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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 2 - plyometrics

I did this in the afternoon since I was too lazy to get up in the morning. BUT YAY! I didn't miss it! :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Starting over - Day 1 - Chest and Back

Standard push ups: 15 on toes/14 on toes
Wide front pull ups: 5 with one foot on chair/6 with one foot on chair - pull ups depress me - I don't think I'll be able to do any without the chair...I want to - it's a goal. lol
Military push ups: 5 on toes, 10 on knees/3 on toes, 4 on knees
Reverse grip chin ups: 6 with one foot on chair/6 with one foot on chair
Wide fly push ups: 10 on toes and 10 on knees/8 on toes, 8 on knees
Close grip overhand pull ups: 7 with one foot on chair/6 with one foot on chair
Decline push ups: 10 on toes/7 on toes
Heavy pants: 12 with 15 lbs/12 with 15 lbs
Diamond push ups: 1 on toes, 8 on knees/2 on toes, 10 on knees
Lawnmowers: 10 on right side, 10 on left side/10 on left, 10 on right
Dive bomber push ups: 5 of the variation/4 of the variation
Back flys: 12 with little weights/15 with little weights

Monday, March 29, 2010

Some updates

Soooo...I've decided that every time I skip a day - and DO NOT make it up on my rest day, that I have to start over. So, we're starting over. It's actually good because Dustin - my friend from work - gave me the nutrition guide for p90. So now I'm going to start that also.

I'm a level one for the plan. If I were to do the portion plan - I would eat 5 servings of proteins, two of dairy, one of fruit, two of veggies, one of fats, one of carbs, and three of diff kinds of snacks for the first phase. You can do phase one until you feel like you've lost the weight you wanted to lose. I think I'll probably have to do this one for a bit.

If you do the meal plan, then they actually list what you should eat - how much - and have recipes for things. Pretty snazzy huh? I think I'll do the meal plan - the only thing is - it has a lot of fish. So maybe not? I'll look at it more in depth tomorrow and see. Probably start that Wednesday. So I'll need to print page 32 from the book and go grocery shopping.

If I want to do the portion plan - then I'll print page 28 which tells me what and how much of something I can eat.

so here goes all this!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 5 - back and legs, ab ripper

So I went to bed at 12:30 am on thursday, so I wasn't able to get up and do day 4. SO I missed yoga - which I love - so I'll either do it tonight or on sunday for my rest day - instead of resting.

Today though, even though it was another late night, I got up - ran with Molly two miles, and came back and did p90. I'm gonna have to get ready SUPER fast. lol

Chair with one foot for all of these:

Reverse grip chin ups: 7/8
Wide front pull ups: 8/8 - I don;'t think I'll ever be off the chair
Close grip overhand pull ups: 5
switch grip pull ups: 2 switches/2 switches
Regular: 6

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 3, Shoulders and Arms, abs

I slept in so it's 5:20 right now. I'm gonna have to do half of it, run with Molly, then come back and do the rest. I hope I have time!

Alternating shoulder press: 9 with 15 lbs/ same
In and out bicep curls: 16 reps for everybody - 15 lbs/16 - 15 lbs
Two arm tricep kickbacks: 17 with little weights/15 with little weights

Deep swimmers press: 8 with 15 lbs/9 with 15 lbs!
Full supination bicep curl: 16 with 15 lbs/9 with 15 lbs
Chair dips: 13 with straight legs/14 with straight legs

Upright rows: 8 with 15 lbs/8 with 15 lbs
Static arms curls: everybody does 16 - did with 15 lbs and was hard/did 16 with little ones - not enough
Flip grip twist tricep kickbacks: 15 with little weights - need an in between with the little and the 15/16 with little ones

Seated shoulder flys: everybody does 16 - little weights were perfect/ everybody - 16
Crouching cohen curls: 8 with 15 lbs, 7 and 8 were hard/6 are perfect, the last two get sloppy - 8 with 15 lbs
Lying down tricep extensions: 21 with little weights - I'll try 15s next time/1 with 15, 20 with little - need something in between

Straight arm shoulder flys: everybody does 16 with little ones = perfect/16 - little weights
Congdon curl: 10 with 15 lbs/9 with 15 lbs
Side tri rise: 13 on left arm, 13 on right arm/13 left, 13 right

Ab ripper!

Also, went on a run with Molly half way through - we were gonna run on the track, but it was locked. Ran on the trail instead. :) Short run today - just a mile, but felt awesome. I think p90x really helps my run!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday, Day 2

Molly didn't come over - but I did plyometrics this morning anyway. Yay for me! I don't think she is going to do it with me- so everybody keep rooting me on! I'm determined to go through all 90 days.

Also went and ran 1.7 miles today with Molly. Also confronted the roller blade dude, and told him to leave his stick off my dogs, and they would leave him alone. We'll see.

Anyway, yay for exercise!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, Day 1

So, it's that day! My friend - and new running partner - Molly - is going to do p90x with me! WAHOO! So hopefully we'll finish this together. She is going to come over in just a bit. And I'll make sure to get this all recorded.

Also, just so you know, yes we went running this morning. :) She wants to train for a 5k, and I'm training for a duathlon.

So here goes today! We are going to get up every day - do p90x before running, and then run. Lots of exercise. hehe I'll take measurements again tonight.
Molly didn't come over...but Eric did it with me instead.

Standard push ups: 10 on toes/ second time - 11! trying to do at least one more than the first time
Wide front pull ups: 8 with one foot on chair/second time - 9! with one foot on chair
Military push ups: 10 on toes/only ten/ five on toes, five on knees
Reverse grip chin ups: one without chair!!!! 8 with one foot on chair/20 with resistance bands - not sure I like those
Wide fly push ups: 7 on my toes/8 on toes
Close grip overhand pull ups: 6 with one foot on chair/8 with one foot on chair
Decline push ups: 10!/5 before i landed on my head :(
Heavy pants: 15 with 15 lbs/ 12 with 15 lbs....getting tired obviously.
Diamond push ups: 13 on knees, one on toes/ ten on knees
Lawnmowers: 15 on right arm with 15 lbs, 15 on left arm with 15 lbs/10 on both sides with 15 lbs
Dive bomber push ups: 5 - these are hard for me - can't really get the motion/none lol
Back flys: 8 with little weights - still don't know what they are. hehe/9 with little weights yay!

Now on to ab ripper. I'll do measurements in a bit.
New Measurements:

Chest: 36 inches - right across the biggest part of my chest
Waist: 27 inches - .5 off of the first time i measured 
Hips: 33.5 inches - on my hip bones - .5 off the first i measured :)
Right and Left Thigh (measured at midpoint): 6 inches from knee - 20.5 inches - a whole inch off of my legs - no freaking way! 
Right Arm (flexed, measured at peak of bicep): 11.5 inches - half inch off my first measurment
Left Arm: 11.5 - no change

Pull ups: need to measure
Push ups: need to measure
Toe touch: 8.5 inches past toes
Wall squat: need to measure
Bi-cep curls: need to measure
Ins and Outs: need to measure

Weight: 130 (I have lost four pounds since my first measurement)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Being gone...

So I know I've been gone for a while. I was exhausted, and felt sick, but never got sick. So I was still running and biking - the dogs love it, right?

Well, I'm back now! I have a running partner - Molly - and we go running at 6 am every day. My new plan is to do p90x in the morning, BEFORE running, then go running with Molly. Then, at the end of the day, Eric and I will bike to see Jixie and train her - now that it's light outside for longer! :)

This will help Eric and I prepare for a duathlon!! WAHOO!

Oh and, for being a moron about all this - I'm starting p90x all over. It's not worth it to start in the middle when I stopped. How can I really say I did p90x for the whole time right? So here goes starting over. This week will be a random week - since I didn't do any today. And next monday will be the start of p90x again. Measurements and everything. So...back to day 1...I'm pathetic. But here we go! Again!

Keep me accountable guys!