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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day1, Day2 - yoga, Day 3 - shoulders and arms

There's something comfortable about p90x. I hear it come on, and I'm like YAH! Let's go! lol Still wish I had someone doing it with me. I did yoga yesterday at the gym- and will do chest and back on Sunday because I missed Monday.

I'm starting at 127.2 today (holy crap - jersey really packed the pounds on me - I was hovering in 125 and 126 ranges when I left! haha) and 25.6 percent body fat. I want to be between 115 and 119 when I'm done - and hopefully lose about 3 percent of body fat.

Goal this week: Get to the 126 - 127 range. Keep track of ALL calories.

Here goes!

alternating shoulder press - 20 lbs/16 with 20 lbs
in and out biceo curls - everyone 16 - hard with 15 lbs/same
two arm tricep kickbacks -10 with 10lbs/8 with 10 lbs - go lighter next time

deep swimmers press: 8 with 15/8 with 15
full one arm supination curl: 10 with 15/8 with 15
chair dips: 20 normal/20 normal

upright rows: 10 with 10/12 with 10 lbs
static arm curls - 16 everyone - 16 with 10 lbs/same - these are hard with 10
Flip grip twist kickbacks: 10 with 10 lbs/same

seated shoulder flys - 2 angles- 16 everyone: 16 with 10 lbs/16 with 10 lbs
crouching cohen curls: 8 with 10 lbs/same
lying down tricep extensions: 10 with 10 lbs/same

straight arm shoulder flys - 16 everyone: 16 with 8 lbs/same
congdon curls: 8 with 15 lbs/same
side tri rise: 12/same

ab ripper!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Tomorrow I'll start p90x all over again. I'll do yoga on tues/thurs instead of plyo tues and yoga thurs. Then I'll trade kenpo on saturday for the plyo.

My goal - get down between 115 and 119. I want my body fat to be at 21% - 22%. Last time I did p90x it was at 23, but I am starting at a smaller weight, so we'll see how realistic this is. The program will end somewhere around the end of November. If I can reach these goals above - this will be the most ideal for me and my plans to end around this time! :) I'm excited and hope to do a wonderful job and get to where I want to be. My main goal - have skinny legs! :) My legs are getting so much thinner - which I love - but I know they still have a lot to go!

So - lots of protein, and having to be SUPER good about counting calories. That's what really helps me the most.

I'll have an update on weight and measurements tomorrow.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Calorie Counting

So, I'm thinking calorie counting has SO much to do with losing weight. I'm at a steady 125! :) WAHOO!! So my next goal, 120. I can't believe I've made it to 125. It's crazy. And it's consistent - not going back up - which is SO good. I do look a ton skinnier in a swim suit, and feel SO much better. There is a huge difference between 133 and 125. I'm sure there's a huge difference between 125 and 120 as well - 120 here we come. I take it a week a time. I just hope to be one lb lighter every week - and it's been working really well. I need to be AT LEAST 120 when I get pregnant... I'm not gonna have large legs, and large arms... then blow up my stomach. I'd be a huge ball of fat. Gross. I envy girls with little legs - when they get pregnant, they don't look fat all over! So that's the goal.

Went to the knee specialist who thinks I tore cartilage in my knee. If that's true, then the shot he gave me should allow me to run without pain for a month or so. If longer, great. But if it solves it... then when it hurts again, they'll have to scope the cartilage. BUT, if it doesn't hurt - then awesome. SO we'll see.

I'm supposed to run over a mile by next week to see if it is hurting. I'm gonna start training for a 5k like I've never run before in my life - basically from couch potato to 5k runner. Hopefully that will help.

And that's all for now. When I get back from Jersey, I'm gonna start p90x again, but two days of yoga at the gym, and plyometrics instead of kenpo. And then Eric and I are going to bike, run, and swim at least once a week to keep up what we have gained from training for the tri.

Now... time for a serious vacation.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I DID THE TRI! I'm so happy that after being on crutches just six weeks ago, we were able to bike/swim/run the tri! HURRAY! So many people tried to tell me I can't do it, that I'd hurt myself more, and that it would be a very bad idea, but GUESS WHAT?! It was freaking awesome. And I'm glad after a year of wanting to do it, I got to. Eric was amazing to race with and I just loved it all.

My knee gave me trouble after the first mile. But then Eric and I skipped, walked, etc etc. :) It went really well and I'm so glad we went. We are probably going to do a sprint every year at least, and if we want to do an olympic, we'll do the spudman because the swimming part is FREAKING AWESOME. The current is such a great help.

Anyway, on thursday, my chiro popped my fibular bone back in place... we think that's the problem. If it is, I just need to slowly get back into running again. Hopefully that's the issue. I go to a very good doctor in two weeks that is a "knee" doctor, so we'll see.

Anyway, I gotta go to bed now - so another update later. BUT, as far as my weight goes - I've moved down into the 126- 128 range. So it's progress.

It's all about the calorie counting - so far. haha

That's all for now!!