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Monday, February 18, 2013

Love your leg workout

So, p90x2 doesn't do enough leg strengthening for me to tone my legs- and since they are the WORST part of my body, I've kicked it up a notch.

I will be doing a month challenge- ending on march 18th. I will do this workout:

three times a week and on March 18th take some new photos. I bet I'll have to continue doing it after that, but I'm hoping this not only helps in my running but also my self confidence AND my looks in a bathing suit. ;)

I've also started a couch potato to 10k program to keep up my running. I've done a day so far and I will do that three times a week as well.

I am still doing p90x2 as well, but continue to miss more days of it than I would like since I got sick. So I'm going to do another few weeks of phase 2 before moving onto phase 3.

I'm also swimming twice a week with a friend and hope we are able to keep that up! :)

That's all for now! Pictures coming to you on March 18th of my newly toned legs - I HOPE!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

back and legs - week 3 phase 2

Been down with the most awful sinus infection since last monday. Today, I feel like I may be able to exercise. Trying to get one in today.

no kip pull up: 10 with chair/ 7 with chair
wide leg close grip chin up: 6 with chair - getting out of breath fast, need to be easy so I don't stay sick/5 with chair
chin pull: 8 with chair/6 with chair
v pull up: 8 with chair/6 with chair
kiply cross fugly pull up: 8 with chair/6 with chair


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Shoulders and Arms Week 3 Phase 2

balance curl: 13 with 15/8 with 15/same
arnold press: 10 with 15/ 8 with 15/same
overhead tricep pull: 10 with 15/same/8 with 15
six direction shoulder fly: 10 with 8/8 with 8/same
crazy eight: 16 with 10/16 with 10 - too hard now/8 with 8
y t fly: 18 with 0 lbs/15 with 0 lbs/13 with 0
rocket launcher kickback: 8 with 15/10 with 10/8 with 15
