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Friday, December 28, 2012

Total body, ab ripper

Things are going well. Almost done with the second week.

1 arm chest press: 15 with 15 - need bigger weight next time/ same
4 position pull up: 3/4 set myself, 2 chair - wow, how did i get weaker?/1 self, 1 chair
side arm balance: 15/12
switch lunge press: 8 with 10 on right side/8 with 10 left
warrior 3 kickback: 15 with 10/10 with 15
warrior 3 curl: 10 with 15/same
boing push ups: 12/10
crunchy lever pull up: 3 self - my back/arms are exhausted today/1
mule kick burpee: 6/4
swimmers curl press: 8 with 10/same
ball kickback: 8 with 15- this hurts my shoulders/8 with 10
preacher curl: 8 with 15/8 with 15

Monday, December 24, 2012

Week 1 is over

Week 1 is over! :) P90X2 says you can do the weeks for as long as you need and gives you recommendations. So I would like to do this first round for three weeks.

My food intake is going very well. EVEN with the Christmas holiday. Sweets just aren't calling my name lately. :)

Weight: 130.4 today - same as last entry. Really gonna try to break into the 120s this week. 3.4 lbs left to be at a cool 127.

Sphinx to plank plyo: 10
1 leg plyo squat reach: 10 both sides
russian twist: 20
sphinx to plank roll up: 12
4 direction: 8 both sides
forearm alt side plank: 10
sphinx: 6
weighted katherine: 20 - no weights this time
Plank x crunch: 11
renegade row 1/2 lolasana: 6 with 15
glute bridge roll out: 20
over and under: 15
warrior row press: 8 both sides
split lunge: 8 both sides
crawly crab: 11
lateral plyo push up: 12
lunge kneel knee raise: 8 both sides
spider something: 16
dumbbell row to side plank: 8 with 15
dumbbell burpee: 8 with 15
plank ball crunch: 8

Friday, December 21, 2012

Total body and ab ripper


I moved my food log to my fitness pal account so I could keep track of it on my phone.
I didn't do any more p90x2 last week except for that one day, so I restarted again this week. I've done core, plyo and total body. I have two more workouts left this week.

I signed up for a tri in January. So I need to get more running, swimming and biking back in. The running I've been really good at except for this last week. I'll get back on it soon.

Weight stats: 130. 4 - I'm doing really well. It's all what you eat. Hopefully I'll be back in the 120's this next week.

1 arm chest press: 10 with 15 both sides/same
4 position pull up: 1 set myself, 2 chair/.5 self, 1.5 chair
side arm balance: 12/12
switch lunge press: 8 with 15/same
warrior 3 kickback: 12 with 15/8 with 15
warrior 3 curl: 12 with 15/8 with 15
Boing push ups: 11/10
crunchy lever pull up: 3.5 self :)/3 self :)
mule kick burpee: 5/2
swimmer's curl press in 1/2 chair: 8 with 15/6 with 15  - 15 is too much balancing on my bad knee
ball kickback: 8 on both sides with 15/same both sides  - need to strengthen my shoulders more
preacher curl: 12 with 15/8 with 15

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


How do you make a habit? You do it over and over. They say it takes 30 days to make a habit. However, my good habits turn into dust whenever I get sick. Nothing sounds good to eat and exercise is minimal.

So when I was sick three weeks ago, I stopped exercising, and am back to square one. GRRRRR.

Highest weight in the last 12 months: 137
Lowest weight in the last 12 months: 125
Best maintaining weight - felt toned and good, and was awesome!: 127
Weight today: 133 :(

Lowest weight EVER (when being healthy and not living off of cookies and chips/salsa: 122

So I need to lose at least 5 lbs. I have the dream of being 120 someday, but for now, I'd be happy being back at 127. So I restarted p90x2 this week. Anna and I had done it for about half of the program, and then she stopped doing it with me, and I got sick. SO...I'm back to doing it by myself and restarting too because you know how I feel about not doing it continually for 90 days. Lifting weights just makes me feel so much better about myself.

I'm also going to keep a food log this week. I need to get back to eating entirely healthy again. We'll see where I need to cut back next week.

Breakfast: Grapenuts with bananas and milk
Lunch: Kid's burger and fries from McDonald's

Thursday, August 2, 2012


So, I suck. haha I didn't stick to my challenge for myself because I didn't have anybody keeping me accountable INCLUDING myself. FAIL. My friend Anna is training with me for the tri in september, and we both want to be WAY fitter and skinnier. She found a challenge online, and we are doing it! It costs $30 for each person to go in the challenge, and the pot is already at about $600! It's super motivating. I'm already back to 131.8 (yes, I gained weight since my last entry- DISAPPOINTING). So Jersey is tomorrow, and I'll probably weight 131/132 -but it's okay because I've been toning up my muscles and trying to just get fit. My knee is feeling a ton better because of it.

Hopefully this challenge will help me lose the rest of it. :)

Wish me luck!


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Really Proud

I'm super proud of myself. :)

Last weigh-in: 134.2 and 27% body fat
Yesterday's weigh-in: 131.6 lbs and 26.1% body fat

That's almost three full lbs! GO JACKIE! :)

I've been doing really well eating the right amount of calories. 130 will be what I weighed after Christmas and before I got pregnant. I gained 7 lbs being pregnant and I've finally almost lost it all.

128 will be my pre-christmas weight. I'm only three lbs away.

To meet my final goal of 119 by the shore, I would need to lose at least two lbs a week. Possible? I'm sure - I'm just not sure how realistic that is.

So I'm still hoping to be 128 by July 13th - my sister's wedding. That would be 15 days. 3 lbs in 15 days? Sure, why not? Then three more lbs for the shore, but 8 more would be great. :)

Our Tri is this weekend. I'm excited but Eric hurt his knee and I'm worried he won't be able to run with me and I can actually run now!!!!

PS don't forget about my free money challenge - let me know if you want to sign up and get free money!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Weight goals

I can't believe I didn't give you my weigh-in stats on Monday. I forgot because I've been feeling so sick.

But I didn't have to give anybody money. :)

I weighed in at 134.2 and 27% body fat. So even though I lost a little bit of weight - my last weigh in was 134.6 lbs and 27.2% body fat- I didn't really feel accomplished. I heard once that the belly fat on your stomach will not come off if you're eating sugar, so that's right folks, off of the sugar again. I feel better when I don't eat it anyway, so why not?

As of today, I weigh 132.4. But, I'm sure it's what I like to call "fake" weight loss. It's because I haven't been feeling well. This always boggles my mind though because my doctor says I need to eat at least 1200 calories to survive, and less than 1500 calories to lose weight. But when I barely eat anything when I'm sick, I lose weight. If I'm not sick, and barely eat anything, I gain weight. I don't know how to find that perfect balance and it is SO annoying to me. Any advice is extremely welcome.

I'm annoyed that I'm not feeling great because I needed to be swimming like every day this week in order to conquer the tri next week. And I definitely needed to pick up my running.

Because I felt like crap, I obviously didn't start p90x2. Hopefully I'll start it next week.

My goals are this: to weigh 128 by my sister's wedding (July 13th). That gives me three weeks to lose 4 lbs. It SHOULD NOT be that hard. We'll see. Then, I'd like to weigh 125 by the time we go to the shore. That's what I weighed last year, and would like to look the same - not like a fat-I had knee surgery and couldn't do anything-slob. Plus, we're taking family pictures. I need to look good for that. :)

Then I'd like to lose the last five and hopefully be happy with that weight, and ready to get on with the rest of my life. 

Anyway, here's to hoping I'll weigh in around 131 something on Monday. :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Weigh-in tomorrow

Tomorrow will be my first weigh-in and the only person who will get any money if I gained weight will be Angela! Come on guys! Guess I should get this posted on my other blog.

I hope I lost some weight since last time. I have been pretty good, but could definitely be better. I need to eat better again. I know I can do it, so what's the hold up?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


So... read my last post for my challenge, and how you can make free money.

A side note - you need to leave a comment on THIS blog telling me you are participating in the challenge.

Also, my weigh in was on Monday - it was 134.6 lbs and 27.2% body fat.

I need to lose either body fat, or weight to NOT owe you money. Hopefully both.

I'm going to start p90x2 next week as well. :)

I'll start recording more here! Keep me motivated people!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


So... I SUCK at losing the last five - ten pounds. I always get so close, and then something happens, and I'm done. Sometimes it's a good excuse for stopping - like knee surgery - other times, I just forget how badly I want it.

I also need to stick to a better budget.

And I also need to blog more.

SOOOO... I figured out a way to motivate all three.

I want to weigh 119 by the shore trip - I'm not sure how possible that is. However, I do know I can lose that much weight. SO, I'll do my first weigh-in tomorrow, and each week - so every monday when I weigh in - I needed to lose lbs or body fat percentage. If I didn't do either, you get money.

So how much money do you get?

For every comment you leave on this blog or my other blog (one comment per entry), you'll get counted for a $1. If I don't meet the goal of losing ANY WEIGHT or any body fat percentage, you get the total of the money you earned from your comments.

I think it's a great idea and will keep me accountable to you I hope!

I plan on doing swimming - m, w, f (we are training for a tri that is on June 30th and then another one on Sept. 8th), biking as often as we can, and running t, th, f. On top of that, I'm starting p90x2 - it's five days a week so I want to try to do it t, th, f, s, su, but will just do it as I can, and then I go to the gym every morning - when I wake up - for one or two gym classes.

My biggest downfall must be how I eat though - so going back on the p90x2 diet. Basically eat everything that is healthy. :) And I'm going to give myself one treat A WEEK. Then I won't feel like I can't ever have something sugary.

So here goes trying again and getting back to my pre-surgery self, and on top of that, better than I've ever looked self. :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Sorry I've been MIA. I have been exercising though. Angela and I are doing 5 am and 6 am classes at the gym, and I'm training for a tri with Eric. I have a schedule for losing a pound a week as well, and am hoping to be 11 lbs lighter for Stephanie's wedding. I am currently sitting at 132. Ideally, I'd like to weigh 115 - 119. We'll see how far I can get. I think after our vacation, I'll add p90x2 in as well.

We'll see what happens. For now, I really need to get back to counting my calories better. Making sure I'm staying in the range I'm supposed to.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Um... wow...

Where have I been? Honestly, I've been a little sick-ish and exhausted lately, so I ruined my streak of good weeks. So here's to starting over AGAIN. So annoyed with myself, but I have good reason, so I'll get over it. I still did yoga the whole time - which I love!

I also added a ton more stuff than just p90x2. Eric and I are now training for a triathlon. We need to decide which one to sign-up for, just not sure which one we're doing. So I've been running - which is going really well. I've been doing a couch potato to 5k app on my phone will do week 2 day 3 tomorrow. My knee hasn't hurt and it's been great to learn to run again. I'm also using vibrams - for barefoot running - and it really has changed the way I run. I love it. It's putting my legs back in shape - so I'm kinda addicted. :)

I also bought a road bike, but still need to do more running, and more swimming. I've done it a few times, but it needs to be more.

 I also added three apps on my phone - 20 chin-ups, 100 push-ups, and easy legs. The chin-up and push-ups are a six week program designed to give make you do 20 chin-ups and 100 push-ups in 6 weeks. You do them three times a week - so every mon, wed, fri I do them. Then I do easy legs tues, thurs and sat after running.

Anyway, Angela wants to try p90x2 with me. So I started it again on Monday.

Here are my total body results:

1 arm chest press - 12 with 15 both arms
4 position pull up: 2 sets/3 sets
push up side arm balance: 10/13
switch lunge press: 6 with 15/again
warrior 3 kickback: 8 with 15 - left leg/6 with 16
warrior 3 curls: right leg - 8 with 15/6 with 15
boing push up - 10/9
leverl pull up: 3 touching chair each time between/1
mule kick burpee: 6/3
swimmers curl in half chair: 8 with right leg on left/6 - need to get my tens out of the car
balance kick back: 8 on both sides with 15
rocket launcher preacher curl: 8 with 15/5


Thursday, February 2, 2012

total body and abs

So week 2 is going well. Can't wait for week 3 to be over, and then week 4 to do something new! WAHOO!

1 arm chest press: 10 with 10/ same
four pull up: 5 sets! :)/4 sets
side arm balance: 10/12
switch lunge press: lost count/ 8 with 10
warrior 3 lunge and tris: lost count again/10 with 8
warrior 3 curl: 12 with 8 lbs/10 with 10
boing push up: 8!/9
crunchy lever pull up: 2!! really did 2 full ones! wahoo!/1
mule kick burpee: 5/3
swimmer's curl press in .5 chair: 8 with 8/same
balance kickback on stability ball: 8 with 10/10 ith 10
rocket launcher preacher curl: 10 with 10 8 with 10


Monday, January 30, 2012

Second week of p90x2

As I start the second week of p90x2, I have lost my partner. So much for our challenge right?

Oh well - I promised myself this time around that I would do it, so doing it I am. And I'm eating the diet too - so that should help a lot in these last few pounds.

More to report later!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Total body and ab ripper

Molly and I have been doing a fabulous job except for yesterday she only came for the last ten minutes - which was of the recovery and mobility dvd. You can also rest this day, but I did the DVD - it was fun. I did the total body and ab ripper by myself tonight.

I've been trying to do the lemonade cleanse, but only did it for one day. BUT, it's brought me back into control, and I haven't had any sugar. So I'm doing the lemonade thing each day for as long as I can, until I can get to three days. We'll see how long it takes. haha

1 arm chest press: 10 with 10 -each side/ same
4 position pull up: 3 sets / 2 sets
push up side arm balance: 18/ 16
switch lunge press: 9 with 10/ 6
warrior 3 kick back: 8 with 10/ same
warrior 3 curl: 10 with 10/ 8 with 10
boing push up: 7/ 5
crunchy lever pull up: 2?/ 1.5 ( do a sit up from hanging basically)
mule kick burpee: 6/ 3
swimmers curl press in 1/2 chair: 6/ 5 with 10
balance kickback on ball: 8 with 10/ 8 with 10 no ball
preacher curl: 10 with 10/ same

and abs!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Well... I was doing good. TRY AGAIN!

So, I got through two and a half weeks of P90x2 - even though my blog doesn't reflect it, and then got a little bit sick, and decided to start over. Plus, I wasn't being good about the nutrition, so it was time.

Molly made a promise to me that she would exercise with me every day for all of p90x2. We'll see how we both do. We are also doing a challenge - a modified version of the one steph, my mom and I did that completely failed. She has to come exercise with me each morning, we aren't eating sugar, and something else I can't remember. haha So a dollar in the jar for each thing.

We did core this morning - and tomorrow have plyocide, then yoga at the gym. She signed up for a membership and I'm so excited about it!

I tried doing the lemonade cleanse my mom loves, but broke down at 7 pm when Eric made delicious chicken nuggets. Whoops! Try again tomorrow? Probably.

Anyway, I'm not hoping to lose weight this time. I mean, yes that would be nice - but this time I'm going to be more focused on becoming super fit/toned - and the weight will just come with it I think. I'll still obviously check my weight all the time - but be more focused on how I look than the number on the scale.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 4 - total body and x2 ab ripper/ day 5 - yoga

Day 4 -
1 arm chest: 13 with 15 both sides/10 with 15 both sides
4 position pull up: 4 sets /3 sets
push up side arm balance: 16/10
switch lunge press: 8 half lunges - don't bend my back knee/ 10
warrior 3 kickback: 8 with 8/same
warrior 3 curl: 18 with 8/ 10 with 8
boing push ups: 7 with stability ball-this is hard/5
crunchy lever pull up: 2 - if i can control it, i can land on the chair and do another one/1
mule kick burpee: only 3/4
swimmers curl press in 1/2 chair: 8 on both sides with 8
balance kickback on stability ball: 10 both sides with 8
rocket launcher preacher curl: 12 on boths ides with 8

ab ripper

Day 5 - yoga - also did yoga at my gym too yesterday - I love my yoga class.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 1 - x2 core, day 2 - plyocide, day 3 - rest

I need to write every day but that is so hard when there isn't anything to record. So for now, it is still going well and I'm doing much better - knee wise - with my work out this week. Actually feeling more of a burn because I can do more things. :) HURRAY!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 5 - Yoga, Day 6 - Balance and Power, Day 7 - Rest

Yoga was good - only just over an hour - much better than the hour and a half he has in the first one. I still love my yoga class though - so I'm still going to go to that. AND, I still want to do swimming and biking, so we did some swimming last week and will do some more this week. I want to do swimming m, w, f, and biking tues/thurs. We'll see how much we actually do it all.

On another note, my knee feels a lot looser now after this week of exercising. Maybe this is exactly what I needed - or what my doctor meant by kicking it up a notch.

Sphinx to plank plyo bounce: 6 - need to fill up the ball with WAY more air
1 leg plyo stretch: 12 both sides - no jumping on bad knee side
russian twist: 40 - touch one side, then touch the other (or 20 if two counts as one)
sphinx to plank roll up: 10 -this ball might be considered dangerous - need to blow it up!!
4 direction 1 leg squat hop: didn't jump with bad knee - other leg - good
forearm alt side plank: 13 - supposed to do 16

decline sphnix plank press: 5
weighted katherine: 20 with 8
plank x crunch: 10 - should use yoga mat for this
renegade row 1/2 lolasana: 8
glute bridge roll out: 18 - my favorite!
over/under boat: lost count - but love this one too!

warrior row press: 8 both sides - with 8 lbs, could probably do ten
split lunge: 10 left side, 7 bad side - with chair/couch
crawly crab press: 4 on ball, 6 on floor - need to blow the ball up
lateral plyo push ups: 12 on the floor - maybe I should buy just ONE med ball for now
lunge kneel kneel raise: 8 good side, 6 bad side
x plank spider twist: 14

bonus round
dumbbell row to side plank: 12
dumbbell super burpee: 7 with 8 - just did the one side
plank ball crunch: only 4

Rest day was Sunday - you can also do recovery and mobility and I wanna try it this week. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4 - total body and x2 ab ripper

DREA IS BACK!!! HURRAY!! I love her.

1 arm chest: 13 both sides with 10 lbs/same
4 position pull up: 4 sets - 16 total - with chair/3 sets
push up side arm balance: 20 /6 with leg raise - tweeked shoulder again
switch lunge press: 6/5
warrior 3 kickback: 12 with 8/10 with 8
warrior 3 curl: 16 with 8/13 with 8
boing push ups: 7/4 on knees
crunchy lever pull up: 2? i have no idea how to modify this so I can actually do it/1
mule kick burpee: 3/2 - shoulder kills now - dang it.
swimmers curl press in 1/2 chair: 10 with 8/5 with 8
balance kickback on stability ball: 10 with 8 both sides/same
rocket launcher preacher curl: 13 with 8 - left leg forward/10 with 8

Ab ripper!

I was really happy we lifted weights today. I've missed that.

Day 2 - plyocide, day 3 - rest

Day 2 was plyocide - nothing to write about. BUT I did want to say, that my one leg is gonna get a whole lot stronger than my hurt leg since I can only jump mostly on the one side. haha I hope my knee gets to healing completely soon.

I can tell it will be hard to write in this for every day if there's nothing to write down. Day 3 was rest. You work out five days a week with this p90x, very weird. haha

But now on to day 4... total body and ab ripper. We'll see what it has to bring.

Monday, January 2, 2012

p90x2!!! day 1 - core

My awesome friend Awbrey got me p90x2 for Christmas! :) I'm excited for the new change. So here's to day 1. This one is different than p90x because they want you to take breaks whenever you need them, you can do the phases for longer than 3 weeks, and the ideas in it are different. It will be fun. So, here's to the next 90? days. We'll see how long I decide to do some phases. Molly is going to do it with me probably... we'll see.

I've done my fit test and all the stats I need to do and am ready to bring it... AGAIN! :)

You're supposed to write some stuff down about each of these exercises - and for now, I'm just thinking, this is different, and difficult, and I'm only gonna get better! :)

I'm also thinking - KNEE - FREAKING HEAL ALREADY! goodness. I have to modify the right side of things for a few of these, it's annoying.

I appreciate that Tony was less cocky on here than in p90x and that he didn't spend tons of time in between moves. :)

We're finishing stretching here and i just realized that if I put a pillow under my hurt knee it doesn't hurt when I have to kneel on it. :)

All right - all done. It's weird cuz we didn't lift any weights. I feel sad about this. haha I might just lift a few here and there if I find that there aren't any weights day for this first phase. We'll see what it brings. :)