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Monday, May 31, 2010

Hmmmm... Day 60? Yoga?

Sooo... my husband and friends kidnapped me to las vegas for my birthday! And Eric, on purpose, did not bring my p90x... :(

Sooo... I've debated on whether I start over now or what. I missed yoga, back and legs, and kenpo. So I think I'm going to double on the days, so I can get back on track... maybe?

So today I'm going to do yoga - and tonight I'll do back and legs, and ab ripper.

Then tomorrow I'll do kenpo and chest shoulders and triceps -and be caught up maybe? lol

So here goes some yoga. :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 59 - Shoulders and Arms

Went running this morning on the track... now p90x.

Also, can you believe that you need to eat MORE to lose weight? Cuz I exercise so much, my body thinks its starving since I only eat 600- 800 cals a day. So now I'm just TRYING to eat between 1200 - 1500 healthy calories. And I'm losing weight. How funny!

Alternating shoulder press: 8 with 20 lbs/6 with 20 lbs
in and out bicep curls: 16 - 15 lbs/only supposed to do 16 - did 25 with 8 lbs - 15 is right
two arm tricep kickbacks: 8 with 15 lbs/8 with 15 lbs

Deep swimmers press: 9 with 15 lbs/7 with 15 lbs - did this holding in the middle like the guys :)
Full supination concentration curls: 9 with 15 lbs/12 with 15 lbs - yes can use 20 lbs
Chair dips: 15 /10

Upright rows: 10 with 15 lbs/9 with 15 lbs
Static arm curls: Everybody does 16 - I did 32 with 8 lbs cuz 8 wasn't enough - do 15 next time/16 - with 15s - perfect
Flip grip twist kickbacks: 12 with 8 lbs - stick with 8s, its going to 12, but can straighten my arm all the way - so thats good/14 with 8 lbs

Seated shoulder flys: 16 with 8 lbs - perfect/16 with 8 lbs
Crouching cohen curls: 8 with 15 and its hard - perfect/8 with 15 - paused twice
Lying down tricep extensions: 15 with 8 lbs/12 with 8 lbs

Straight arm shoulder flys: 16 with 8 lbs - perfect/16 with 8 lbs
Congdon curls: 8 with 15 lbs/ 8 with 15 lbs
Side tri rise: 15 on both sides/10 on both sides

Will do abs tonight

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 58 - plyometrics

Happy birthday to me!!! Did a run this morning - and one last night - very intense runs, and my legs hurt. I don't know how I'm going to finish p90 today. haha

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 54 - core, day 55 - yoga, day 56 - rest, day 57 - chest and back

I haven't done chest and back since day 15? or so... this will be interesting to see how much better I am today.

Standard push ups: 18/12
wide front pull ups: 3/4 by myself, 10 with one foot on chair/ 1/2 by myself, ten with one foot on chair
military push ups: 5 on toes, 5 on knees/7 on knees
reverse grip chin ups: 2 by myself, 8 with one foot on chair/7 with one foot on chair
wide fly push ups: 10 on toes/10 on toes
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 by myself, 8 with one foot on chair/1 by myself, 8 with one foot on chair
decline push ups: 8/5
heavy pants: 12 with 20 lbs/9 with 20 lbs
diamond push ups: 2 on toes, 6 on knees/ 1 by myself, 8 on knees
lawn mowers: with 20 lbs - 13 on both sides/8 on both sides with 20 lbs
dive bombers: 6 of meringue's way/ 6 the real way!! HOLLA!
back flys: 8 with 15 lbs, i'm gonna call that some freaking progress. :)/8 with 15 lbs

Went to the doc today to find out why I can't lose weight - basically, I don't eat enough. Who would have thought? So today I've changed my eating habits. And have tried to eat more. I need to go grocery shopping and get more foods that are going to be easy for me to access and eat better - while eating more. lol FUN! haha


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 52 - kenpo

I think kenpo is the worst of the dvds...not that it's hard, but just boring. lol

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 51 - core synergistics

Today - I'm annoyed. I went to sleep annoyed, tried to watch friends to laugh, but still was annoyed. Woke up annoyed. :( I broke Eric's ATV pretty badly it seems now - when I thought it was just a rim and maybe a control arm. I'm so mad at myself. I shouldn't have looked back to check on people, I shouldn't have been driving side by side with Brandon, and I shouldn't have been driving the ATV when I felt like I should have gotten on Eric's ATV just a few minutes before.

I just hope this workout this morning will make me feel better.

Also, on days like these, I think, what's the point of working out? Is it really working?

On a bright note, I found a better doctor - hopefully - we'll see when I go on Monday - and hopefully they'll figure out my weight thing. :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 50/ Beginning of Week 8- Yoga

So I got in a pretty bad ATV accident... But I'm still allowed to work out as long as I'm careful. This is a great week *no weights* week. :)

I cannot believe I've made it to week 8. This is just crazy. I'm staying committed! HOLLA!

Day 47 - legs and back,abs, Day 48 - Kenpo, Day 49- Rest

Sorry I didn't post this sooner - had no internet in Bear Lake.

Reverse grip chin ups - 2.5 by self, 5 with one foot chair/ 1 by myself, 5 on chair

Wide front pull ups - .75 by self, 5 with one foot chair/8 with one foot on chair

Close grip overhand pull ups - 1.25 by self, 5 with one foot on chair/ 1.5 by myself, 7 with one foot on the chair

Switch grip pull ups- .5 by self, 2 switches with one foot on chair/ .75 by myself, 2 switched with one foot on chair

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 46 - yoga

I really love yoga. I think I really want to join a class after p90 is over. We'll see. I do NOT like how Tony gets so loud and doesn't stop talking for yoga though.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 45 - back and biceps, abs

Day 45... that's half way through...

Wide front pull ups: 10 with one foot on the chair, 3/4 by myself
Lawn mowers: 15 on right arm with 20 lbs, need a bigger weight/15 on left side
twenty ones: with 15 lbs - just right
one arm cross body curls: 20 with 15 lbs (ten on each arm)
switch grip pull ups:2.5 switches - one foot on chari
elbow out lawn mowers: 9 on both sides - 20 lbs - perfect
standing bicep curls: 8 with 20 lbs - could change to 15 and do more reps
one arm concentration curls: 8 on right side with 15 lbs, may need something a touch lighter - practice good form/8 on left side 15 lbs
corn cob pull ups: 6 corn cobs with one foot on chair - need to do this without a chair sometime - my pull up bar slides from left to right... lol
reverse grip bent over rows: 8 with 20 lbs
open arm curls: 8 with 15 lbs- could go a touch lower than 15
static arm curls:everybody does 16 - half with 15 lbs, next half 8 lbs
towel pull ups: towel in right hand - one by myself! and 5 more/towel in left hand - 3/4 by myself, and 4 more
congdon locomotive: 26 - 13 on both sides - with 20 lbs - need a bigger weight here - guess eveyrone is supposed to do 40 reps... whoops. next time - no bigger weight.
crouching cohen curls: 12 with 8 lbs - use 8 lbs always - the left arm has problems keeping up lol
corkscrew curls: 18 - 9 on each side - with 14 lbs
chin ups: 7 with one foot on chair - i think i need to pull my chair closer so i can do more reps
seated bent over backward fly: 14 with 8 lbs
curl up/hammer down - 8 with 15 lbs - eric says i need to not swing so much - so going down a weight
hammer curls: 8 with 15/20 lbs - 15 in left, 20 in right - use 15 so they are even
max rep pull ups: wide front this time - 5 on wide front pull ups - pulled chair closer - one foot on chair
superman: best yet - felt this all through my back - tried very hard to get very high
in out hammer curls: 11 with 15 lbs
did strip set

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 44 - plyometrics

Guess what? I lost a pound! I've been on a two week plateau... and I lost a pound!! BOO YAH!!!

Anyway, plyo time!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 43 - chest shoulders triceps

Slow motion 3 in one push ups: did all four on each one - and 8 regular for bonus
in and out shoulder flys: did with 8 lbs - good weight for this
chair dips: 18
plange push ups: 12 on toes - eric says i need to try to get lower to the ground next time
pike press: 10
side tri rise: 12 on both sides
floor flys: 15
scarecrows: 20 with baby weights - use a bigger one next time - shoulder felt fine
tricep kickbacks: 15 with 8 lbs - use 15 next time
two twitch speed push ups: half on toes, half of knees
y press: 9 with 15 lbs - still tough though
lying tricep extensions: 12 with 8 lbs - very slowly so it burned more lol - erics idea
side to side push ups: 8 the guy in the back's way
pour flys: 9 with 8 lbs
side leaning tricep extensions: 10 on both sides
one arm push ups: i did 4 on knees
weighted circles - ow - baby weights
throw the bomb: 11 on right side, 8 lbs/11 on left side - 8 lbs
clap or plyo push ups: 6 on toes, 2 on knees
slow mo throw: 8 with 8 lbs
front to back tricep extensions: 10 on right side - this shoulder kills/10 on left side - this shoulder is fine
one arm balance push ups: 8 on toes
fly row press: 10 with baby weights
dumbell cross body blows: 20 with 8 lbs

and the ab ripper!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 42 - pictures

So I took Day 42 pics today - yes, there is a difference - but is there enough of a difference that I'm happy? No... there isn't.

It's time to change something... I don't know if it's more of a diet restriction, or more exercise or what. Or maybe I need to take the time to realize that hey, I am not quite half way yet. Who knows.

Day 39 - yoga, Day 40 - legs and back, abs, Day 41 - kenpo, Day 42 - rest

LOVE yoga, LOVE legs and back - its the one thing I have to work on the most, so I work really hard for that one.

Legs and Back:

Reverse grip chin ups: 3 by myself!!! holla!!! 4 with chair/2.5 by myself, 3 with chair
Wide front pull ups: 3/4 by myself! almost one... hehe 7 with chair/1/2 by myself, 3 with chair
Close grip overhand pull ups: 1 by myself!!! 6 with one foot on chair - wouldn't it be amazing, if i could do one of each all in a row?! hehe/1 by myself again! and 3 with chair
switch grip pull ups: 3

I'm thinking I'm gonna do p90 again after the first 90 days.. maybe... I know I'm fitter now. Eric notices every day. My driver - who picks up my shipments from work - hasn't seen me since January and saw me Friday and said... wow Jackie, I mean wow. You are so thin. And I was so happy! It's the best compliment in the world when you're trying to be better. Eric says I won't need to do it again - he says I'm not even half way through and I'm looking a TON better. SO I guess we'll see what happens at day 90. Right?

I don't really love kenpo. It's okay, but I don't feel like it's that great of a work out. lol I'd rather run or bike.

Day 41! Rest day... it's crazy.... I'm almost half way through.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 38 -back and biceps, ab

Back and biceps:
Wide front pull ups:8 with one foot on chair
Lawnmowers: 12 on right side with 20 lbs/13 with 20 lbs
Twenty ones: 8 lbs - use 15 next probably
one arm cross body curls: 12 on each arm - with 15 lbs
switch grip pull ups: 2 switches - i hate these
elbow out lawn mowers: 12 on right side with 15 lbs/12 with 15 lbs
standing bicep curls: 8 with 20 lbs
one arm concentration curls: 8 on right side/8 on left side
corn cob pull ups: 4 with one foot on chair
reverse grip bent over rows: 8 with 20 lbs
open arm curls: 8 with 15 lbs
static arm curls: everybody does 16 - did with 15 lbs - that's perfect
towel pull up: 5 on each side - my shoulder hurts on the left side really bad...
congdon locomotive: did 10 on both sides with 20 lbs
crouching cohen curls: 8 with 15 lbs.... took a break in between - thats a hard one
corkscrew curls: 20 on both sides - with 8 lbs - definitely something heavier next time
chin ups: 4 with one foot on chair - shoulder is killing me...
seated bent over backward fly: 12 with 8 lbs
Curl up/hammer down: 8 with 20 lbs
hammer curls: 8 with 20 lbs - shoulder still hurts! ugh.
max rep pull ups: regular chin ups - my choice - could only do 2 - my shoulder is dying
superman: good good
in out hammer curls: 11 with 15 lbs
didn't do strip sets- something is wrong my shoulder

8:00 am - fruit - kiwis, strawberries, cantaloupes, and grapes - 41 cals
11:30 - gardettos - 240 cals
wheat thins - veggie crisps - 230 cals
can you tell I found the vending machine? lol
12:50 - chips and salsa
7:30 pm - dried mangos

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 37 - pylometrics

Did the ab ripper last night like I was supposed to! :)

And need to do plyo tonight.


9:00 am - V8 - 70 calories
1:15 pm - BLT and fries - 280 cals
9:00 pm - salad for dinner - eric's concoction - 116 cals

Did plyo - Eric won't do the whole thing with me - so he vacuumed for me instead! :) Love him! And he got me flowers the other day - need to blog about it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 36 - nutrition

I'm using to actually list my calories and stuff - so I'll try and list it here too.
Fitday says that I need to restrict my caloric intake by 900 calories to reach 108 pounds by July 28th. Random day - just randomly picked it as a goal. It says I should be able to eat 1690 calories a day - but not sure how it really decides that. If that's true, then I should keep a goal of staying under that. When I did my food diary for my doctor - I ate on average 700 calories a day - so either something is wrong with me in terms of not being able to lose anything, or I fluctuate big time. We will see.

8:30 am - Minute Maid Energy Drink - 120 calories
5:00 pm - had a baked potato with cheese, sour cream, and butter
9:00 pm - 2 slices of french bread with butter

Day 36 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

So back to p90x in the morning - I've been doing it at night, and sometimes it just kicks my butt after a long day. So today, Molly and I went running and now I'm doing this. I won't have time for the ab ripper - so I'll do the 15 minute video after Eric and I bike to see Jixie today.

Also, I'm making a new goal each week - this week is to get rid of the bottom belly fat I have - which won't completely go away, but at least try harder - SOOOO a personal trainer once told me you can't do that unless you give up all sugar - so no sugar this week. Also, I'm going to be very diligent about writing down the cals of what I eat, and at what time. (My doctor needs this. lol)

Slow motion 3 in one push ups - did all four on each one - dropped on knees for the last two military - and no bonus round
in and out shoulder flys: everybody does 16 - PERFECT with 8 lbs
chair dips: 18 normal
Plange push ups: 8 before my wrists hurt
Pike press: 12 - i did 12, and the strong boys did 12... Eric needs to watch this one and see if I'm doing this wrong...
Side tri rise: i love this one - 12 on both sides
Floor flys: 4 on both sides
Scarecrows: 9 with 8 lbs - 8 lbs is good - my shoulders just kill in this one - maybe I'll actually have to go in the chat room and see how to fix it. lol
overhead tricep extensions: 12 with 8 lbs - could switch to a heavier weight to get just 8 reps
Two twitch speed push ups: On toes - did two sets
Y press: 9 with 15 lbs - only did 9 to beat last week's record - 9 is HARD
Lying tricep extensions: 15 with 8 lbs - that was good, but still think i need something bigger - maybe try my 15s, or switch the 15s to a ten....
Side to side push ups: 9 of the type the guy in back did - want to try the spiderman version next time
Pour flys: 15 with baby weights - lets use 8 next time
Side leaning tricep extensions: 9 on right, 8 on left - use 8 lbs, 15 lbs hit me in the head lol
one arm push ups: 4 on each arm - not going very deep - and on my knees
weighted circles: baby weights for this - 10 with everybody on first set, 8 on second forward, and 6 on second back - wow...
throw the bomb: 12 on right side with 8 lbs, 12 on left side with 8 lbs - could use something bigger...
clap or plyo push ups: 8 on toes - Tony goes airborne on these...that's crazy.
slow mo throw: 8 lbs - 8 of them - perfect weight
front to back tricep extensions: 8 with 8 lbs on right side - that hurts my shoulder too - need to figure that out, 13 on left side - (it's gotta be cuz i subluxed the other side)
one arm balance push ups: ten on toes
fly row press: 10 with baby weights, use 8 lbs next time - this is only complicated trying to remember the moves lol
Dumbell cross body blows: 24 with 8 lbs (12 on each arm) - use the 15s next time

Tucker just farted.... so gross.

Ab ripper is tonight!!!!!!! I won't forget - no worries.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 32 - Yoga, Day 33 - Legs and Back, Abs, Day 34 - Kenpo, Day 35 - Rest

Legs and Back:
Reverse grip chin ups: 2 by myself and no touching the floor in between!!! 2 with a foot on chair/3 with chair
Wide front pull ups: 6 - .5 by myself lol/6 with bands
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 by myself - 4 with chair/2 with chair, .5 by myself

I think I'm getting sicker... this is ridiculous. I WANT MY VOICE BACK NOW!

switch grip pull ups: one switch :(/ 0