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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 30 - plyo, Day 31 - back and biceps, ab ripper

Wide front pull ups: 7 with one foot on chair
Lawnmowers: 9 on right hands with 20 lbs! that's righ t- i finally got a bigger weight :)/10 on left side - i need to do more with my left arm - since i started 30 days ago, I have lost a half inch to an inch everywhere but my right arm! lol so weird. So i need my left arm to match if my right arm is going to get bigger. lol
twenty ones: did with 8 lbs....that was good - yes, i got a bigger baby weight hehe
cross body arm curl?: 10 on each arm - with 8 lbs, need to use something heavier
switch grip pull ups: 2 switches - I am hurting so much from the tricep chest workout lol
elbow out lawn mowers: 10 on right side with 15 lbs, 12 on left side with 15 lbs
Standing bicep curls: 10 with 15 lbs
One arm concentration curls: 8 on right side with 15 lbs, 8 on left side

It's been a half hour - I'm so done... lol

corn cob pull ups: 3 with one foot on chair - i can make the pull up bar slide... hmmm..
reverse grip bent over rows: 10 with 15
open arm curls: 8 with 15 lbs
Static arm curls: everybody does 16 - did these with 8 lbs, can use a heavier weight
towel pull up: 8 - 4 on left, 4 on right
congdon curl something....: did 11 on both sides with 15 lbs, use something bigger
crouching cohen curls: 10 with 8 lbs - mauybe something a TINY bit heavier

19 minutes... this is taking forever. lol

corkscrew curls: 9 on each side with 8 lbs
chin ups: 1 by myself! 4 with one foot on chair
seated bent over backward fly: 10 with 8 lbs - felt good, could probably use more....

OKay, so we're at 14 minutes, and then I still have the ab ripper... I just need to take a LONG nap saturday. lol Speaking of the ab ripper - I didn't know my stomach could look as lean as it is getting. I LOVE it.

Curl up/hammer down: 11 with 15 lbs, could probably use a heavier one
Hammer curls: 8 with 20 lbs - PERFECT
max rep pull ups: 5 wide fronts - my choice

10 minutes... I really need to make sure I do this in the morning. I do not like doing this at night - I just want to sleep. lol

Superman: good job!
in out hammer curls: 8 with 15 lbs
strip set curls: you start with the heaviest weight, and then do 8 and then pick the next, and do 8, etc... lol did them all. I HAVE FOUR WEIGHTS! YAY!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 28 - rest, Day 29 - chest, shoulders, triceps, abs

slow motion 3 in one push ups - did all four on each one, and then 6 regular for bonus
chair dips: 17 - half of them were with one leg raised to show eric i'm strong hehe
Plange push ups: 7 on toes
Pike press - 9
Side tri rise: 10 - feet need to be PLANTED on ground - left side/10 on right side
Floor flys: 8
scarecrows: 12 with baby weights - this hurts my shoulders really bad - probably cuz i subluxed one... whoops.
tricep kickbacks: 15 - need a bigger weight
two twitch speed push ups: half way down - on knees
y press: 8 is hard with 15 lbs- keep it up
lying tricep extensions: 20 with baby weights... need a bigger weight - still. :(
side to side push ups: 8 of them
pour flys: 8 or ten? i lost count - with baby weights
side leaning tricep extensions: 8 on both sides
one arm push ups: these are sooo hard - i do about 4 and die
weighted circles: these work - holy moly
throw the bomb: 12 on right side/12 on left side
clap or plyo push ups: 4 on toes, 3 on knees
slow mo throw: ten with baby weights
tri cep extensions?? : 14 on right side/14 on left side
one arm balance push ups: 8 on toes
fly row press: 7 with baby weights
dumbell cross body blows: 24 with baby weights

ab ripper baby! I love ab ripper!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 24 - Kenpo, Day 25 - Stretch, Day 26 - Core, Day 27 - Yoga

So doing kenpo in the hotel room is HILARIOUS. lol I made myself this little space in the corner, and did it. So funny. The rest of the days were so tiring since we walked everywhere ALL day, and weren't really getting a lot of sleep.

But hey, at least I didn't need my heavy weights.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 23 - core synergistics

I like this core dvd - it's fun and different. I'm glad this week doesn't require a lot of weight or my pull up bar - I can't take those to disneyworld - just taking my baby weights!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 22 - yoga

4th week!! I can't believe it - I've done it! I'm doing it! YAY! So today is yoga - and I'm feeling good. I think today will be one of the last days I'm sick - so hopefully I'm not over doing it! YAY!!!

After yoga, I went on a 3 mile run with Molly. It felt SOOOOO good. I can't even tell you. I didn't feel tired through the whole thing, I just felt good. And even though I coughed a little, I still did it - and just feel awesome.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 18 - yoga, Day 19 - back and legs, ab ripper, Day 20 - kenpo, Day 21 - rest

Sooo I got WAY sicker in Vegas. :( So I didn't get yoga done, and took my rest day then instead of Sunday. So, since then I have done yoga - which I love - and back and legs. Today I'll finish with kenpo.

Exercising while sick is difficult - makes me cough more...but I want to do this and get it done - so TAKE THAT SICKNESS!

PS during back and legs, there is something called groucho walks. So I looked him up on you tube to watch the walk. haha - you should look it up too.

Reverse grip chin ups: 2 WITHOUT A CHAIR!!! HOLLA!!! 4 more with chair/1 without chair, 4 with chair
Wide front pull ups: 6 with chair/5 with chair
Close grip overhand pull ups: 1 WITHOUT A CHAIR! 4 more with chair - maybe my pull up strength is getting better... :)/1 without a chair, 4 with a chair
Switch grip pull ups: 1 switch by myself!!! :) That's four pull ups by myself!! YAY!! And the one switch with chair/one pull up by myself, but one switch with chair

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 17 - shoulders and arms

hi there
Got sicker... taking it easy.
Alternating shoulder press: 8 with 15 lbs/8 with 15 lbs
In and out bicep curls: 16 with 15 lbs/only 12 with 15 lbs
Two arm tricep kickbacks: 8 with 15 lbs!!!!!/8 again!!WAHOO!

Deep swimmers press: 7 with 15 lbs/didnt' count
Full supination concentration curls: 8 with 15 lbs/8 with 15 lbs
Chair dips: 10 /8

Upright rows: 6 with 15/8 with 15
Static arm curls: 16/16
Flip grip twist kickbacks: 18 with little ones - need bigger weight JACKIE!'/8 with 15 lbs - guess I can use this one. lol

Seated shoulder flys: 16/whoops - did 19
Crouching cohen curls: 6 with 15 lbs/6 with 15 lbs
Lying down tricep extensions: 20 with little weights - need something a TOUCH bigger, 15s were too heavy/ 20

Straight arm shoulder flys: 16 with little ones/16
Congdon curls: 11 with 15 lbs/9 with 15 lbs
Side tri rise: 13 both sides/11 both sides

Dont have time to do the ab ripper - will do it tonight in Vegas.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 16 - Plyometrics

So still a bit sick - I went to the doctor yesterday, and it's all viral so nothing I can do about it - but I've been working, went running 2 miles this morning, and did p90x. I AM NOT missing a day and starting over. I'm committed, and I'll do the whole thing.

While at the doctor, I asked him why my tummy ALWAYS gets bloated whenever I eat ANYTHING. I told him that in high school I had all these tests done and they never told me what it was - but never did a lactose intolerant test. He said we would take one xray and see where to go from there. He took an xray, and showed me all the black spots that go all the way up to my ribs. Here's the gross part - it's all gas or stool. And the healthier I eat, the worse bloating I get. STUPID. lol Eric said to the doctor, so are you saying she's supposed to eat processed foods? lol and he said NO. It just means that I have to find a good balance of foods- and it will take a while. But he said if I took xrays of all different people, I would be able to tell like it was night and day, people who eat healthy and people who don't. Anyway, to make a long story short - I have IBS - probably my genetics, and there's nothing I can do about it.

That being said, he's also having me keep a food diary for the next five days so he can tell me how to fix the combinations of food I'm eating, AND what my metabolic rate is, so that I can lose weight and maintain my weight instead of letting my genetics get the best of me. It will be a cool thing to know, and better know my body. The doctor is proud I'm doing this so young instead of waiting until I have a horrible problem. YAY FOR ME! :)

Anywho, plyometrics was good today! I'm on my third week and can tell a HUGE difference from the first time I did plyo. We'll see how the results turn out after 90 days, right?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 14 - stretch day, Day 15 - chest and back, ab ripper

Chest and back: Since I am still sick today, I am going to take it way easy, but wanted to make sure I did it. :)

Standard push ups: 14/ 8
Wide front pull ups: 6 with chair far away/4 with chair far away
Military push ups: 5 on toes, 8 on knees/2 on toes, 3 on knees
Reverse grip chin ups: 5 with chair far away/3
Wide fly push ups: 11 on toes/5 on toes
CLose grip overhand pull ups: 5 with chair far away/4
Decline push ups: 8/2 haha
Heavy pants: 15 with 15 lbs - NEED a bigger weight goodness gracious/9 with 15 lbs
Diamond push ups: 1 on toes, 8 on knees/4 on knees
Lawn mowers: 12 on both sides/8 on both sides
Dive bombers: 3 of fake ones/2 fake ones
Back flys: 10 with little weights/7 with little weights


Day 10 - shoulders and arms, Day 11 - yoga, Day 12 - back and legs, Day 13 - Kenpo

So Days 10 - 12 were all done in WA! :)

It was quite difficult because of the weights my family has, so I had to go down to golds gym and do them. This, however, made it hard to relate my information on the computer - so you don't get it. :(

Sunday was kenpo day for me....But I got sick, gosh darn it! But it's okay, cuz instead of rest day next Sunday, I'll do kenpo. So today I'm back with chest and arms. :) Here goes!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 9 - Plyometrics

Plyo was today... I really like plyo now - and Tony is so much easier to handle when I turn his voice off and it's just the cues. lol


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 8 - chest and back, ab ripper

Need to do one more than last weeks AT LEAST - AND I haven't been sticking to the nutrition thing - I made my blog public again so you can help me remember to record food!!!

So here's week two starting over for nutrition and I took my body fat measurement. It's 7 mm - so I'm about 16.3 percent body fat. Also, today I went running with Molly AND her daughter Claire. Nice breezy run - put Claire on my back for a while. lol It was fun and relaxing.

Standard push ups: 16/16
Wide front pull ups: 6 with chair FAR away/7 with chair far away
Military push ups: 6 on toes, 11 on knees/4 on toes, 11 on knees - I thought this was a tricep thing, but it's totally a back thing too.
Reverse grip chin ups: 7 with one foot on chair/just barely made it to 7 lol
Wide fly push ups: 11 on toes and 11 on knees/only 9 on toes - way out of energy now
Close grip overhand pull ups: 7 with chair far away/7 chair far away
Decline push ups: 11 on toes/10 on toes
Heavy pants: 13 with 15 lbs - need a heavier one for this one - and I still haven't gone out and got any/13 with 15 lbs
Diamond push ups: 2 on toes, 11 on knees/1 on toes, 7 on knees
Lawn mowers: 11 on both sides/12 on both sides - hehe one uped! wahoo!
Dive bomber push ups: 5 of the regular ones/3 regular ones
Back flys: 15 with little weights - time to move up/15 with little weights

PS the other day I found out that ab ripper is on the end of each CD you're supposed to do it on! haha I thought I always had to put in the ab ripper cd. lol


Breakfast: an apple
Lunch: strawberries and raspberries
Dinner: two slices of bread, a scoop of spaghetti, meatballs with spaghetti sauce
Drinks: Water all day

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 6 - Kenpo Day 7 - rest, Day 8 - chest and back

I always get so confused... lol but I'm doing better.
Day 7 - rest day - didn't take it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 4 - Yoga Day 5 - Back and Legs

Yoga - LOVE IT! Want to join a yoga class. Love being flexible.

Back and legs:

Reverse grip chin ups: 6 with one foot slightly on chair
Wide front pull ups: 10 Chair FAR away
CLose grip overhand pull ups: 6 chair FAR away
Switch grip pull ups: 3 switches - chair FAR away
Reverse grip chin ups: 5
Wide front pull ups: 6
Close grip overhand pull ups: 4
Switch grip pull ups: 1 switch haha

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 3 - Shoulders and Back, Ab Ripper

So I woke up and planned on going running, and then doing p90, since I didn't get up at 4:30 like I'm supposed to. So I get all ready and go downstairs...and TAH DAH - it's a freaking blizzard! There's so much snow on the ground you can't see the difference between my sidewalk and the lawn. I HATE it. Snow is for December - maybe January. Can it just go away now? :(

So time for shoulders and back, and the ab ripper!

Alternating shoulder press: didn't count/ 8 with 15 lbs
In and out bicep curls: everybody does 16 - did with 15 lbs/ 16
Two arm tricep kickbacks: 15 with little weights - really need to get a weight that is bigger, but less than 15 lbs/ 16 with little weights - if I can remember, I'm so buying one that is in between today. lol

Deep swimmers press: 9 with 15 lbs/8 with 15 lbs - 15 lbs is good here
Full supination concentration curl: 9 - could use something heavier/14 with 15 lbs
Chair dips: legs straight out - 9 only, my shoulder is killing me today - taking it easy if I can remember lol/10 was good

There are 35 minutes left - and I'm just tired today. Even though I'm exercising, I could totally curl up and go back to sleep. lol But after this I was have the ab ripper - and thats another 15 minutes!

Upright rows: I can barely get to 8 on this one - good. / 8 with 15 lbs
Static arm curls: everyone does 16 with 15 lbs/16 with little weights - I'm just tired...
Flip grip twist kickbacks: 21 - need a much bigger weight - but not my 15s lol/15 with little ones

Seated shoulder flys: everyone does 16 - did with little weights/Wasn't paying attention and did 22... whoops. Obviously need a bigger weight than the little ones.
Crouching cohen curls: 15s are just TOO big, need something bigger than the little ones ugh - 14 with little weights/8 with big weights - think I need a weight just right under that. I struggle on those last two.
Lying down tricep extensions: 20 with little weights/21 with little ones

Straight arm shoulder flys: everyone does 16 - did it with little weights - need an in between/same
Congdon Curls: 10 with 15 lbs/10 with 15 lbs
Side tri rise: 14 on left arm, 14 on right arm/ 11 on left, 11 on right

Ab ripper time!