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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ups and Downs

I like the little person who runs across my weight tracker. It's like I'm really doing something and making progress or something. I weighed in this morning - gained .2 lbs, but got to 25 point something % body fat (I think it was 25.6 but I need to check again). That means I've already gone from 27% to the 25's! Cool beans? I think so.

Went swimming yesterday and did 1150 yards in 29 minutes. It's exciting to see that I can go further and further and can really do it. I should have got up this morning and done yoga and p90x arms, but slept in. I'm stressed over Eric's friend moving into our house and just slept instead. haha But we'll bike tonight for our training - and that's a VERY good thing.

I slipped up yesterday and had cereal for dinner instead of following the diet. That was bad - but I just didn't feel like taking time to figure out what to eat, and making a smoothie, and blah blah. So... I'm going to be perfect again today, and have decided that every time I even think about not following it, I should just look at my thighs and remember I want thinner ones. haha We'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I have hope!

Weight: I've lost 2.8 lbs since Monday! WAHOO major!!

Now, I've just got 4.8 to go by the time I see Steph, then 5 more by the time I go home for my birthday.

I feel like there's hope. I feel like, yes, I can do this - I can do anything.


Yesterday we biked for 7.5 miles and ran 2 miles. Our bike ride was 35 minutes and 31 seconds. That's the time I hope to beat.

I ran - and no problems. I need to go back to the chiro and get my hips aligned again though - I knocked them out, I can feel it. So I'm gonna lay off on running too much and next Saturday get readjusted again! :)

Tonight's exercise is swimming. Hopefully I can stand all the yards the tri training has me do.


The diet has been great today. Tonight we're eating breakfast for dinner - a smoothie, scrambled eggs, and some ham.

The heaviest I have ever been must have been about 138. I wasn't there for very long and don't remember it very well because it disgusted me. The lowest I remember being, as an adult, was 119 - and at that time I wore a size 3. Since then I've regularly wore a size 4 or size 6. I'd like to be back at that size 2/size 3 figure again. All of my clothes fit me now - I don't have like fat clothes, or clothes that I can't wear because they are too small... but I'm just WAY more comfortable when I'm not carrying extra weight. So, this is my challenge to myself. Get this way before I have kids so when I gain weight from that I won't freak so much. haha

More later!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Doing good... so far :)

So, yesterday the diet went PERFECTLY. My downfalls - WANTING food that I can't have. But I remind myself that it is only 11 days. It's a good diet for remembering that healthy people eat because they have to, not because they want to. Eating is for keeping us alive and well, not for pleasure, and I think that's something a lot of people forget. I know I do ALL the time. haha I think at the end of 11 days, I'll look at food again the way I did with p90x and be able to follow the p90x fat shredder diet better. So we'll see which one I do again. Either the 11 days again, or p90x. After 11 days they want you to eat whatever you want for three days, and then generate a new 11 day diet. So I may just do that.

Today is day 2 of the diet and it's an all fruit day except for one meal. One meal is a sandwich- so that will be dinner.

I'm not getting up for my morning work outs -so I changed up my schedule a bit so I can realistically make it to the gym classes I want to go to. Check it out on my work out schedule page.

Yesterday, according to our tri training schedule, I needed to swim 900 yards in 19 minutes. It's the first time I've swam 900 yards - and I did it in 22. I'd say that's not really that bad, and I'm really proud of myself. I'm glad we have a training schedule now - we'll keep it up for sure this way. I'm so excited to actually be training - makes my goals more real.

I did not check my weight this morning because I took the scale to Molly's last night and never got it back. I'll check tomorrow morning.

Monday, March 28, 2011

A New Beginning

So today is the day I start the 11 day diet. Today is also the day I start real training for the tri. There are 17 weeks until the triathlon and I made a schedule on a tri website for training, so I'm really excited about that.

I'm going to run twice a week at first, until I know that my knee is completely fine. Because guess what? It hasn't hurt at all. And on Saturday in Atlanta, I used the fitness center and biked, used the elliptical, and ran on the treadmill... NO PAIN whatsoever.

So could this be the start to a great road ahead? :) I sure hope so!

My goals for the month - lose seven pounds by the time I see Stephanie (April 28th - one month from now). Lose five pounds between the time I see Steph and going home for my birthday.

Oh, AND stick to the training schedule so the tri is NO problem! :)

Here I go! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yes or no?

So, am I better? I don't know yet.

My knee hasn't hurt where it usually does, but the guy at 26.2 said I need to hit my toes first and not my heels when I run. So when I ran with Molly, I tried it, and made my thighs, shins, etc hurt. It also made the other side of my knee hurt - but on both knees, and then was gone when I was done running. Hopefully it's the - you're getting muscles - kind of hurt, and not the HURT hurt.

Since I ran, my knee has hurt a TINY bit in it's normal place - but maybe that's just me being paranoid.

So, maybe I'm better now? Maybe what I needed were some shoes. We'll see. Part of me is so excited that I may have found a solution - the other part of me is skeptical.

I'm going to take it easy on the running though and just try to get back into it. Maybe running three miles the very first time I run in forever isn't a great idea - but maybe I just need to build back up to it all again. Maybe?

So, the 11 day diet starts on Monday. I am going to go grocery shopping for it when I get back and be SO good. It's only 11 days- how could I not? Plus, I'm running out of precious time before I see Steph. We'll see what happens.

Anyway, nothing more to report here. Later skaters!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

running! :)

I ran 3 miles yesterday... and my knee didn't hurt. And it hasn't hurt yet today... we'll see how this goes. Maybe I'm fixed. :) And all because of some shoes.

Other than that, Molly and I have to move our diet/weigh in to next monday because I'll be in Atlanta this week and not able to follow it, but I have given up all sugar.

Also, if my leg is better - I can start insanity soon - so I probably will just after we get my sister in Dallas. :)


Friday, March 18, 2011


Why has it been since Tuesday that I last posted you ask? Because I've been crazy busy and stressed with work. So much so, that yesterday I only ate mike and ikes, and some wheat thins. WHAT KIND OF EATING IS THAT? And yes, that's literally all. So when I say that I've already lost two pounds... um, kinda obvious. lol

Anyway, Molly and I are doing a contest and I'm really excited. We are weighing each other each week, and starting these diets that her husband's family used and they all lose weight. It's only 11 days, and then it generates a new plan, and you can do another 11 days, or just until you're done losing weight. I'm really excited because I have had NO motivation. Seeing my sister just isn't enough I guess. So we'll see how this will work. I need to get my life back in order. We do our first weigh in on Saturday, and start the diet Sunday.

I went to 26.2 running store and found out that I pronate A TON in both feet. They say if you're under ten (of what they measure) then you don't pronate and need neutral shoes. If you are over ten, you definitely need help. I'm 16 and 17! Got new shoes- and they re-filmed me in those, and it took the pronation to 6 and 7. PERFECT. So I'm going to try to run with those tonight or tomorrow -whatever Molly and I have time for. Hopefully that's my leg problem. ALSO, they said I heel strike which leads to runner's knee, so I need to make sure I'm running more forward, and on my toes. All I have to say is PLEASE be the answer. If it is, I'm going to the chiropractor and giving him the BIGGEST hug! I've been doing yoga still at the gym. Hopefully next week I'll try the other classes. :)

And that's it!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eating well!

Yoga was great this morning. When I went there though, I saw this class being done that looked oh so fun! So I looked up the schedule and it's a hip hop hustle class. HOW COOL! haha

There's also a muscle mix class, so I think I'm going to get rid of one yoga class, and try the hip hop hustle or the muscle mix class. Then Mon, Wed, Fri I'll still do the p90x weight videos, and then do cycle mon/fri and then either pump or turbo kick on Wednesday. Need to go to both and see what I like. I love all the choices though! There are also water aerobics at the time I go as well - so that could be fun too!

So, I've decided that I'm going to post what I ate YESTERDAY today so you can comment on it. :) Also, I've been doing a great job with eating the p90x diet, so hopefully I'll drop this weight soon! :)

New tip for myself: Analyze myself each day and remind myself that I would like to get healthy and thinner - so NO mess ups on food!

Goal for today: Keep up the healthy diet you've got going on! :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Buckling Down

Today I woke up with the sense that I needed to really buckle down if I was gonna lose this weight before seeing Steph. Last week, I finally weighed myself - it had been forever, and saw that I had gained weight. I knew it though... my stomach has been all kinds of bloated, to the point that I thought I could be pregnant, but I'm not. So not pregnant = just fat. haha Anyway, so weighing in with five extra pounds, meant that I had to lose 13 instead of 8. :( SAD DAY! BUT, I lost 3 of those within the week, so now have exactly ten to lose. Better get on it huh? This is where I think how hard can ten pounds be? So I was going to give it my all in my exercise today...

As I started the p90x chest and back video, I was pumped and ready to go. Finished the warm-up and then finished 22 push-ups on my toes, and was feeling freaking fantastic. I went to get some water... and realized that the clock I moved yesterday said 8:04... my phone - that was on the correct time YESTERDAY said 7:04!! WHAT?!?!?!?! I called a co-worker and sure enough, it was 8:04... NOOOO!

So had to stop exercise, and get ready for the day. And now I feel djfkldsjfkldsjf;kldsjf;lkdsjdklfdj. Oh well. Tonight, if Eric is home, I'm going to go swimming with him. If not, I'll do some p90x, go swimming by myself, and then do a yoga class maybe. We'll see. Just trying to get in some good exercise.

I have about six weeks to lose those ten pounds. The first two will probably be easy, but the next 8 - those are my pesky ones. So here goes.

Goal this week - lose at least two pounds.

Fruit for breakfast! yum!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Exercise and Diet:

So, it's been going well in terms of exercising and such. I've gone back to the p90x fat shredder diet. I feel healthier living like that, so I want to keep that up. After I've lost some more fat, I'll add more of the next level. I really do enjoy eating a healthy diet all around - and hate when I succumb to packaged foods, and sugars.

I did yoga this morning - oh how good that felt! I love my gym pass - maybe a little too much. I've also been swimming with Eric, and doing some thigh machines at the gym as well. Now I just need to get back in the p90x weight DVD groove. I'll be sure to do some tomorrow - AND my cycle class! WAHOO!

General thoughts:

I'm bored of life right now. Why you ask? I'm not sure. I think it's because I've been thinking a lot lately of how to become a singer - meaning to have one album out there to share with the world. And the thought that that will probably never happen, depresses me.

Also, I think it's about time we start on the rest of our family. I have a lot of plans though that I want to happen before I get pregnant. I want to do the triathlon NOT pregnant, and I want to make sure we will be out of our car loans by the time the baby is born (next May). I'd also like to lose these pesky 8 lbs my body loves to hang on to. I think I have some good goals, and am achieving them at the current moment, but I wonder how long I can actually wait until I finally feel like it's time. We'll see.

So for now, maybe I'll pick up guitar lessons, or figure out how to make a violin background of some of my songs and make a demo cd. And I'll keep up this great healthy diet, and lost those stupid pounds. :)

Foods eaten today:

Egg whites with salsa and cheese

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day Nothing...

Soooo... it's not that I WANT to say this, but I HAVE to do this. No more Insanity.

I went to the chiropractor who is pretty sure he can fix me. GREAT! Let's get it done already! He thinks I was running on a "short" leg - meaning one of my legs was shorter than the other, and the constant sliding in mud didn't make it any better. He thinks a few adjustments and I'll be as good as new. And if I want to keep running races, to come make sure I'm adjusted right before a big race. :)

In the mean time, no running, or pounding in the ground aka NO insanity, and NO running. Fine... I can handle that.

So in the mean time, my exercise regiment will cross Insanity off the list and add a cycle class at the gym. So I'll still do p90x arms- monday, wednesday, and friday - and instead of insanity, I'll head to the gym and do the cycle class. Then tues/thurs - I'll still do yoga, and that's all for those days. I could also do a muscle mix class on mon/wed/fri - and then cycle. And tuesdays and thursday, do cycle, and then yoga, or something of the mix - but we'll see what I end up liking. My neighbor - Tammy - probably wants to come with me - so it will be way more fun!

Hopefully this is enough to keep my weight loss goals. Just means I need to be extremely strict about what I eat.

And it means I need all of your support.

So today's diet:

Fiber bar for breakfast
Banana for snack
1/2 of a Cafe rio chicken burrito - whole wheat.

I'll add more as the day progresses. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 10 - cardio circuit, Day 11 - recovery

I'm depressed.... my leg is KILLING me. It's gotta be more than just in my head, right? I mean, it was good for a while there... but I don't think stress makes it any better. I'm having it relooked at it by a knee surgeon, and then hopefully my chiro will call me back today and get my MRI for me so he can give me some advice. It HAS to be impossible that I would never run again....HAS to be.

If worse comes to worse, I won't run until the tri. And then take lots of medicine and wear my brace. :(

Also, I'm not losing weight like I did before the cruise... weird? I think I really need to fix some eating habits of mine when I'm home. KEEP ME ON IT! I will track everything today. :)

BUT, I HAVE to lose these pesky 8 lbs I've been wanting to lose since p90x. Just 8 please! :) And I have to before I go see my sister. I love when people notice a change ,and she hasn't seen me in 18 months... so she would. It's time.

Plus, if I'm serious about being thin when I'm pregnant... THEN GET ON IT JACKIE!

Also, I'm not getting up and doing this like I should. I get up and feel so tired, I go back to bed. SO no more of that! Need to get up - go to both yoga classes, and do weights on m/w/f! SO GET UP JACKIE! :) There's only 50 days left... so take advantage of it!

Also, I'm going to have a goal a day... today's goal - fasting... I'm going to kick start a healthy diet change by fasting for 24 hours. So no eating until tomorrow morning. Detoxify some! :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 9 - Pure Cardio

Did cardio power and resistance last night - didn't feel good, but felt good exercising so that's something.

Took the day off cuz I don't feel good and tried my hand at pure cardio. It was hard to breathe throughout, but by golly, I AM NOT missing a day.

Also, I'm getting skinny legs but gaining belly fat - that tells me I'm eating too much sugar and too much white flour. So I need to start writing my food down here. :) Keep me on track people!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 6 - Plyo cardio circuit, Day 7 - Rest, Day 8 - Cardio Power and Resistance

Still need to do my cardio power and resistance tonight BUT we have been swimming a ton, and I've been doing so good. I think within five months - for my tri and all - I'll be so ready!

I did my 200 yards in 4 minutes - shaving 2 mins off my time. Maybe I counted wrong the first time, or did get better!

I don't really have a lot to report besides the fact that I have a sore throat. I hope it's gone after today. :(