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Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 5 - pure cardio

So... this was fun! :) Eric TRIED to do this with me... but failed. He said if I get him up early every day, then he'll try to do the warm-up but that's it. Silly boy.

I have been feeling fat since yesterday... today I realized... my abs hurt! haha - so every time I suck my stomach in - or laugh or whatever - I can't, so I feel really fat if that makes sense. lol

Anyway, this week was not AWESOME for eating PERFECTLY - especially cuz we'll go to Tucano's tonight.

So already lied to myself saying I would be perfect. :( I hate when I let myself down. But I've been very good today - need to try my best at tucanos, and then tomorrow, be perfect again. It will be a goal I have to renew every day.

PS that also means- starting tomorrow - no sugar whatsoever. NONE.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 4 - Cardio Recovery

I woke up thinking it was pure cardio, and was so happy when it was cardio recovery! :) I needed a nice, slow workout. This was great. I'm so glad to have been done with 4 days - and early morning too! :) Get me back on a good schedule! :)

Now, just need to eat healthy all day! :)

60 days of eating exactly how I should = NOT HARD.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 3 - Cardio Power & Resistance

This morning workout was great. I can feel when my knee hurts, and I'm keeping it light during those parts, but still sweating a ton. :) So it's still awesome.

Angela and Eric aren't doing insanity anymore on this schedule -starting again next Monday I think. It sucks...I wish I had somebody else who was doing it with me, but I did p90x all myself, and did just wonderful. And I am not restarting again... I'm not sick any more, I know what is wrong with my leg - I'm ready to go.

So it's just me now. And I'm determined to do all 60 days (and NOT start over), and eat very well. Goodbye 8 lbs.

Also, haven't done any p90x arms this week - so need to get on that. I'll start doing yoga when I get our gym passes. January 15th baby! They are going to be 20% off but only between 10 am and 1 pm - so it's on my calendar, and I'm going to be there! :) YAY!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 1 - Fit Test, Day 2 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Soooo... here I am!

AND, guess what?! I went to the Physical Therapist and showed him my MRI, and he kept talking about how it looks like this capsular strain- maybe even a tear. He said he would recommend doing ASTYM for two more months, and NO running until then. I'm allowed to bike or swim or any of that, but if it EVER hurts, I'm not allowed to do that thing. Or the next day it hurts, whatever I did the day before - not allowed to do. Need to let this thing heal.

So THEN, this doctor from downstairs - a general family doctor - came upstairs to say Merry Christmas to everybody and my PT said, "Now, this is the guy who should look at your MRI."

So I showed it to him and he starts talking to me about it and kinda thinks it may be this capsular strain thing. So I asked him how you get this, and my PT said, "you're supposed to tell us!" And I said, "I WAS RUNNING." lol So then I turn to the other doctor, and tell him how I did this, and asked him if he knew what The Dirty Dash was. I explained that you run in this mud... and right as I said that, my PT said, "WAIT, you were running in MUD? I'm like yeah, I told you that - I ran uphill in the mud, and then ...." And I explained how The Dirty Dash goes.

And both doctors look at each other and start agreeing that yes, this is a capsular strain.

SOOOO... new treatment - still get ASTYM, but for two months. NO running, or doing anything that makes it hurt. NO going upstairs.

I'm allowed to do insanity as long as it doesn't hurt - and probably need to take it really light on the jogging warm-ups. I'm supposed to stay active because it helps it heal - just not supposed to re-injure it.

So, 60 days of exercise - with yoga hopefully mixed in there, and two times a week of p90x arms. AND back to the fat shredder diet. My insanity weight loss goal - 8 lbs. :)

Soooo... all in all...

Leg... please be better in two months. Thanks, Jackie

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Well... let's try this again.

So... I'm not sick any more. I have been sick TWICE this year- record for me - except both lasted a month. Apparently, I have acid reflux and it's not just a one time thing - it's an all life thing. So, I need to keep taking meds for it whenever my throat even hurts a little bit. If i feel fine, don't need to take them. Soooo.... that means I shouldn't get sick as often! WAHOO! First hurdle down.

Second hurdle - IT band syndrome or not?


I had an MRI. I don't have the syndrome, yet the doctor is still convinced that's what it is, even though the MRI shows no signs for it. What's the cause of the pain? Fluid behind my IT band and in front of my meniscus.

What does this mean? It means that I'm hopeless. I have no idea what is wrong, and when I asked the doctor - so how is this caused and what does this mean, he said "I don't know."


So he gave me this EVIL shot in my knee - in the spot with the fluid - its a steroid shot - and is supposed to heal it. We'll see how this goes - it takes up to four days to START taking effect.

If it's not better by next week, I'm supposed to go back to Physical Therapy. What's the point?

We'll see what happens I guess. Needless to say, Ange and Eric are starting insanity on Monday (stopped it from before), so I'm just gonna restart it and do more yoga - stretch my knee out if I can. Then try running again in 60 days. We'll see.

So... look for me on Monday! :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fit test and chest and back (p90x)

It's been so long since I've done p90x.. I miss it. Reminder - just need the video for stretching, cool down, and abs. Not the exercise.

standard push-ups: 13 on toes - sick, how fat am I?, / 8 toes
wide front pull ups: 1 self, 8 chair/5 chair - boy i'm tired. haha
military push-ups: 8 on toes/3 on toes, 5 on knees
reverse grip chin ups: 1 self, 6 chair/ 3chair
wide fly push ups: 8 toes, 5 knees/5 toes, 3 knees
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 5 chair - i have gotten so weak lol/3 with chair
decline push ups: 6 toes/4 toes
heavy pants: 20 lbs - 10/8
diamond push ups: 2 self, 7 knees/1 self, 6 knees
lawnmowers: 20 lbs - 10 - i'm gonna need a bigger weight for this round of p90x/20 lbs - 10
dive bombers: 5 - men's way/4 mens way
back flys: 12 with 10/10 with 10

Done ... and sweating like a whore in church. haha FEELING AWESOME! :)

Did the ab ripper for fun. :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Well.. that was fun.

So, starting over on Monday. It's been really hard to get up this week, cuz somewhere in the middle of the night, I get a sore throat, wake up in pain, and then don't wanna get up. But once I'm up and drink some water, it kinda helps it go away. So I just need to!

So...since I missed a day, and I'm not gonna be able to make it up in any way, time to start over! Which is okay, cuz Angela told me she may want to - and so I think it will be better overall.

This was a nice warm-up. :)

More later!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 3 Cardio power and resistance

So I still need to do insanity today, but that's gonna have to wait until tonight.

We went skiing yesterday, and then I went to PT and then did insanity, and took the dogs on a walk - AND my leg felt great! WAHOO!!

So I'm happy about this -and am eating very well today! HURRAY!

Day 2 - plyo

So did the plyo yesterday. It was wonderful. I love sweating and feeling like I did something with the day.

My diet, however, SUCKED.

So I made a commitment to Angela - my partner in crime - that I will stay under 1200 calories for the next 60 days. :) GO ME.

Also, my fit test results are:

Switch Kicks: 110
Power Jacks: 32
Power Knees: 68
Power Jumps: 16
Globe Jumps: 7
Suicide: 10
Push-up Jacks: 11
Low Plank Obliques: 38

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 1 - Fit test

And so it starts...

I'm doing Insanity again! WAHOO!

Also, physical therapy is going well. I should be able to run more than a mile soon hopefully. We'll see what happens. My leg still aches after I run - and I only run at the office - so it's not like I could be doing this at home yet. We'll see. The orthopedic surgeon told me today that I should be WAY better than that, and they are worried I have some hairline fracture I'm not aware of. I'm going to them next week if it's worse. Hopefully it just gets better.

Anyway, during my "not being able to exercise" phase, I lost a pound. So my goal for the month is to lose three more, and by that, I mean weigh the same weight (three lbs less) for at least a week before I've actually done it.

We'll see if Insanity can take me there.

Exercising this morning was weird - it's been so long - it's like I almost forgot how. But I'd like to add p90x arms in twice a week - and in january we'll add swimming when we get our passes, AND yoga! wahoo! :)

So that's it for now folks - more tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I'm happy. I get to exercise again. I ran .76 miles the other day at the Physical Therapist's office (on the treadmill) without hurting at all. Today, I have another session, and probably will have one Friday - and then I think I'll be done. We'll see how my leg reacts. It feels great to actually be able to do stuff again. We'll see how far I can run at the office today.

So, Insanity, you and I - Monday morning. :) 60 days of it. I'm adding arms twice a week - tuesdays and thursdays - from p90x. And adding a yoga session on Saturday mornings. Anyone is welcome to come over and join me!

Eric and I are waiting until January to buy our gym pass. We went swimming there, and they said they will have the passes 20 percent off in January. That's 60 bucks off! Huge difference. Then we should swim about three times a week - hopefully. :) I'm excited.