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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A life update

Still sitting here at 128/129. Can we move on already? I can tell I'm toning up but I just gotta get back into lifting weights consistently. After the tri is over, I definitely want to bike, swim, and run at least once a week to keep it up and continue to do a tri once a year. My new plan, after Jersey, will be to do p90x but sub yoga/plyo on tues/thurs for yoga at the gym, and then do plyo on saturday when you're supposed to do kenpo. It will probably be what I need to drop the weight.

Life is just crazy right now. We have every week FULL of stuff. This Saturday, I have NOTHING planned - except for making sure Eric has everything he needs done before the concrete comes. I'm not gonna plan anything though, and get some photos put on dvd for some clients, clean up the house for family coming soon, and tie up some loose ends on some projects. Saturday is going to be a good day to just catch up on some stuff I think.

Because we have so much planned, I feel like winter is just a step away.
This weekend - time to relax, hopefully.
July 30th - tri
August 6th - carpets cleaned, finish concrete, mom/sister get here
August 13th - ripping out old garden and redoing, putting in a HUGE new veggie/fruit garden
August 20th - JERSEY

Then, one last weekend for the "summer" months and winter should be on it's way. I don't consider September a summer month - it's more fall, but since Utah doesn't really have a fall, maybe our summer will continue a bit more before turning into dead winter again. Who knows! But then three months later, it will already be time for Christmas. CRAZY!

I can't wait until we go on vacation to Jersey, come back and can just RELAX. I'm in the process of changing over my photography website as well - and changing the name of it. I'm meeting with a company on Friday to discuss adding some deals to their sites, and I'm going to actually pay money to advertise in the next bit. I'm excited about a new change and getting it rolling more. I did a wedding this last week and forgot why I stopped pushing myself so much - so getting back on track there.

We're spending everything we have saved on our fence/driveway extension. The next step will be to get back on track with savings, and continue our emergency savings so we can have a good 18 grand in emergency funds before a baby comes. Hopefully, Rox gets knocked up, and her babies can sell for a grand each. :)

I've been taking my pre-natal vitamins religiously. My friend has taken them since she was in high school to avoid spina bifida - cuz her sister got it. She said the more folic acid you take, the better - so I'm hoping I've got enough going to be safe on that side of things. The doctor said take them three months ahead of time, and so I think I'll be perfectly safe by the time we start trying. Now, just gotta lose these last 8 lbs before getting pregnant. I don't think I could stand making the smallest part of my body so big, while having huge legs and huge arms! HAHA We'll see what I can muster. Plus, I want to be able to exercise as much as I can while I'm pregnant, and the doc said to do whatever I want now so I can continue to do it - so can't really slack in that area.

I also need to get better at blogging. We've been so crazy, I've just stopped. Here AND on my normal blog. I don't have too much to put on the normal blog - except about the tons of projects we have done in the last bit. Need to get that on the blog before the tri. And then I need to make sure I update this as well. I've been using MFP to track my calories - and I need to better at that too so I can see what I'm eating and how it's affecting my weight loss.

And last but not least, I need to make dinner. I have this great want to just sit down and cook all day. Ugh - why do I have a full-time job again? Oh that's right... still need an income. DARN. haha

Sorry this is all so random. Just lots of thoughts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


As I waver back and forth between 127 and 129, I begin to think "could this possibly be the beginning of the tricky weight loss?" Since my last entry, I haven't seen the 130's at all. My body fat has consistently stayed between 25 and 26. I feel better - my clothes are getting almost too loose. haha I'm eating well, I'm exercising for the tri, and I'm getting back into the groove of things.

I went running the other day - ran for .62 of a mile. Felt fine - but my knee was giving. So, I need to make sure I always wear my patellar band. We're going to attempt a mile today and see how that goes. I'm being very slow and very careful, but figure if I can at least run a solid two- three miles, taking the walk in between those miles and running again won't be that bad for the tri.

On the side of all of that though - is some void. It's something I can't really explain. It's something I've been feeling pretty consistently since March. My favorite religion teacher at BYU said it will go away with babies. And maybe that's what it is... being baby hungry? I mean, I know I am because I see cute baby clothes in the stores, and think, oh it's so time for that in our lives.

But then I remember that I need to be at my job for at least a year for FMLA to take effect - meaning they have to keep my job for 12 weeks while I'm on leave. Then I remember how crazy I am about the time frame they should be born in, and I remember that the cars need to be paid off, and I remember that we need to put a fence up, and we need an emergency savings, and I remember that there are all these extra things that need to happen first... and I'm patient again.

But will a baby really feel that void? I'm not so sure. Because it all stems from not doing what I really want to do be doing with my life. It includes so much more I feel... but is that just me being crazy? Being bored?

So, I'll take it day by day until I figure that out. And we'll keep training for the tri that I'm just SO excited for! I'm so glad I get to do it, and just can't wait!

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Hump

When I ended p90x, I weighed 128, but I also had 23% body fat (started at 27%). Since I didn't maintain weight lifting past p90x (first hurting my leg in the dirty dash, and then hurting my foot), I have only maintained my weight (gaining two pounds here and there) since then, but also gained 4% of body fat. Obviously, not a good thing. It means that I have to keep lifting weights or I just can't stay toned.

So, I have this goal of getting my body fat back down, and am in the 26% range today. My main overall goal is to get this down...BUT, I still know that my weight has a lot to do with how much body fat I actually have.

Today... I hit, what I like to call, "the hump." This is 128.8 lbs. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen this number on the scale, but cannot make this number go any lower. It could be something I eat, it could be that I just hit that number for a moment, but it wasn't "real" weight loss - just water weight or something, it could be a number of things. But I THINK that a lot of it has to do with being on a Friday (just like today) and then not being perfect for the weekend. Well my friends, that is just not going to happen. Somehow, I'm going to make it through this number. Somehow, I'm going to push past it and forever get under that number. I'm not really sure if I can. Part of me wonders if my body likes to be at this weight - but I'm just not satisfied with that, so it's time to do something about it. Look for my update on Monday to see if I made progress or not. :)

If I still have body fat to lose - and I do - then my weight has got to come down with it, right?

So here's to a perfect weekend of healthy foods. :)