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Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 5 - pure cardio

So... this was fun! :) Eric TRIED to do this with me... but failed. He said if I get him up early every day, then he'll try to do the warm-up but that's it. Silly boy.

I have been feeling fat since yesterday... today I realized... my abs hurt! haha - so every time I suck my stomach in - or laugh or whatever - I can't, so I feel really fat if that makes sense. lol

Anyway, this week was not AWESOME for eating PERFECTLY - especially cuz we'll go to Tucano's tonight.

So already lied to myself saying I would be perfect. :( I hate when I let myself down. But I've been very good today - need to try my best at tucanos, and then tomorrow, be perfect again. It will be a goal I have to renew every day.

PS that also means- starting tomorrow - no sugar whatsoever. NONE.

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I thought about Eric this morning when we were exercising and I just didn't have the energy and was ready to go back to bed. :)

    But hey, the warmup is something, right? And it's SO much better than watching TV!
