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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Where have I been you ask?

I've been on crutches in a huge honkin' boot that weighs like a million pounds. :(

I have no idea what I weigh, and my tri training has been seriously put on hold. Before I had this accident last Friday night, I was still exercising and doing a great job with my diet, but I have no idea what my last stats were.

Molly wants to come over and start p90x with me, so we will see if I start it over again. I still want to do my yoga twice a week, and my tri training after work, but doing the cardio for p90x AND yoga will probably be too much. We'll see.

Anyway, hopefully Monday's check-up will end in GOOD, GOOD, GOOD results such as no crutches, no boot, and a small brace to heal the rest of the way. I sure hope so! :)