accountable, I have more drive to actually stay absolutely perfect. I'm hoping this is exactly what I need to conquer this hurdle, and reach my goal. He has me writing in a little journal that I keep in the kitchen, and is going to track my progress for me. Every night, we'll have a little pow wow and he'll tell me how much I suck or how good I'm doing. The mere thought of him knowing I wasn't absolutely perfect, drives me to be absolutely perfect. I hope this is what I need to drop these last ten pounds.

Yesterday, Eric and I swam. It was only 950 yards, but I did it in 17 minutes. I've gotten faster! :)

Today, I went to my yoga class. LOVE IT. And tonight we'll bike, and maybe I'll try to run some. We'll see. I still need to go get the things I previously talked about.

So you pesky ten pounds - SEE YA! :) Hopefully this is the change I need (because frankly, I'm getting quite sick of going nowhere, and IIIIII am the only one stopping me.)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

So it's thursday...

I went to yoga this morning. LOVE yoga. And my leg feels fine today - that's the fastest I've ever felt better. Maybe I need to make sure that yoga twice a week is a staple for me. Keep that leg stretched. On days it's not offered, that I feel like doing more yoga, I should do the p90x yoga, or the video Cathi gave me to help my leg.

I also talked to the instructor this morning, who told me that I should try stretching on the IT band rollers and see if it's a combination of IT band and pronating. So now I gotta go buy one of these:

And start rolling on it. Maybe it will stretch where I need it. Maybe not.

And while I'm at it, I might as well try one of these IT band straps.
My chiropractor suggested using the band that goes under your knee when I first saw him. I should call him and ask him what he thinks now. Maybe try the band that goes under my knee, and use the roller and see what helps. We'll see.

Anyway, I'm sticking to my weight at the moment, but still losing body fat. And that's a GREAT thing, so I'd say, I'm doing pretty darn good. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

For Angela

Sorry friends, I AM still here.

I'm frustrated today though. Eric and I did our biking yesterday, and then running like we are supposed to. BUT uh oh... my leg is in pain again! WHAT THE !?!?!?!!?!!!?!?!?! I'm so mad at the moment about this.

I did go a mile without it really flaring up in pain. So maybe I just need to take it REALLY REALLY SLOW. So I'm thinking I'll take a three week break from running. Make sure to wear my chaco sandals for the next three weeks (since they have arches in them) and then try running ONLY a mile, and then we can take it up to like 1.25 miles, then 1.5, and so on. I don't have a TON of time to figure out how to get to 6.2 miles before the tri. If this plan helps, then I need to buy new flip flops - all with arches - so I can save my legs while walking around on a normal day. So maybe some pairs of chaco flip flops.

Anyway, everything else is going well. Something I found out about myself though is that I eat SO much better when I exercise in the morning. If I don't exercise in the morning, it's like my brain shuts off and forgets that healthy foods are freaking delicious. It's automatic to eat well when I've exercised, but takes more thought when I don't. Weird? Kinda. lol

Also, I find that if I try ANY junk - even a small amount, I feel like crap. So, obviously, my body doesn't want it, so why feed myself that?

That all being said - the p90x lifestyle is wonderful. I love eating well and adding muscle workouts to my exercise plan.

Angela - I know I haven't been listing my foods like I said I wanted to- but I have been doing superb! :) Just too much work to think about putting it here. haha

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 3- shoulders and arms, abs

Had to wait until today to do this cuz I was still muscle hurt! :) LOVE IT.

alternating shoulder press: 10 with 10 lbs/10 tih 10 lbs
in and out bicep curls: 16 - 10 lbs/16 with 10 lbs
two arm tricep kickbacks: 9 with 10 lbs/8 with 10 lbs

deep swimmers press: 10 with 10 lbs/8 with 10 lbs
supination curls: 8 with 10 lbs/8 with 10 lbd
chair dips: 15 /17

upright rows: 8 with 10 lbs/10 with 10lbs
static arm curls: 16 with 8 lbs/16 with 8 lbs
flip grip twist kickbacks: 12 with 8 lbs/15 with 8 lbs

seated shoulder flys: 8 with 10 lbs/8 with 10 lbs
crouching cohen curls: 10 with 8 lbs/8 with 10 lbs
lying down tricep extensions: 8 with 10 lbs/10 with 10 lbs

in and out straight arm shoulder fly (16 everybody): 16
congdon curl: 10 with 10 lbs
side tri rise: 12 both sides


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yoga, we meet again

I've been out of the yoga loop for the last two weeks - and it was awesome to go back. I forgot how great it makes me feel. And after a p90x day that made my muscles WAY sore (in such an awesome way), it felt good to get all stretched out.

I've been eating well - p90x style- and losing weight. It's easy cuz I feel way better when I eat this way, and since I get to pick what I eat, and make healthy decisions, I feel empowered and controlled as well. Look at all the benefits. And I'm losing weight. Slowly, but that's a good thing - won't gain it back. Still trying to make my Texas goal, but won't be totally upset if I don't.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 1 - Chest and back , ab ripper

DEAR P90XERS!!! - How do you make the ab ripper harder? Can you add weights somehow?


So I saw Tony on this 10 minute workout... I was shocked! ten minutes? Has anyone ever seen/done his p90x routine? It's at least an hour 15 every day - SOMETIMES an hour and thirty minutes. 10 minutes Tony?! WHAT?!

It felt so good to be doing p90x again. I think this just might be a life thing - doing p90x. Maybe? I just love it too much. And am so ready to have my muscles back again. And if not p90x, then at least remembering to lift weights two to three times a week.

It also occurred to me that I'm gonna need heavier weights pretty soon. I've haven't lost all of my muscle mass, and if my muscles remember anything... then I'll need some heavy ones pretty quick.

Tony just said "most workouts would be done by now...not ours!" Really Tony? What is this ten minute thing?!

So Monday we did our swimming, and yesterday did our running - but missed biking cuz Eric wanted to check out this car he wants to buy. We'll see what happens. It was a beautiful car - but would replace my jetta, and gets worse gas who knows.

Sidenote - Jersey has been making the weirdest high pitched noises lately. lol

Also, dedicating an hour and 15 minutes in the morning is so much more practical than two hours. There's just no way I wanna get up earlier than I am. This is good for me.

And then of course, exercising at night with Eric is the extra cardio I need - so I'm happy. :)

PS the p90x diet - so much better than any diet. It's just a good change in diet, instead of a quick fix. Love it.

standard push ups: 14 toes - what a weakling I am lol/ 6 toes, 10 knees
wide front pull ups: .5 by self, 9.5 chair/8 chair
military push ups: 3 toes, 7 knees/2 self, 6 knees
reverse grip chin ups: 1 self, 5 chair/7 chair
Wide fly push ups: 15 toes/10 toes, 5 knees
close grip overhand pull ups:.5 self, 6 chair/5 chair
Decline push ups: 10/5 HAHA
heavy pants: 12 with 15 lbs/12 with 15 lbs
diamond push ups: 6 toes, 8 knees/1 toes, 6 knees
lawnmowers: 12 with 15 lbs on both sides/12 with 15 on both sides
dive bombers: men's way - 7/4
back flys: 12 with 10 lbs/10 with 10 lbs


Monday, April 4, 2011

The P90x lifestyle change

So I dropped the 11 day diet already. It helped me remember to make better choices, and now that I've instilled that in my mind again, I'm back on the p90x bandwagon. It's the only thing that has ever let me drop weight and body fat, so I'm back to it. :)

I'll be doing my tri training, and the weight videos for p90x three times a week like they do in the program. Then I won't be totally overdoing it. So basically like doing p90x without the cardio it suggests - cuz I'm biking, running, and swimming as well. :)

I really enjoyed this article today wherein it states: It’s only natural to want quick weight loss results once you make the commitment to shed a few pounds or more. But this is one area in which slow and steady is the way to go. “Permanent weight loss can only be achieved when one makes a lifestyle change,” says Peter Vash, MD, MPH, executive director of Lindora Medical Clinics in Costa Mesa, Calif. and assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCLA’s Center for Health Sciences in Los Angeles. Eating a healthful diet and sweating it out regularly are the best ways to reach your weight-loss goal."

I think that's why p90x was so successful for me. So this morning I've already had my eggs, ate a banana for snack, and plan on a good chicken salad for lunch.

I've put the details to the diet on my diet page so I can remember it as well. It's not really that hard - and I love that.

I'll also have to add how many servings of the foods I have left throughout the day.

4 protein servings - ate egg whites
1 dairy servings - ate cheese
0 fruit serving - ate banana
2 vegetable servings
1 fat serving
1 carb serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Friday, April 1, 2011

A new month

A new month means a new goal, right? I loved this article on goals. Really inspired me to continue doing well in my goals.

My end goal is to be 120 by the time I go to WA on May 24th. My next goal - to be SUPER fit to be able to finish my olympic tri!

My mini goal still remains be 125 (for at least a few days so it's not a fluke) by the time I go see Steph. I've got the exercise part down, so it really is all about what I eat. So, again, I'm making sure I'm eating just right. I think after these 11 days are over, I'm definitely going to start the p90x fat shredder diet again. Once I've lost all the fat, I'll move on to the next p90x stage.

I was talking to a friend yesterday, and about diets. The problem with "diets" is there is no lifestyle change. I love the p90x diets because they are lifestyle changes. They help you remember that you eat to live. I'm not saying that you can't eat things you enjoy, because that's just stupid, but the main purpose of eating is to survive. The 11 day diet is NOT a lifestyle change, BUT, that being said, has reminded me why I like to eat the way I like to eat - why I enjoy making healthy choices. I love the way my body feels when I feed it something healthy compared to sugary things.

So here's to 28 days of learning a better lifestyle. It takes a month to make a habit right? Totally doable.