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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 53 - stretch

I'm glad today was a stretch day... I think I pulled or stretched my hamstring in my right leg - it hurts so bad to do anything I usually do. I did this last week while wakeboarding, so I think the stretch dvd was heavily needed.

I did do my whole fast yesterday - and I feel awesome today.


Breakfast: egg whites salsa and cheese
Snack: apples

To go:
4 protein servings
1 dairy servings
1 fruit serving
2 vegetable servings
1 fat serving
1 carb serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 52- kenpo

So kenpo is today... Kenpo is my least fave.

Nutrition today is nothingness. Today I'm taking a fast to get my digestive organs reset, so I can fully load on good food tomorrow, friday, and saturday - to be ready for my 5k.

I've been running three miles these last two weeks - and have knocked my time down quite a bit. I only hope I make the best time when I actually run this weekend. It should be fun. And it's all sea level... soooo... training in high altitude might be used to my advantage. :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 51 - core synergistics


Breakfast: eggs with cheese and salsa
Snack: apples
Lunch: chicken salad with corn
Snack: protein bar
Dinner - chinese food - I was so bad - white fried rice, a fortune cookie, and a bite of cake! AHHH!!!

To go:

2 protein servings
1 dairy serving
1 fat serving
1 carb serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 50 - yoga

Day 50... Day 50... Last time I made it to Day 60, and did not have nearly the results I'm getting now. It makes the biggest difference sticking to a good nutrition plan. Eating at least 1200 calories, eating more protein and veggies and fruits. It's great. I can see the muscles I'm getting, I feel stronger, I run better... it's better. People say that what you eat can truly change health issues you've been struggling with, and I have to say, I'm a believer for sure. However, I know that I haven't been the most perfect eater - so again, trying to stay dedicated to eating as close to this plan as possible. I'm going to take it day by day and just remember that you eat because your body needs the fuel, so give it good fuel, not nasty fuel. :)

Breakfast: egg whites with salsa and cheese
Snacks: Apple
Lunch: chicken sandwich
Snack: protein bar
Dinner: chicken salad - with corn and vinagrette

To go:
1 protein servings
1 dairy servings
1 fat serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 47 - back and legs, day 48 - kenpo, day 49 - rest

Sorry for my absence in blogging and putting down nutrition. My friend was in town this weekend, so just forgot. But DID NOT forget to exercise. :) Plus adding hiking, swimming, jeeping, camping, etc - makes for some good extra exercise. lol

Back and legs is always my fave video - my problem part of my body.

Also, I read some celeb's diets and they are all very high in protein - just like the p90x diet. Even though I stick pretty close to the diet, there are always things that could improve. So this week, my improving is going to be in the carb department -making sure I'm always choosing protein over carbs - and giving up the carbs when I don't really need them to make the protein taste better. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 46 - yoga

I have SOOOO much to do today that you should all be proud that I fit my yoga in there this morning. :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 45 - chest shoulders... whoops

Sooooo... for some reason I thought back and biceps was yesterday - cuz it should have been, but I accidentally did that Monday.... sooooo yesterday I should have done chest and shoulders. So I'm doing that one today (since yesterday I was in such great pain I took my rest day. :( )

So today, I'm forgetting the pain for now... it still hurts like a mother... and doing chest and shoulders. Thank heavens for my work out sheets or I wouldn't have caught that.

Did the workout - Brandon was over and did some with me. It's always way more fun to have someone do it with you. :)

Nutrition: Hmmm.. I haven't eaten today. Crap. This is what happens to me when I don't feel good.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 45 - Back and Biceps, Abs

Day 45... wow. It feels like I shouldn't be half way through. I've been thinking a lot about what I'm going to do after p90x. And I think I'll keep up with some of the work outs - it's built a lot of good muscles for me, and kept my spine really healthy, so it would be good to keep it up. Just maybe not freak out if I miss a day. :) I'm also going to get a gym pass to the pool and start training for the swimming part of a triathlon. The one I want to do is next July - so I have plenty of time to train, so I'm not worried about starting that quite yet.

Back and biceps, and abs will have to be done later today - woke up this morning, and have major whiplash from yesterday, that I really didn't think it was a great idea to kill myself this morning. I'm also gonna run after work while Eric bikes so I can be ready for my 5k in two weeks.

Breakfast: peanut butter crackers - 1/2 carb serving?

To go:
5 protein servings
2 dairy servings
1 fruit serving
2 vegetable servings
1 fat serving
.5 carb serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 44 - plyometrics

So, today is day 44. Tomorrow will be half way through. And can I just say that yes, this is way better than the first time around. :) The nutrition means everything - eating enough calories and getting enough protein.

Plyometrics was great this morning - I love this video.


Breakfast: apples - 1 fruit serving
snack: protein bar - 1 protein serving
Lunch: chicken salad - veggie serving, protein serving - peanut butter toast, two slices of bread - one carb serving, and peanut butter - condiment serving
Snack: yogurt - one dairy serving

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 43 - Back and Biceps, Abs

Molly was supposed to come over and didn't... so I didn't get up. haha

So tonight I'm gonna do that - and then Eric is going to bike, while I run and see if I want to do the 5k or the 8k. Awbrey said she is going to do one with me - but she's much faster than me, so I may just have to do the 5k and try and stay with her. We'll see.

Breakfast: egg whites, salsa, cheese - one protein, one dairy
snack: apples - one fruit
Lunch: chicken sandwich - chicken, relish, a bit of mayo, and bread - one protein, one condiment
snack: protein bar - one protein
Dinner: chicken caesar salad

To go:
2 protein servings
1 dairy servings
2 vegetable servings
1 fat serving
1 single snack serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 41 - kenpo, Day 42 - rest

Today was a "nutrition has gone to crap" kind of day. haha

Need to get back on schedule tomorrow! In other news, I've lost more weight, and been the lowest body fat percentage since I started! :)

Lunch: chicken sandwich
Snack: chips and salsa
Snack: protein bar
Dinner: nachos - cheese, chips, salsa, sour cream, milk, taco meat - taco seasoning and ground beef

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 40 - back and legs

Back and legs today was great. I love the legs video because I always work my butt off - since it's my legs I hate. :)

Did ab ripper with Kade and Addi - they only did it for a minute, but it was so stinking cute! :)


Breakfast: waffles
Snack: fruit,mixed
Lunch: yogurt
Snack: protein bar
Dinner: cheeseburger, and hot dog, chips and dip

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 39 - yoga

Did yoga this morning - by myself. I don't know if Molly will ever join me again. I've decided to run a 5k or 8k while in WA - which should be a ton of fun! :) But that will be myself... so I need to go run by myself and see how far I can go without having someone there. Then when it's the race, there will be so many people, I'll just love it! :)

I need to run a 5k and 8k this week and see which one I would rather do. I don't know when I'm going to find the time to do that - since Eric wants to go camping, but we'll see.

PS got on the scale today - losing weight AND body fat. Feeling awesome. :)

Breakfast: egg whites with cheese and salsa, yogurt - 1 protein, 1 dairy, 1 snack
Snack: fruit cup
Lunch: lettuce, corn, and chicken - with vinagrette

To go:

3 protein servings
1 dairy servings
1 vegetable servings
1 carb serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 38 - Back and Biceps, Ab

Didn't get to abs this morning, but had a good back and bicep work out. Will do abs tonight after biking. Today in back and biceps, I noticed that the windows and the mirrors in their gym are DISGUSTING. Someone needs to clean them.

Breakfast: egg whites, cheese, salsa
Snack: apple pack
Lunch: Chicken with veggies and rice
Snack: Protein bar
Dinner: Tacos - whole wheat tortilla, hamburger meat, veggies, milk

I'm still not eating exactly enough protein - but doing way better.
1 protein servings
1 fat serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 37 - plyometrics

Need to do plyo tonight - darn it. I feel so much better when I work out in the morning - then I can bike in the evening and feel even better. I biked yesterday btw... and Eric's tire blew as we were the farthest away from the house. WHOOPS. He had to WALK his bike back. It was so sad.

Today, Eric took the truck to work this morning - it annoys me because it guzzles gas and he has to go payson in it today... :( This is how I started my morning. So... I'm just gonna look forward to working out tonight.

On a positive note - I weigh 1.9 lbs less than the last time I weighed myself. My body fat is pretty consistent which is annoying, but at least I'm making progress somewhere. I have a goal of losing 14 lbs (since I started) by the time p90x is over. That leaves me having to lose 10 more lbs in the next 53 days. Every 5.3 days I need to lose a pound... possible? I don't know.

Breakfast: egg whites with cheese and salsa
Snack: Peanut butter crackers
Lunch: apples and protein shake
snack: protein bar
dinner: spaghetti and meatballs

To go:
1 protein servings
1 fat serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Did plyo at lunch :) GO ME

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 36 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, Abs

My arms are in PAIN. lol But it's the kind of pain you love cuz you worked out so hard... but the kind that kinda sucks because you can't shampoo your hair. lol That's exactly what my triceps needed though - so YAY!

I HAVE MY IPHONE BACK! I'm so freaking excited. It's like part of me was missing, and now it's found. :) And I love having the double camera, the flash, and the video! OH, how I just LOVE it.
PS - I'm keeping calories on my phone now - so if you want to follow me there - add the app "lose it"

Breakfast: eggs with cheese and salsa - one protein
Snack: apple
Lunch: lettuce with chicken and cheese and a vinagrette

No carbs today! I'm so freaking good! :)

Snack: protein bar
Dinner: curry chicken, this would take care of my last protein, my veggies, and my carb.

To go:
1 fat serving
1 single snack serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 33 - back and legs, abs Day 34 - kenpo, Day 35 - rest

GUESS WHAT?! I found my sheets for the reps... WAHOO! Sooooo... I'm back to not writing the reps down here.


Breakfast: Protein bar
Lunch: Chicken with relish
Snack: Had yogurt
Dinner: French Dip Sandwiches and carrots

Good job for me today - lots of protein. No fruit though...darn it.

New goals tomorrow:

Bike every day right after work - the trail is open now, so I can bike to Jixie
Just eat as much protein as possible - try to stick to the p90x diet better, but by focusing on all the proteins.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 32 - yoga

Didn't do it this morning - went to the temple last night and got home really late. So again, left to do it tonight - darn it.

Wanted to try the fasting thing today since it was yoga day... got home for lunch and Eric had cut me up some watermelon. Darn it! Couldn't resist it. BUT I didn't have the pizza we had for birthday lunch at work, or the cookies, or the dorito chips left at my house from a bday party. GO ME!

I'll be doing yoga after work.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 31 - back and biceps, abs

Molly didn't come over again this morning - so I'll do it right after work. I did plyo after work yesterday, and then I was just more hungry for the night. Darn. But I really didn't eat very well yesterday.

I've heard that a one day fast a week can be particularly good for you, and I'm wondering what other people think about that. I may try it. If I do, it will be thursdays that I do it. Those are yoga days, and I'm not lifting a lot of weight. I've also thought of doing it on Sunday instead - those are our p90x rest days, but those are the days I have more time to make dinner. So we'll see. Anywho... that's it for now.


Forgot to have breakfast at home - had chex mix at work - 210 cals, and a fiber bar - 140 cals - not sure where these fall under in serving categories haha
Snack: marathon smoothie - 152 cals - protein serving
Lunch: cafe rio burrito - portein serving, veggie serving, fat serving, carb serving - 400 calories
snack: protein bar - 240 cals

total: 1142 cals

Wide front pull ups: 10 with chair
lawnmowers: 10 with 20 on both sides
21's - 16 with 15 lbs
cross body: 11 on each side with 15 lbs
switch grip pull ups: 3 switches - 12 pull ups. Did 4 by myself! HOLLA!
elbow out lawn mowers: 10 with 20 lbs on both sides
standing bicep curls: 10 with 15 lbs
one arm concentration curls: 8 with 15 lbs on both sides
corn cob pull ups: 4 with chair
reverse grip bent : 11 with 15 lbs
open arm curls: 8 with 15 lbs
static arm curls: 16 with 15s - struggled on the last few back on my left arm
towel pull ups: 6 with chair - 2 by myself - one with towel on right, and one on left
congdon locomotive: 28 total with 15 lbs - use something heavier
crouching cohen curls: 7.5 with 15 - 15s are just too much
corkscrew curls: 10 with 15 lbs
chin ups: 6 - one by myself - i must be tired lol
seated bent over back flys: 15 with 8s - time to try the 15 lbs now
curl up, hammer down: 8 with 15 lbs
hammer curls: 9 with 15 lbs
max pull ups: doing reverse grip - 7 with chair
in and out hammer curls: 15 with 8 - i need to buy a ten or something
strip set curls: did them - did 8s twice instead of using fives


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 30 - Plyo

Gotta do plyo tonight - we didn't get up this morning.


Ate a bagel this morning... that's all so far and it's 1:40pm. Ugh.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Phase 2, Week 5, Day 29 - chest, shoulders, triceps

Today was a slow day for the workout - we had our 10k yesterday - so no p90 yesterday either. Gonna take our rest day yesterday - and do kenpo on Sunday instead. My leg was in a ton of pain today so the work out today suffered a bit. Glad I still did it though.

The 10k was a ton of fun. Kinda mad I didn't have a better time, but I think it would have been better if I didn't go the wrong way for almost a half mile - darn it.

in and out shoulder flys: everyone does 16 - did with 5 lbs
chair dips: 15 regulars
plange push ups: 7
pike press: 10
side tri rise: 10 on both sides
floor flys: 8
scarecrows: lost count
tricep something: 10 with 15 lbs
two twitch speed push ups: no count
y press: lost count - probably 10 with 15 lbs
lying tricep: 10 with 8 lbs
side to side push ups: 6
pour flys: 6 with 5 lbs
side leaning tricep: 7 on each side with 8 lbs
one arm push ups: i suck
throw the bomb: 8 on each side with 8 lbs
clap push push ups: 5
slow mo throw: 8 with 8 lbs
front something tricep extensions: 9 with 8 lbs
side to side push ups: 6? i am just not counting today
fly row press: 6 with 15, use something smaller
cross body blows:8 on each arm with 15 lbs

ab ripper time.

Day 26 - yoga, day 27 - core, day 28 - rest

I did yoga on day 26 instead of core... got them switched up. But that's okay! I also had pretty good nutrition this last week - and have been watching my body fat percentage decrease, so that's good.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 25 - stretch

Did stretch this morning - by myself. It's an easy video - just stretching - nothing too major.


Um... I haven't eaten today - not having a good day and it's definitely had an effect on my hunger.