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Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 5 - pure cardio

So... this was fun! :) Eric TRIED to do this with me... but failed. He said if I get him up early every day, then he'll try to do the warm-up but that's it. Silly boy.

I have been feeling fat since yesterday... today I realized... my abs hurt! haha - so every time I suck my stomach in - or laugh or whatever - I can't, so I feel really fat if that makes sense. lol

Anyway, this week was not AWESOME for eating PERFECTLY - especially cuz we'll go to Tucano's tonight.

So already lied to myself saying I would be perfect. :( I hate when I let myself down. But I've been very good today - need to try my best at tucanos, and then tomorrow, be perfect again. It will be a goal I have to renew every day.

PS that also means- starting tomorrow - no sugar whatsoever. NONE.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 4 - Cardio Recovery

I woke up thinking it was pure cardio, and was so happy when it was cardio recovery! :) I needed a nice, slow workout. This was great. I'm so glad to have been done with 4 days - and early morning too! :) Get me back on a good schedule! :)

Now, just need to eat healthy all day! :)

60 days of eating exactly how I should = NOT HARD.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 3 - Cardio Power & Resistance

This morning workout was great. I can feel when my knee hurts, and I'm keeping it light during those parts, but still sweating a ton. :) So it's still awesome.

Angela and Eric aren't doing insanity anymore on this schedule -starting again next Monday I think. It sucks...I wish I had somebody else who was doing it with me, but I did p90x all myself, and did just wonderful. And I am not restarting again... I'm not sick any more, I know what is wrong with my leg - I'm ready to go.

So it's just me now. And I'm determined to do all 60 days (and NOT start over), and eat very well. Goodbye 8 lbs.

Also, haven't done any p90x arms this week - so need to get on that. I'll start doing yoga when I get our gym passes. January 15th baby! They are going to be 20% off but only between 10 am and 1 pm - so it's on my calendar, and I'm going to be there! :) YAY!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 1 - Fit Test, Day 2 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Soooo... here I am!

AND, guess what?! I went to the Physical Therapist and showed him my MRI, and he kept talking about how it looks like this capsular strain- maybe even a tear. He said he would recommend doing ASTYM for two more months, and NO running until then. I'm allowed to bike or swim or any of that, but if it EVER hurts, I'm not allowed to do that thing. Or the next day it hurts, whatever I did the day before - not allowed to do. Need to let this thing heal.

So THEN, this doctor from downstairs - a general family doctor - came upstairs to say Merry Christmas to everybody and my PT said, "Now, this is the guy who should look at your MRI."

So I showed it to him and he starts talking to me about it and kinda thinks it may be this capsular strain thing. So I asked him how you get this, and my PT said, "you're supposed to tell us!" And I said, "I WAS RUNNING." lol So then I turn to the other doctor, and tell him how I did this, and asked him if he knew what The Dirty Dash was. I explained that you run in this mud... and right as I said that, my PT said, "WAIT, you were running in MUD? I'm like yeah, I told you that - I ran uphill in the mud, and then ...." And I explained how The Dirty Dash goes.

And both doctors look at each other and start agreeing that yes, this is a capsular strain.

SOOOO... new treatment - still get ASTYM, but for two months. NO running, or doing anything that makes it hurt. NO going upstairs.

I'm allowed to do insanity as long as it doesn't hurt - and probably need to take it really light on the jogging warm-ups. I'm supposed to stay active because it helps it heal - just not supposed to re-injure it.

So, 60 days of exercise - with yoga hopefully mixed in there, and two times a week of p90x arms. AND back to the fat shredder diet. My insanity weight loss goal - 8 lbs. :)

Soooo... all in all...

Leg... please be better in two months. Thanks, Jackie

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Well... let's try this again.

So... I'm not sick any more. I have been sick TWICE this year- record for me - except both lasted a month. Apparently, I have acid reflux and it's not just a one time thing - it's an all life thing. So, I need to keep taking meds for it whenever my throat even hurts a little bit. If i feel fine, don't need to take them. Soooo.... that means I shouldn't get sick as often! WAHOO! First hurdle down.

Second hurdle - IT band syndrome or not?


I had an MRI. I don't have the syndrome, yet the doctor is still convinced that's what it is, even though the MRI shows no signs for it. What's the cause of the pain? Fluid behind my IT band and in front of my meniscus.

What does this mean? It means that I'm hopeless. I have no idea what is wrong, and when I asked the doctor - so how is this caused and what does this mean, he said "I don't know."


So he gave me this EVIL shot in my knee - in the spot with the fluid - its a steroid shot - and is supposed to heal it. We'll see how this goes - it takes up to four days to START taking effect.

If it's not better by next week, I'm supposed to go back to Physical Therapy. What's the point?

We'll see what happens I guess. Needless to say, Ange and Eric are starting insanity on Monday (stopped it from before), so I'm just gonna restart it and do more yoga - stretch my knee out if I can. Then try running again in 60 days. We'll see.

So... look for me on Monday! :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fit test and chest and back (p90x)

It's been so long since I've done p90x.. I miss it. Reminder - just need the video for stretching, cool down, and abs. Not the exercise.

standard push-ups: 13 on toes - sick, how fat am I?, / 8 toes
wide front pull ups: 1 self, 8 chair/5 chair - boy i'm tired. haha
military push-ups: 8 on toes/3 on toes, 5 on knees
reverse grip chin ups: 1 self, 6 chair/ 3chair
wide fly push ups: 8 toes, 5 knees/5 toes, 3 knees
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 5 chair - i have gotten so weak lol/3 with chair
decline push ups: 6 toes/4 toes
heavy pants: 20 lbs - 10/8
diamond push ups: 2 self, 7 knees/1 self, 6 knees
lawnmowers: 20 lbs - 10 - i'm gonna need a bigger weight for this round of p90x/20 lbs - 10
dive bombers: 5 - men's way/4 mens way
back flys: 12 with 10/10 with 10

Done ... and sweating like a whore in church. haha FEELING AWESOME! :)

Did the ab ripper for fun. :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Well.. that was fun.

So, starting over on Monday. It's been really hard to get up this week, cuz somewhere in the middle of the night, I get a sore throat, wake up in pain, and then don't wanna get up. But once I'm up and drink some water, it kinda helps it go away. So I just need to!

So...since I missed a day, and I'm not gonna be able to make it up in any way, time to start over! Which is okay, cuz Angela told me she may want to - and so I think it will be better overall.

This was a nice warm-up. :)

More later!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 3 Cardio power and resistance

So I still need to do insanity today, but that's gonna have to wait until tonight.

We went skiing yesterday, and then I went to PT and then did insanity, and took the dogs on a walk - AND my leg felt great! WAHOO!!

So I'm happy about this -and am eating very well today! HURRAY!

Day 2 - plyo

So did the plyo yesterday. It was wonderful. I love sweating and feeling like I did something with the day.

My diet, however, SUCKED.

So I made a commitment to Angela - my partner in crime - that I will stay under 1200 calories for the next 60 days. :) GO ME.

Also, my fit test results are:

Switch Kicks: 110
Power Jacks: 32
Power Knees: 68
Power Jumps: 16
Globe Jumps: 7
Suicide: 10
Push-up Jacks: 11
Low Plank Obliques: 38

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 1 - Fit test

And so it starts...

I'm doing Insanity again! WAHOO!

Also, physical therapy is going well. I should be able to run more than a mile soon hopefully. We'll see what happens. My leg still aches after I run - and I only run at the office - so it's not like I could be doing this at home yet. We'll see. The orthopedic surgeon told me today that I should be WAY better than that, and they are worried I have some hairline fracture I'm not aware of. I'm going to them next week if it's worse. Hopefully it just gets better.

Anyway, during my "not being able to exercise" phase, I lost a pound. So my goal for the month is to lose three more, and by that, I mean weigh the same weight (three lbs less) for at least a week before I've actually done it.

We'll see if Insanity can take me there.

Exercising this morning was weird - it's been so long - it's like I almost forgot how. But I'd like to add p90x arms in twice a week - and in january we'll add swimming when we get our passes, AND yoga! wahoo! :)

So that's it for now folks - more tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I'm happy. I get to exercise again. I ran .76 miles the other day at the Physical Therapist's office (on the treadmill) without hurting at all. Today, I have another session, and probably will have one Friday - and then I think I'll be done. We'll see how my leg reacts. It feels great to actually be able to do stuff again. We'll see how far I can run at the office today.

So, Insanity, you and I - Monday morning. :) 60 days of it. I'm adding arms twice a week - tuesdays and thursdays - from p90x. And adding a yoga session on Saturday mornings. Anyone is welcome to come over and join me!

Eric and I are waiting until January to buy our gym pass. We went swimming there, and they said they will have the passes 20 percent off in January. That's 60 bucks off! Huge difference. Then we should swim about three times a week - hopefully. :) I'm excited.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Doctor Visit

Soooo... it IS IT band syndrome. I HAVE to do 6 - 8 sessions of ASTYM at the Physical Therapist. Now I'm just waiting to see how insurance is going to cover all this. They told me it would just be a co-pay - but then I got the claim and they didn't pay any of it. NOT GOOD.

So now I'm just waiting for official answers - then I'll do the ASTYM, and the doc says I should be fine, just need to stretch it and I should be good as new.

He said that I need to modify my exercise until then for anything that doesn't flare it up. Good new is I can't make it any worse - it's just an extremely uncomfortable thing. :)

So, Insanity - I think we will be friends again.

And I'll give up the running until it's fixed.

Now, time to buy that dang gym pass and hit the pool.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My new goal

Sooo... Not being able to exercise for three weeks really did a number on me. And then trying to run again, and not being able to - not cool.

So, I've decided to do what I can and suck it up. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for them to take an xray or MRI and see what's going on.

Until I know that, I'm gonna take it easy this week and exercise what I can. This morning I did the p90x ab ripper, some pulls up, and some weights. Feels good to get out and exercise again - even for just a little bit. Tonight I hope to get a bike ride in. We'll see.

Not being able to exercise though, I had a lot of time to think about what I want for my body, and what my body wants. So here's what I really want. I want to be healthy. I exercise because it makes me feel good, and I eat right because it makes me feel good. My secondary goal is to lose weight. I have maintained my weight since p90x - but have not lost any more than that. That being said, my main goal is to be 115 the day I get pregnant. That means I have 13 more lbs to lose. I really don't think it's a huge goal to lose 3 more lbs by Thanksgiving - so that's the goal.

Eric and I will have our cars paid off in 19 months. I am not having any kids with those car loans - so that gives me AT LEAST ten months to lose 13 lbs. Not that we want to start trying in ten months, but that we COULD if we wanted to. Just over a pound a month - I don't think that's asking a lot. We'll see. But the little goal for now... 3 lbs by Thanksgiving. GO ME! :)

Monday, November 8, 2010


So, I ran Saturday... not more than a half mile in, my leg was done. I'm going to an actual doctor tomorrow - not just a Physical Therapist, and hopefully will have an MRI or xray done. We'll see.

Also, without being able to exercise, I just feel fat. Time to make another goal, and just work really hard on what I'm eating I think.

Also, I think it may be a real thing that I won't be able to run for a very long time. That being said, I need to get a gym pass and hit up swimming, and get on my bike more often. So maybe, walking in the morning for the dogs, with Eric, and then swimming/biking in the evenings. We'll see what I can end up doing. I just need to do something.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I can exercise!

But not a lot... only three times a week for one hour. It's better than nothing. Now I just gotta figure out what I want to do. I think I want to get a gym pass and run/swim at the gym. Lift weights and run at home on other days. I don't know. There's just so much I could do, and I'm not sure of what I want to do.

Also, I stayed the exact same weight through the whole not exercising thing - but felt worse. Stupid.

Anyway, no insanity for me - I might do a workout here and there, but until I can exercise 6 days a week - I can't do it. It just wouldn't be actually doing it.

We'll see what happens.

Monday, October 18, 2010

This sucks...

I hate not being able to exercise. I just feel fat - and not toned. :( Briskly walking is just not cutting it. Maybe I need to walk briskly LONGER. We'll try that this week.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Depressing news...

Sooo... I went to the doctor about my leg... and I can't exercise for THREE WEEKS! kfj;dlkjsf;jkvhs;dfkjghas;djh;dsalkgjasf;gklsdaj - is how I feel about that.

I'll restart insanity again in three weeks, and my leg better be freaking healed. I have to drink at least 3 qts of water a day, and can only walk briskly four times a week.

No exercise for Jackie... I don't even know what to do with myself. :( I better just eat EXTREMELY right because I don't have any exercise to back up eating something wrong.

I'm thinking I could just work on my pulls up maybe... I should ask.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 12 - 15 and Baby Thoughts!

So, this last week was the first time I did cardio abs. I really like this ab work out. It's a new take on how to get abs, and I hope it works. I took my rest day for this week yesterday - was feeling a bit under the weather, but did the fit test today. You do this fit test every two weeks - and the first time I did it, I thought this is such a dumb video. lol But today, I wanted to beat all my first week's numbers, and I actually really enjoyed the video.

Exercise: First week/Third Week
Switch Kicks: 120/126
Power Jacks: 35/50
Power Knees: 68/100
Power Jumps: 20/35
Globe Jumps: 8/11
Suicide Jumps: 15/18
Push-up Jacks: 11/20
Low Plank Oblique: 39/65

It's nice to see that big of an improvement - I'm glad we do the fit test.

Anyway, I've been losing .2 lbs pretty consistently. If I can lose .2 lbs every day, then I could lose two more lbs by the time we went to New Jersey - which would be awesome, because it would remind me that I need to stay eating well out there. haha Cheese steaks... yum.

Also, I've changed my goal to just lose four more lbs at the present moment. Then when I do, I'll make a new one for another five lbs, then another five, and be done! :) But then I'm taking it by baby steps which will be much easier I think.

AND, Eric and I were talking about baby plans. We decided the times to have babies are after Labor Day to Halloween, after Easter to Memorial Day, and after 4th of July until Labor Day.

So if we could have our babies end of September-beginning of October, Mid April to Mid May, and Mid July to End of August - it would be perfect! They would miss having their birthday on a holiday (which I hate) and it could still be their special day! I realize there is pioneer day at the end of July - but it's just Utah, so doesn't concern me as much. So when we start having kids, I can only hope they are born in one of those times. I just would hate for a child to be born on/near a holiday. I'm born near Memorial Day - which isn't as big of a deal like Thanksgiving or Christmas, but sucks when everyone celebrates Memorial Day instead of my birthday. It's your one special day of the year - and I just don't think you should share it. lol

That's all.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 10 and 11

Day 10 was the plyo cardio circuit, and today is cardio recovery - haven't done day 11 yet today, but will tonight.

Some thoughts today...

I've been having major dreams about being pregnant. Starting from me being pregnant, and not noticing because I was so fat... to dreams about my sister in law being pregnant... to dreams about myself being pregnant and being mad that I wasn't as skinny as I wanted to be when I got pregnant.

So this says a lot of things to me. First, I wonder if when I'm ready to have kids - I'll feel ready. Do you know what I mean? I mean, when I was going to marry Eric - I KNEW I was ready for that. Will this be the same way? There's only two things holding me back from having kids... one, car loans, and two, being 115 lbs the day I get pregnant. I weigh 129 today. And it fluctuates a ton between 128 to 130. It's extremely obnoxious. And thinking, oh I only have 15 lbs to lose before I'm 115 doesn't seem like a lot to me. And I so hope insanity is the thing that kicks to the curb. We'll see.

That being said, I know I need to start eating better - and by that, I mean, portion control. I've been keeping track of my calories on and apparently I eat a lot more calories than I probably should. (Doctor said to stay within 1200 - 1500 calories.... so I should probably stick to the 1200 side)

So it's my goal for the week, or day, or however long I can do it - to make sure my portions are good, to make sure I just eat one or two of something, and not more. I've been very good about what I am putting in my body - but sometimes slip up and have the occasional slice of pizza... which is fine, but will just let me maintain my weight which is NOT what I want to do.

And maybe I need to make smaller goals. Like maybe my next goal should be getting to 125. That's four pounds... and can't be that hard. And maybe it will be easier for me. So here I go... doing the best I can.

And hoping for kids someday.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 5 - Day 9

Day 5 - Pure Cardio, Day 6 - Plyo Cardio Circuit, Day 7 - Rest, Day 8 - Cardio Power and Resistance, Day 9 - Pure Cardio...

So insanity is going well - but the whole losing weight thing isn't. And I know it's because I'm eating more than I need to - so I need to be better about tracking that (in

I just want to lose ten lbs - is that so much to ask?

It's going to take a lot of discipline - but I need to do it.

Also, I'm giving up running for the next two weeks. My leg is NOT okay. Just means I need to get on my bike. I need to figure out a way to take the saddle to Jixie's while riding my bike. Too bad I don't have a little wagon or something to connect to the back.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 3 - cardio power, resistance, Day 4 - Cardio Recovery

Yesterday I woke up and Alexa wouldn't do it with me. :( But I did it any way, and it was a great work out. This morning, did the cardio recovery - and decided that Monday and Thursday will be my arm days - my extra p90x workout.

I think twice a week will be a great amount of arm time - especially to just maintain what arm strength I gained.

I ran the dirty dash on Saturday and hurt something in my leg - come to find out, it's IT band syndrome, and I just need to stretch the band in my leg. So the physical therapist is going to do this thing to it, and then I have stretches to do at home. Hoping I'll be able to run my race on Saturday, but I'm switching from the 10k to the 6k though just in case it starts killing me two miles in. Then I'll only have a bit more to go. :)

Anyway, I need to be better about the food I've been eating. I want to go completely off white flour stuff, and so far - I suck. lol So today's the day- and I'll just have to renew that goal every day so I always concentrate on it. :)

I am losing these ten lbs baby! :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 1 - fit test, Day 2 - plyometric cardio

So yesterday started day 1 again. Also, I'm including arms at least twice a week - following the P90x schedule for arms - but kinda modified. On Fridays, p90x does back and legs - so you do a ton of pull-ups in between your leg work out. SOOOO... I was going to fit that in with a ball routine of arms - but I'm thinking I might just add some pull-ups in and just take small rests or something. I haven't quite figured it out yet.

But, yesterday I did insanity and chest and back for p90x. And Alexa did it with me! And I think she's gonna keep with the program too - or at least says she will. It will be nice to have someone to do this with.

This morning, we did insanity and then went for a small jog.

I did The Dirty Dash on Saturday and hurt this thing in my leg - and i thought I was fine, but it hurt again today - hopefully it goes away soon. :(

Anyway, I'm excited about all this! and excited Alexa wants to help!! WAHOO!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Starting again...

So I got sick... and I tried exercising, and then I was done for.

So, I missed two days, and am going to start over. I've only been running this week - but hey, that's something! :)

I gained 1.8 lbs. DARN IT. BUT, I did do a sprint time again..

last time: 51 seconds at a 6 min and 45 sec pace (.13 miles).

This time: 59 seconds at a 6 min 41 sec pace (.15 miles) NICE!

I'll be back to day 1 of Insanity on Monday.

Friday, September 17, 2010


I suck at blogging on this - I've been doing my calories on and just forget to do this too now. Oh well!

Soooo... Day 10 was the cardio circuit... which is actually a typo and it's the plyo cardio circuit. So did that. Day 11 was cardio recovery - I love cardio recovery - it's nice once in a while to not work out until you're sweating to death, and just break enough of a sweat to fill like you did something!!!

I'm excited to see what cardio abs brings - these workouts already include so much of your abs, butt, and thighs, that I wonder what more it will be.

I've been sick and haven't had the energy to start my arm work out - so next week, hold me accountable for it!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Running update

So, Molly said she would go running with me -but we haven't been, so I'm sucking it up and doing it myself. I am not a "by myself" kind of runner, yet this morning was nice as I enjoyed the outdoors, and my pups. My main motivation for running is those precious dogs. They need their daily exercise, the wear and tear on their nails, and the plain old fun.

So, while teaching Roxy what a leash means, (she tries to walk herself, it's hilarious - and she has to be on a leash cuz she needs to learn some running commands such as "heel." Tucker is so dang good with it that he doesn't need a leash, but little Roxy... sorry babe!), and trying to make the run fun, I decided that I should be trying to get faster at running.

I never really had a goal of being faster, until I started doing more exercise, and running the races. Now that I run races, you get your time at the end, and I'm always looking to beat it. So towards the end, I started timing and racing myself and I did 51 seconds at a 6 min and 45 sec pace (.13 miles). Tomorrow, I'd like to try doing 55 seconds at a 6:47 average min/mile pace or less. We'll see how I do! :)

So that's my other new thing - doing insanity and sprints in the morning, doing biking and arms at night. Love it!

I've also been thinking a lot about what to do after insanity. People have asked me if I am just gonna keep doing work-out programs. I think it's important that your body learns different things. I can tell that I was just plateauing on P90X cuz my body was so dang used to it. So I know that the body needs variety. And work-out programs give me an ending goal. And if I don't lose the ten lbs I want to lose in insanity, then maybe I'll have to grab another work-out. We'll see. The plan now though is to lose the ten lbs, then start a daily running, biking, swimming work out. It will be winter and we will need our gym passes for the swimming, and since our tri is next July - good time to start learning. Especially because I've NEVER had formal swimming lessons and Eric has a lot to teach me.

Anyway, that's the plan Stan!

Day 6 - Plyometric cardio circuit, Day 7 - Rest, Day 8 - Cardio Power and Resistance, Day 9 - Pure Cardio

Sorry I haven't blogged much! Insanity has been going very well. A few things I've noticed over the last few days... when Shaun T tells you to go right, he goes left- because they want you to do what they are doing. It confuses me more. haha

Also, Shaun T has some pretty short shorts. AND, he wants to show you his core is working, and picks up his t-shirt to show you... just take it off Shaun T!!! haha Towards the end of videos, he does, but just start that way!

I love these work outs. They are just crazy insane. :) Also, I think they are exactly what I need to be shedding these pounds. I'm losing weight, and can see the difference in my legs.

That being said, I think it's going to affect my arms/back/chest for the worse. SOOOO...I'm gonna steal some p90x moves, and some of my better homes and garden magazine ball routine - and make a 20 minute work out to do tues, thurs, sat. I don't want to lose the muscles I gained from p90x, and since I had been doing an hour and 15 minute work out on arms for p90x two times a week, I better incorporate a little more. I'll do the arm thing after my biking with Eric.

Anyway, that's the update! Here I come ten pounds - you're gone!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 5 - pure cardio

I LOVE how short these are - yet make you sweat like hell. It would be stupid for me to miss one because they are so short - so it doesn't take up all of my morning. Running was shot this week cuz Molly's husband has been working so early. But Alexa offered to sleep at their house for the hour we are running - and I'm really excited about that. So monday, here we come! Eric and I have still been biking, and I love it. We always go after dinner - which makes it nice, because it makes my full belly seem not full - and I kinda go to sleep feeling good, instead of full and lazy. :)

Insanity has been good for me - it's working parts of me I didn't work in p90x. My body was so accustomed to the p90x videos, and now it's like the change I needed. I still hope to lose the ten lbs I want to in the next 60 days. We'll see.

I'm using a new tracker to track my calories, and I like it way better. It has more foods, and shows me more of how much protein, carbs, and fat I'm eating - and tells me at the end of the day, that if I were to keep eating like that, I would lose so much weight in so much time. It's kinda fun. Hopefully it's right. :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 4 - cardio recovery

This one is like a mini yoga. lol Defnitely not the hour and a half yoga I was doing with p90x.

It was a good recovery - there's still a lot working here in this one.

I need to make sure Eric bikes with me tonight though - because I definitely need to keep up the biking - we didn't go yesterday and I'm sad about that.

Anywho - that's it for now!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 2&3 - sweat on your eyelids...

So have you ever had swear drip off your eyelids? That happened to me yesterday.

Yesterday was Day 2 of Insanity - Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Today was Day 3 - Cardio Power and Resistance.

And I may take back what I said about needing to add extra weights... you do so much with your core, arms, and legs - who knows if I'll need to add extra weights. I may on days I have lots of time - or just to tone my legs more, but this is a total body work-out. I really love it.

My favorite thing about it is that Shaun T doesn't stop to show you a move. He does it, and you figure it out. So you don't have a lot of time to rest. Today he did show us exactly how to do a move, and he did it while we were getting water. Whereas in P90X, Tony always talked so much and had to show you every little thing - which is good to know how it works- but there was always so much lag time. Also, Shaun T only says one thing that annoys me - and that is "okay, check it out..." like five times. haha But it's okay. I love that it's continuous. It really is a 40 minute work out - no stopping. I really like it. And I get really sweaty... SO, if I am not able to drop ten pounds by the end of Insantiy, with the dirty dash 10k in the middle of it all, and the Wasatch Women 10k, then I may have to consider lipo. :) SERIOUSLY.

I'm excited for the rest of the program - it's shorter and tons of fun. And I love the motivation everyone in the DVD has. It's great.

Also, Shaun T said something I thought was really important and helped me a lot - but when you are just exhausted, take a deep breath and blow it out hard. IT REALLY HELPS. I love it.

Anyway, that's all for today. I'm keeping it up and staying strong! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Insanity! Day 1 - fit test

Today started insanity.

Biggest goal for insanity - losing 10 more pounds. I think 10 is going to be a realistic number for two months, training AGAIN for another 10k, and biking every day with the hubby. Insanity seems like a TON of cardio - so it should be the work out I'm looking for to start losing some more weight. The ONLY thing I'm afraid of is losing the muscle I gained in P90X and may incorporate some of my ball routine - all weights.

We'll see how much time I have to do all this.

Anyway, insanity is 60 days. So here I go! Today was the fit test, and I was sweating more than a whore in church does. haha And Molly and I are gonna go running in just a bit. I'm excited for a new program! Go me!

Oh also, I think with P90X I needed to be WAY better about the white flour thing, so today, I'm giving it all up again. Only whole wheat for me baby!


Before you decide to view too much of this blog - I'm going to warn you that the photos I posted might make you throw up. Don't say I didn't warn you! :)

The biggest difference (according to measurements) was my body fat, my weight, my waist, and hips. Also, Day 1 I couldn't even do a pull-up and today I can do at least 8. I say at least, cuz I'm not feeling AWESOME - kinda went under the weather - and could maybe do more, but that's all I did for my fit test. :) My vertical leap improved by 3.5 inches - making my vertical leap 13.5 inches. I am also able to pump out 25 push-ups without getting tired, reach further past my toes than before, lift more weight, and do a ton more ab exercises than before.

Day 1 Body Fat: 27%
Day 90 Body Fat: 23.6%

Day 1 Weight: 136.2
Day 90 Weight: 128.8

Day 1 Chest: 34.75 inches
Day 90 Chest: 34.25 inches

Day 1 Waist: 27.5 inches
Day 90 Waist: 26 inches

Day 1 Hips: 34 inches
Day 90 HIps: 32 inches

Day 1 Right and Left Thigh: 21.5 inches
Day 90 Right and Left Thigh: 21 inches

Now, for the pictures - sorry if I gross you out at all - with Day 1 ESPECIALLY. ICK. Also, I feel extremely uncomfortable in a bikini - but this has been a huge learning experience - so don't make too much fun of me as you look at these.

A few things... I didn't realize I was fat before I started this. I mean, I knew that that I wasn't feeling as great, and doing as much as I wanted, but I didn't think I was fat per-say. I knew I wanted thinner legs, and that was my goal. I didn't get as thin of legs as I wanted, but I achieved so much more through this 90 day program. Also, I think it's important to note - tanner is always better. haha AND, I had no idea elbows could be fat. Getting toner triceps has showed me that hey, elbows are supposed to be tiny. Eric laughs at me cuz I'm learning so much about muscles and the body. :)

You can see I lost weight everywhere. :) Biggest thing for me is my face is so much thinner. Also, I gained a ton of abs... It's really weird cuz my stomach has never been this hard, and I still have a little bit to lose in the area before I'm completely happy with it. But, love handles - GONE. Thighs are more toned, under the belly is firm - and almost grosses me out cuz you can see all my veins. And arms, shoulders, much better. I actually have real biceps! AH!

Things I am still working on: still shaping under arms, getting toner, thinner thighs, and losing belly button fat.
Comparisons: Can I just start with the most obvious? My back is ripped compared to day 1. It almost disgusts me. lol And you can see the shape throughout my arms. Also, not that you need to completely analyze the whole thing, but my butt is higher, and tighter than before - and again, thinner middle section - no love handles.

Comparisons: BIGGEST ONE - is that a double chin I had? EWWWWWW. Obviously, looks so much better. And again, you can see really well in these photos the abs I got - they define my ribs which is kinda creepy- but hey, I guess that's how it's supposed to be. Also, you can see the definition I've gained through my arms, and I hope they continue to get more defined.

Things to work on: Thinner arms, and legs, and belly button fat. :)
Anyway, that's it folks. P90x is over and I'm feeling awesome. These photos just prove to me, that hey, I can take over my body, I can shape it, and genetics can go bite themselves. :) I'm ready and willing to continue working hard, and getting the body I want. On to Insanity!!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 90!!!!!!!!!!! - Yoga

At this moment, I have the DVD in, and I'm pushing play. I'll be back with ya in an hour and a half when I'm DONE!!!!
And DONE! P90x is over. And how do I feel? Well, awesome actually. I will do my fit test tomorrow - and then I'll post results on here of my improvements.

This has been such a great experience. I've learned how to eat right, what is good or bad for your body, and how to control what's going on with my body. It gives me more hope that I can be happy with the way I look - and that I don't have to be sad about it - it's not ALL genetics. :)

Anyway, more tomorrow! YAY!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 88 - stretch, Day 89 - Core!!

DAY 89 is today!! AHHH!!

So, I did stretch last night while watching 17 again. Pretty good movie.

Did core this morning - tried to get Eric to do it with me, but no. So, basically, I don't think the Eric's - mine and Angela's - are actually going to do it. So I guess it's just Ange and I now. But that's fine. I'm excited to start a new program.

I don't think I'm losing two pounds before sunday - so I'm pretty positive I've lost 8 pounds doing p90x. Now I want to lose ten more doing insanity- taking me down to my ideal weight. Ten pounds in two months - sure! lol We'll see.

I also have a fit test I need to do - and will probably do Sunday or Monday - depending on the time. I should probably do it sunday and take photos and everything, so I can start insanity with out doing any p90x stuff.

Insanity is SOOOO much shorter than p90x for its length of video time. SO, I'm gonna have more time to run in the morning, so I'm hoping Molly will start running with me again. If not, then I desperately need to find someone to run with. Eric and I are biking after work - so that will still be good. And then I'll probably add in my own thing of weights two or three times a week to make sure I keep up my muscle mass while doing so much cardio with this insanity program!

Well, talk to you tomorrow! HOLLA!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 87 - kenpo

Still not moving in weight... it's frustrating. Angela and both Eric's are going to be insanity with me. It should be fun. We are doing a contest that whoever doesn't miss a day buys everybody else dinner. Hopefully I lose the two pounds quickly after starting that. I guess that's how plateaus go.

Anyway, today, I just don't feel like me. I've been BLAH since Friday - and a ton of people have noticed - which is strange. The House That Built Me kinda describes the way I've been feeling lately.

I think a lot of it has to do with everything going on with my sister. I just can't do anything to help and it's hard.

Anyway, that's all for now. Still need to do kenpo tonight. Did a run this morning with all the dogs. They enjoyed it for sure. And so did my cat.... chet. haha See my other blog - for a funny video.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 86 - Core

I love this video. I think it is one of my favorite's. When I'm done with p90x, I'll miss back and legs, core, and plyo the most. I'll miss yoga - but I would rather have a yoga class where there are lots of people.

Tonight, Eric and I are gonna go on our bike ride. Still staying at my current weight - can't figure out if it's my diet, or something else. Probably just a plateau - still obnoxious though.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 82 - back and legs, abs, Day 83 - kenpo, Day 84 - rest Day 85 - YOGA

Today was yoga... whoops! I thought it was core. So this morning, I woke up thinking I had enough time to do yoga, but didn't - so I'll do it tonight. Darn it.

Tucker and I went on a run instead. I'm kicking my exercise up a notch and being VERY good with my food - to hope to lose those last two pesky pounds to get to ten.

This is the last week of p90x - and then I'll move on to insanity. Gonna have to change the name of my blog or something. haha I just can't believe I've made it this far. I'm so happy I actually went through the whole program.

Anywho - that's it for now!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 81 - Yoga

I should get a medal for the amount of energy I used up yesterday. lol

Went water skiing, wake-boarding, tubing, AND did yoga at the end of the day. Eric is CONVINCED he needs to get me to stop p90x in the next 9 days. Not happening! :)

I still haven't lost any more weight - so maybe I won't reach my ten pound goal. But oh well - I'll work on it again during insanity.

I think that I need to just realize that if I'm doing this the healthy way, and losing it slowly, I need to just be patient - and it will take a while to be where I want to be. But I'm okay with that. I'm excited to start a new exercise program in a little bit though. I'm getting sick of p90x - as much as I love it.

And, Eric and I have been biking almost every day - I love my bike.

Over winter, I think we're gonna get some gym passes, and go train in the pool. Our triathlon is next July - and so I need to start getting more swimming in!! Wanna join Eric and I?

The next race I'm gonna sign up for in the next week is the 5k dirty dash in May next year. The 10k I wanted to do sold out! So much for waiting to pay for it. Darn it!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 80 - Back and Biceps, Abs

Did back and biceps today - still need to do abs.

Still maintaining my weight - waiting for that one pound to drop, and then one more next week! Come on body! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!! :)

Anywho - my sister's house keeper, lol, (the lady she lives with in Texas) called me today. It was so cute - makes me miss my sister that much more. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 79 - plyometrics

So, almost done.... so weird. Plyometrics was great this morning. Glad I got up and did it. Sad I didn't have time go on a run.

Anyway, I've been sustaining my weight - my only goal is to lose two more pounds in the next two weeks. I should be able to - but we'll see what happens.

After that, I'll have 7 more to lose - and then 9 more after that. Gotta split them up to make sure I always have achievable goals. That's only 16 more pounds total. I've already lost 8 - and if it's taken me three months to lose 8, I guess I'll have 6 more months to work really hard at it! :)

Last night's workout killed me. lol I worked my hardest - it's the last time I'll do that DVD, so I wanted to give it my all...and today I'm paying for that. lol Eric and I also went bike riding - and the new pioneer crossing is open. Very cool. Will probably take A LOT of traffic off of main street. We'll see.

On a completely different side note - I can feel myself going into my "I have to have goals and accomplish them" rut. I have had more and more thoughts about wanting to be a singer lately -a goal that is totally not reachable. I went back and looked at my goals sheet on my other blog - and just thought, I need to start doing some of these things, and mark them off my list. Then I can say I did it and be done. And if anything comes from any of them - then great. But I need to do them for myself.

This is why reaching the weight I want to be is going to be so important in my life. Not only to be the fittest I can be and be ready to have a very healthy baby, but because it's something I can do - it's something I can reach.

Anyway, that's all. :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 76 - kenpo, Day 77 - rest, Day 78 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Today I did the workout at night - I was a little sick yesterday so slept A TON - like 9:30 pm to 7:30. haha So doing my workout now, after work. :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 75 - back and legs

Back and legs was great this morning. I LOVE working out in the morning. AND, I even got a small run in. Running isn't as fun if someone isn't with ya - but the dogs loved it. Tonight Eric and I are going bike riding hopefully - and then finishing up with the ab ripper - didn't do that this morning, in hopes that Eric will do it with me.

Anyway... there are 15 days left...

And then I start insanity. I hope by the time p90x is over I will have lost ten pounds. We'll see if I get there. Right now I'm sitting at 8.

2 more pounds in two weeks... for sure!

Hopefully 60 days of insanity will get rid of the other 7 I want to lose to hit my first goal, and then I'll work on the other 9. Not sure if I can lose another 9 - we'll see how my body takes that.

For now though, I'm just happy about feeling better, being skinnier, and losing the weight I hate. My legs look better, my stomach is flatter, and I feel better overall. The hardest thing.. realizing that I will never be able to eat the stuff I've given up - like sugar and white flour stuff.

I was making cookies for some friends this morning, and licked off my finger, and felt just sick after that. Sad, huh? And we went to Tucanos the other day - I ordered just nachos because I knew there was no way I was eating the buffet, and felt so ill.

But, all in all, I really think I'm okay with that. If my body hates it that much, it must really be that bad for me - and fine, I'll give it up. I hate feeling sick like that... to the point, that I'm ready to start saying I hate certain foods.

Isn't it great that at 24, I've finally figured out how to be healthy? They really should teach this stuff when you're younger, and not just be okay with the fact that kids are becoming overweight.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 74 - yoga

This morning, I watched Molly's kids as she went to the temple. Sooo... no yoga.

So Eric promised me he would do it with me tonight. I hope that's true. It's so much easier with someone else.

And then I should probably clean around the house. Can you believe I have only 16 days left... so weird.

OH, my friend Dustin got all the insanity stuff for me! GO DUSTIN! I'm so excited!!!! And, yes, I'm still losing weight - this makes me the most happiest. It only took long enough.

AND, I am going to try this egg white "ice cream" recipe... I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 73 - shoulders and arms

This was a great work-out today - I pushed myself so hard. It will be the last time I do this work out for the rest of the 90 days. I haven't done abs yet - plan is to do biking, then abs tonight with Eric. :)

Food is going well today - yogurt, banana, salad, crackers, tacos, and english muffins :)

went running with Eleesha instead of biking with eric - he had a group counseling thing to go to. Doing abs with him tonight still.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MIA - Day 72 - Plyometrics

Sorry - we've been so busy - I haven't had a second to update this.

Day 67 - yoga - I love my yoga days.
Day 68 - legs and back, abs - this is a great day because I get to work on my legs. I know.. I say it all the time.
Day 69 - Kenpo - still don't love this one
Day 70 - rest
Day 71 - chest, back, abs
Day 72 - plyo.... doing this tonight because I didn't get up this morning. Darn it. I HATE when i do that.

Okay... so I figured out that I fail over the weekends on nutrition because I'm not on a constant schedule. So I tried really hard this last weekend to be SOOO good. AND GUESS WHAT?

I got over my weight plateau! Not only that, but I lost 2 more pounds to boot!

So I have 9 more to lose until I'm comfortable with my weight.

Then I'll make a new goal to lose 10 more - and maintain that weight.

I'm not sure I'll be able to lose 9 more in the next 18 days of p90x, but that will just give me more motivation to continue a new workout program.

I am pretty positive I'll keep up yoga - so good for your spine - and keep up weights, do more running and more biking. BUT, I'd really like to try another program like P90X. Any suggestions?

I've heard that Insanity would be a good one to try. What do you guys think? I think I should probably maintain a program until I lose all that I want to lose.

And then I'll continue with my own workouts- running, biking, yoga, and weights.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 65 - plyometrics, Day 66 - back and biceps, abs

Love plyo - love back and biceps.

Back and biceps is the only video I'll do with Tony's voice on - because all the people are apart of it and having fun - makes it fun for me.

Nutrition is still going well - I've been putting it in my iphone app, so I forget to get it here. But I'm doing good! Still eating TONS of proteins over carbs. I'm being extremely good.

AND, I can't tell you the last time I had sugar... GO ME!! :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 64 - chest shoulder triceps abs


I'm so happy when Molly decides to come in the morning. And it always means I don't have to stress for the rest of the day about working out - and I can go on a very long bike ride this evening. WAHOO! :) SO HAPPY!

So there are 26 days left.. and I still haven't lost the weight I wanted - but the good news is, I haven't put any on. And usually I bounce back and forth - so this is good.

Hopefully with this next phase - I'll go all out and lose more. :) YAY ME!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 60 - yoga, Day 61 - back and legs, abs, Day 62 - kenpo, Day 63 - rest

Sorry for being a lazy butt and not posting. I think one of my favorite work outs - besides yoga - is the back and leg dvd. I want my legs to be the thinnest, so in turn, I work the hardest and feel the best.

I hate kenpo still - just an awful cardio work out.

I still love yoga - and really would like to join a class... but the cost is the thing.

So.... MAYBE, I'll start my own yoga class. Anybody interested? I'd just have everyone bring a different DVD on a different day - or write out all the moves, and use different ones each day, and we'd have our own yoga.

I may have to suggest this on my regular blog - not sure who reads this one.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 59 - Shoulders and arms, abs

I still have to do this tonight....

No Molly this morning - darn it.

Did it at lunch - I love it when I am able to do that!


Breakfast: string cheese and yogurt
Snack: banana
Lunch: chicken salad with corn and tomatoes, spinach for the leaves...
Snack: protein bar

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm back on... and it's Day 58

So day 54 was core... did this in the morning with my mother watching, and she couldn't believe all the crazy stuff I can do! :) She should always watch me work out.

Day 55 - Did yoga with my dad. HAHAHAHAH I love doing yoga with my dad. Eric took some pictures of it.

Day 56 - rest

WEEK 9!! This is the same as the first week.. haven't done it since week 3.

Day 57 - chest and back, abs

Day 58 - pylo - Molly came over for this!!! HOLLA!! It was great!

As far as nutrition goes - my whole trip in WA, my nutrition just SUCKED.

So I'm fasting again today - reset myself - and am going to get back on track tomorrow. Maybe even get more on track - be extremely healthy for the last few weeks.

Funny thing is... all the junk I ate over the weekend certainly did not agree with me. Guess it just proves how bad that stuff is for you. I even threw up after my 5k - granted I was pushing myself EXTREMELY hard - but still. It was gross. haha

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 53 - stretch

I'm glad today was a stretch day... I think I pulled or stretched my hamstring in my right leg - it hurts so bad to do anything I usually do. I did this last week while wakeboarding, so I think the stretch dvd was heavily needed.

I did do my whole fast yesterday - and I feel awesome today.


Breakfast: egg whites salsa and cheese
Snack: apples

To go:
4 protein servings
1 dairy servings
1 fruit serving
2 vegetable servings
1 fat serving
1 carb serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 52- kenpo

So kenpo is today... Kenpo is my least fave.

Nutrition today is nothingness. Today I'm taking a fast to get my digestive organs reset, so I can fully load on good food tomorrow, friday, and saturday - to be ready for my 5k.

I've been running three miles these last two weeks - and have knocked my time down quite a bit. I only hope I make the best time when I actually run this weekend. It should be fun. And it's all sea level... soooo... training in high altitude might be used to my advantage. :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 51 - core synergistics


Breakfast: eggs with cheese and salsa
Snack: apples
Lunch: chicken salad with corn
Snack: protein bar
Dinner - chinese food - I was so bad - white fried rice, a fortune cookie, and a bite of cake! AHHH!!!

To go:

2 protein servings
1 dairy serving
1 fat serving
1 carb serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 50 - yoga

Day 50... Day 50... Last time I made it to Day 60, and did not have nearly the results I'm getting now. It makes the biggest difference sticking to a good nutrition plan. Eating at least 1200 calories, eating more protein and veggies and fruits. It's great. I can see the muscles I'm getting, I feel stronger, I run better... it's better. People say that what you eat can truly change health issues you've been struggling with, and I have to say, I'm a believer for sure. However, I know that I haven't been the most perfect eater - so again, trying to stay dedicated to eating as close to this plan as possible. I'm going to take it day by day and just remember that you eat because your body needs the fuel, so give it good fuel, not nasty fuel. :)

Breakfast: egg whites with salsa and cheese
Snacks: Apple
Lunch: chicken sandwich
Snack: protein bar
Dinner: chicken salad - with corn and vinagrette

To go:
1 protein servings
1 dairy servings
1 fat serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 47 - back and legs, day 48 - kenpo, day 49 - rest

Sorry for my absence in blogging and putting down nutrition. My friend was in town this weekend, so just forgot. But DID NOT forget to exercise. :) Plus adding hiking, swimming, jeeping, camping, etc - makes for some good extra exercise. lol

Back and legs is always my fave video - my problem part of my body.

Also, I read some celeb's diets and they are all very high in protein - just like the p90x diet. Even though I stick pretty close to the diet, there are always things that could improve. So this week, my improving is going to be in the carb department -making sure I'm always choosing protein over carbs - and giving up the carbs when I don't really need them to make the protein taste better. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 46 - yoga

I have SOOOO much to do today that you should all be proud that I fit my yoga in there this morning. :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 45 - chest shoulders... whoops

Sooooo... for some reason I thought back and biceps was yesterday - cuz it should have been, but I accidentally did that Monday.... sooooo yesterday I should have done chest and shoulders. So I'm doing that one today (since yesterday I was in such great pain I took my rest day. :( )

So today, I'm forgetting the pain for now... it still hurts like a mother... and doing chest and shoulders. Thank heavens for my work out sheets or I wouldn't have caught that.

Did the workout - Brandon was over and did some with me. It's always way more fun to have someone do it with you. :)

Nutrition: Hmmm.. I haven't eaten today. Crap. This is what happens to me when I don't feel good.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 45 - Back and Biceps, Abs

Day 45... wow. It feels like I shouldn't be half way through. I've been thinking a lot about what I'm going to do after p90x. And I think I'll keep up with some of the work outs - it's built a lot of good muscles for me, and kept my spine really healthy, so it would be good to keep it up. Just maybe not freak out if I miss a day. :) I'm also going to get a gym pass to the pool and start training for the swimming part of a triathlon. The one I want to do is next July - so I have plenty of time to train, so I'm not worried about starting that quite yet.

Back and biceps, and abs will have to be done later today - woke up this morning, and have major whiplash from yesterday, that I really didn't think it was a great idea to kill myself this morning. I'm also gonna run after work while Eric bikes so I can be ready for my 5k in two weeks.

Breakfast: peanut butter crackers - 1/2 carb serving?

To go:
5 protein servings
2 dairy servings
1 fruit serving
2 vegetable servings
1 fat serving
.5 carb serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 44 - plyometrics

So, today is day 44. Tomorrow will be half way through. And can I just say that yes, this is way better than the first time around. :) The nutrition means everything - eating enough calories and getting enough protein.

Plyometrics was great this morning - I love this video.


Breakfast: apples - 1 fruit serving
snack: protein bar - 1 protein serving
Lunch: chicken salad - veggie serving, protein serving - peanut butter toast, two slices of bread - one carb serving, and peanut butter - condiment serving
Snack: yogurt - one dairy serving

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 43 - Back and Biceps, Abs

Molly was supposed to come over and didn't... so I didn't get up. haha

So tonight I'm gonna do that - and then Eric is going to bike, while I run and see if I want to do the 5k or the 8k. Awbrey said she is going to do one with me - but she's much faster than me, so I may just have to do the 5k and try and stay with her. We'll see.

Breakfast: egg whites, salsa, cheese - one protein, one dairy
snack: apples - one fruit
Lunch: chicken sandwich - chicken, relish, a bit of mayo, and bread - one protein, one condiment
snack: protein bar - one protein
Dinner: chicken caesar salad

To go:
2 protein servings
1 dairy servings
2 vegetable servings
1 fat serving
1 single snack serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 41 - kenpo, Day 42 - rest

Today was a "nutrition has gone to crap" kind of day. haha

Need to get back on schedule tomorrow! In other news, I've lost more weight, and been the lowest body fat percentage since I started! :)

Lunch: chicken sandwich
Snack: chips and salsa
Snack: protein bar
Dinner: nachos - cheese, chips, salsa, sour cream, milk, taco meat - taco seasoning and ground beef

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 40 - back and legs

Back and legs today was great. I love the legs video because I always work my butt off - since it's my legs I hate. :)

Did ab ripper with Kade and Addi - they only did it for a minute, but it was so stinking cute! :)


Breakfast: waffles
Snack: fruit,mixed
Lunch: yogurt
Snack: protein bar
Dinner: cheeseburger, and hot dog, chips and dip

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 39 - yoga

Did yoga this morning - by myself. I don't know if Molly will ever join me again. I've decided to run a 5k or 8k while in WA - which should be a ton of fun! :) But that will be myself... so I need to go run by myself and see how far I can go without having someone there. Then when it's the race, there will be so many people, I'll just love it! :)

I need to run a 5k and 8k this week and see which one I would rather do. I don't know when I'm going to find the time to do that - since Eric wants to go camping, but we'll see.

PS got on the scale today - losing weight AND body fat. Feeling awesome. :)

Breakfast: egg whites with cheese and salsa, yogurt - 1 protein, 1 dairy, 1 snack
Snack: fruit cup
Lunch: lettuce, corn, and chicken - with vinagrette

To go:

3 protein servings
1 dairy servings
1 vegetable servings
1 carb serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 38 - Back and Biceps, Ab

Didn't get to abs this morning, but had a good back and bicep work out. Will do abs tonight after biking. Today in back and biceps, I noticed that the windows and the mirrors in their gym are DISGUSTING. Someone needs to clean them.

Breakfast: egg whites, cheese, salsa
Snack: apple pack
Lunch: Chicken with veggies and rice
Snack: Protein bar
Dinner: Tacos - whole wheat tortilla, hamburger meat, veggies, milk

I'm still not eating exactly enough protein - but doing way better.
1 protein servings
1 fat serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 37 - plyometrics

Need to do plyo tonight - darn it. I feel so much better when I work out in the morning - then I can bike in the evening and feel even better. I biked yesterday btw... and Eric's tire blew as we were the farthest away from the house. WHOOPS. He had to WALK his bike back. It was so sad.

Today, Eric took the truck to work this morning - it annoys me because it guzzles gas and he has to go payson in it today... :( This is how I started my morning. So... I'm just gonna look forward to working out tonight.

On a positive note - I weigh 1.9 lbs less than the last time I weighed myself. My body fat is pretty consistent which is annoying, but at least I'm making progress somewhere. I have a goal of losing 14 lbs (since I started) by the time p90x is over. That leaves me having to lose 10 more lbs in the next 53 days. Every 5.3 days I need to lose a pound... possible? I don't know.

Breakfast: egg whites with cheese and salsa
Snack: Peanut butter crackers
Lunch: apples and protein shake
snack: protein bar
dinner: spaghetti and meatballs

To go:
1 protein servings
1 fat serving
1 single snack serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Did plyo at lunch :) GO ME

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 36 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, Abs

My arms are in PAIN. lol But it's the kind of pain you love cuz you worked out so hard... but the kind that kinda sucks because you can't shampoo your hair. lol That's exactly what my triceps needed though - so YAY!

I HAVE MY IPHONE BACK! I'm so freaking excited. It's like part of me was missing, and now it's found. :) And I love having the double camera, the flash, and the video! OH, how I just LOVE it.
PS - I'm keeping calories on my phone now - so if you want to follow me there - add the app "lose it"

Breakfast: eggs with cheese and salsa - one protein
Snack: apple
Lunch: lettuce with chicken and cheese and a vinagrette

No carbs today! I'm so freaking good! :)

Snack: protein bar
Dinner: curry chicken, this would take care of my last protein, my veggies, and my carb.

To go:
1 fat serving
1 single snack serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 33 - back and legs, abs Day 34 - kenpo, Day 35 - rest

GUESS WHAT?! I found my sheets for the reps... WAHOO! Sooooo... I'm back to not writing the reps down here.


Breakfast: Protein bar
Lunch: Chicken with relish
Snack: Had yogurt
Dinner: French Dip Sandwiches and carrots

Good job for me today - lots of protein. No fruit though...darn it.

New goals tomorrow:

Bike every day right after work - the trail is open now, so I can bike to Jixie
Just eat as much protein as possible - try to stick to the p90x diet better, but by focusing on all the proteins.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 32 - yoga

Didn't do it this morning - went to the temple last night and got home really late. So again, left to do it tonight - darn it.

Wanted to try the fasting thing today since it was yoga day... got home for lunch and Eric had cut me up some watermelon. Darn it! Couldn't resist it. BUT I didn't have the pizza we had for birthday lunch at work, or the cookies, or the dorito chips left at my house from a bday party. GO ME!

I'll be doing yoga after work.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 31 - back and biceps, abs

Molly didn't come over again this morning - so I'll do it right after work. I did plyo after work yesterday, and then I was just more hungry for the night. Darn. But I really didn't eat very well yesterday.

I've heard that a one day fast a week can be particularly good for you, and I'm wondering what other people think about that. I may try it. If I do, it will be thursdays that I do it. Those are yoga days, and I'm not lifting a lot of weight. I've also thought of doing it on Sunday instead - those are our p90x rest days, but those are the days I have more time to make dinner. So we'll see. Anywho... that's it for now.


Forgot to have breakfast at home - had chex mix at work - 210 cals, and a fiber bar - 140 cals - not sure where these fall under in serving categories haha
Snack: marathon smoothie - 152 cals - protein serving
Lunch: cafe rio burrito - portein serving, veggie serving, fat serving, carb serving - 400 calories
snack: protein bar - 240 cals

total: 1142 cals

Wide front pull ups: 10 with chair
lawnmowers: 10 with 20 on both sides
21's - 16 with 15 lbs
cross body: 11 on each side with 15 lbs
switch grip pull ups: 3 switches - 12 pull ups. Did 4 by myself! HOLLA!
elbow out lawn mowers: 10 with 20 lbs on both sides
standing bicep curls: 10 with 15 lbs
one arm concentration curls: 8 with 15 lbs on both sides
corn cob pull ups: 4 with chair
reverse grip bent : 11 with 15 lbs
open arm curls: 8 with 15 lbs
static arm curls: 16 with 15s - struggled on the last few back on my left arm
towel pull ups: 6 with chair - 2 by myself - one with towel on right, and one on left
congdon locomotive: 28 total with 15 lbs - use something heavier
crouching cohen curls: 7.5 with 15 - 15s are just too much
corkscrew curls: 10 with 15 lbs
chin ups: 6 - one by myself - i must be tired lol
seated bent over back flys: 15 with 8s - time to try the 15 lbs now
curl up, hammer down: 8 with 15 lbs
hammer curls: 9 with 15 lbs
max pull ups: doing reverse grip - 7 with chair
in and out hammer curls: 15 with 8 - i need to buy a ten or something
strip set curls: did them - did 8s twice instead of using fives


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 30 - Plyo

Gotta do plyo tonight - we didn't get up this morning.


Ate a bagel this morning... that's all so far and it's 1:40pm. Ugh.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Phase 2, Week 5, Day 29 - chest, shoulders, triceps

Today was a slow day for the workout - we had our 10k yesterday - so no p90 yesterday either. Gonna take our rest day yesterday - and do kenpo on Sunday instead. My leg was in a ton of pain today so the work out today suffered a bit. Glad I still did it though.

The 10k was a ton of fun. Kinda mad I didn't have a better time, but I think it would have been better if I didn't go the wrong way for almost a half mile - darn it.

in and out shoulder flys: everyone does 16 - did with 5 lbs
chair dips: 15 regulars
plange push ups: 7
pike press: 10
side tri rise: 10 on both sides
floor flys: 8
scarecrows: lost count
tricep something: 10 with 15 lbs
two twitch speed push ups: no count
y press: lost count - probably 10 with 15 lbs
lying tricep: 10 with 8 lbs
side to side push ups: 6
pour flys: 6 with 5 lbs
side leaning tricep: 7 on each side with 8 lbs
one arm push ups: i suck
throw the bomb: 8 on each side with 8 lbs
clap push push ups: 5
slow mo throw: 8 with 8 lbs
front something tricep extensions: 9 with 8 lbs
side to side push ups: 6? i am just not counting today
fly row press: 6 with 15, use something smaller
cross body blows:8 on each arm with 15 lbs

ab ripper time.

Day 26 - yoga, day 27 - core, day 28 - rest

I did yoga on day 26 instead of core... got them switched up. But that's okay! I also had pretty good nutrition this last week - and have been watching my body fat percentage decrease, so that's good.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 25 - stretch

Did stretch this morning - by myself. It's an easy video - just stretching - nothing too major.


Um... I haven't eaten today - not having a good day and it's definitely had an effect on my hunger.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 24 - kenpo

Didn't do it this morning - I'll have to do it later. Not sure if Molly will come over or not - maybe I'll get Eric to do it with me. haha


Breakfast: banana - 105 cals - fruit serving
Snack: yogurt - 100 cals - dairy serving
Lunch: mac and cheese - my special one, and a beef brisket sandwich
Snack: protein bar
Dinner: nothing

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 23 - core synergistics


Breakfast: protein bar - 1 protein, cereal - 1 carb, 1 dairy
Lunch: cereal and pb&j
Dinner: watermelon

I sucked at eating today.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 4 - Day 22 - yoga

First day of the 4th week.


Breakfast: eggs - cheese, salsa, and egg whites - 200 cals, banana - 105 cals - one dairy, one protein, one fruit
Snack: protein bar - 240 cals - 1 protein
Lunch: Chicken salad - chicken, corn, tomatoes, salad - 2 veggie servings, 1 protein - 250? 300?
Snack: yogurt - 100 cals
Dinner: my special mac and cheese - 391 calories
Snack later: nachos - ???

Total: 1336 plus nachos -- the nachos probably put me over 1500

5 protein servings - 1 more
2 dairy servings - done
1 fruit serving - done
2 veggies - done
1 fat - done
1 carb - done
1 snack: done
1 condiment: done

I have been slacking at actually keeping track of calories. I gained weight and body fat - something is NOT going right. I just need to stick to this nutrition as MUCH as possible.

*Ange - yes, P90 suggests I eat over 2000 for my work outs. lol Doc said stick under 1500 - but AT least 1200.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 20 - kenpo Day 21 - rest

Did kenpo by myself again. Was easy though cuz I put it on the computer, and watched grey's anatomy - season 2 - on the TV. Best way to work out. haha Nutrition was okay yesterday.


Breakfast: cereal
snack: protein bar

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 19 - back and legs, abs

Molly didn't come over this morning - so we'll do this tonight sometime. I may end up doing it by myself depending on when she can do it.


Breakfast: banana bread - i made some and it's just soooo good :)
Snack: none
Lunch: went to JCWs and had a BLT, fries, and ice cream... wow.. NOT good.
Snack: none - way too full
Dinner: banana bread and watermelon

I fail today. lol

Reverse grip: 3 by myself, 3 with toe touch/ 4 by myself - tried to do 5 by myself.... nope
wide front - 1 by myself!! YAY!!! first time ever!! 6 with toe touch/
close grip - 1 by myself, 5 with one foot on chair/1 by myself, 3 on chair
switch grip - almost three switches/

Today Molly didn't do them with me - and it's the first day I've just felt like okay... an hour - hour and a half work out is TOO long. haha

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 18 - yoga

Molly is BACK! WAHOO! :) Crisis averted. :)

Anywho, yoga was great this morning. AND, I didn't eat three hours before I went to bed last night - and lost body fat. :)

Breakfast: eggs - 200 cals? banana - 105 cals, 1 dairy, 1 protein, 1 fruit
Snack: protein bar - 260 cals, 1 protein
Lunch: chicken salad - lettuce, tomatoes, corn, vinagrette, chicken - 2 veggie servings, condiment serving, protein serving, milk - dairy serving
Snack: nothing
Dinner: bbq beef sandwiches - one carb, one protein, fat and condiment
Extra: peanut butter crackers, and slice of banana bread - darn it. too many carbs.

5 protein servings - 2 more
2 dairy servings - done
1 fruit serving - done
2 veggies - done
1 fat - done
1 carb - done
1 single snack -
1 condiment - done

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 17 - shoulders arms, abs rep count

Alternating Shoulder Press: 20 lbs - 8 on both arms/8 on both arms with 20 lbs
In and out bicep curls: 15 - 16 for everybody/16 with 15 lbs
Triceps: 14 with 8 lbs/12 with 8 lbs

Deep swimmers press: 15 lbs - 10/8 with 15 lbs
Concentration curl: 8 with 15/8 with 15
chair dips: 25 with one foot up/20 with one foot up

Upright rows: 15 with 8 lbs/9 with 8 lbs
Static arm curls: 8 on both arms with 15 lbs - just right weight - gets hard at the end/8 on both arms with 8 lbs
Flip grip twist backs: 10 with 8 lbs/8 with 8 lbs

Seated shoulder flys: 16 with 8 lbs/16 with 8 obs
Crouching cohen curls: 11 with 8 lbs/8 with 15 lbs
Lying down tricep: 11 with 8 lbs/11 with 8 lbs

Straight arm shoulder flys: 16 with 8 lbs - gets hard at end/16 with baby ones - still good
Congdon curls: 8 with 15 lbs/8 with 8
Side tri rise: 10 on both arms/8 on both arms

Eric did this with me... kinda. haha AND MOLLY IS GOING TO DO P90 AGAIN!! YAY!

Day 17 - shoulders and arms, abs

I'm sad today. Molly told me yesterday that she won't be able to do p90x any more. It's only day 17...I don't think there's any way I'm gonna get to day 90 without her motivation. I don't know what to do. All I know is that all of you have to start holding me seriously accountable. I HAVE to do this in the morning. Today I didn't, and I know I'll have some time right when I get home today, but that's not okay. Always in the morning - especially now that it really is summer.

Also, today is going to just be one of those days. I woke up late, so I didn't have time to make myself breakfast. I decided to anyway, and put the eggs in a bowl to take with me. As I get to the door, I drop them all over the ground. So I had, MAYBE, a tablespoon of eggs left, and a huge mess on the floor. So I grabbed a banana so I could eat that - but they are still green - so who knows if I will even touch it. :(

On top of that, I don't want to get pregnant until we have our cars paid off. And with the way this money thing is going, we won't have them paid off when we want. So I've thought about it, and thought maybe we'll just wait until the end of the year next year - and hopefully have them paid off by then, but I'm seriously starting to doubt it all.

So all in all, today is a sad day, and I only hope it gets better.

Breakfast: some eggs and a banana
Snack: protein bar
Lunch: chicken with relish and a tiny bit of mayo
Snack: ?
Dinner: ?

I'm not really hungry today... I don't even feel like a snack or dinner, but I know I need to be eating all my calories... it's just hard.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 16 - plyo

Got up late today - Molly was sick - did Plyo myself this morning, didn't go running.

I bought up egg whites from Costco - they are actually really good. I'm surprised. 1/3 cup equals one real egg - and the serving size for p90x is 6 egg whites... 1/3 cup is a lot. I could probably eat two, but not three. I guess I'll have to work on more protein.

Breakfast: 1/3 Egg whites scrambled - 40 cals, cheese 114, salsa - 36 - 190 total
Snack: yogurt - 100 cals - either snack or dairy
Lunch: lettuce with chicken, corn, and tomatoes - 2 veggie servings, 2 protein servings - 1 condiment for vinagrette
Watermelon too
Snack: protein bar
Dinner: chips and cheese - then some chicken

I did perfect today! :)

5 protein servings - done
2 dairy servings - done
1 fruit serving - done
2 veggies - done
1 fat -
1 carb - chips - done
1 single snack - done
1 condiment - done

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 15 - chest and back, abs - nutrition

This is the first day of the third week - and I have a resolution to be WAY better with my diet. Soooo... that means, even though I've been darn good about it, NO more desserts until I lose the 20 lbs I want to lose. It's the only way to a flat stomach, so there ya go.

Breakfast: eggs - 360 cals- 1 dairy, 1 protein
Snack: protein bar - 240 - 1 protein
Lunch: protein powder - 1 protein - 120 cals?, celery and peanut butter- 107 calories - 1 snack
Snack: plan to have yogurt- 100 cals, one dairy - wish I had a banana to have lol
Dinner: plan to have almond chicken on brown rice - chicken will take a protein, celery and onion - one veggie, and 1 cup of rice - carb, chicken broth - protein? I don't know... I will need to make carrots or corn for my other veggie serving, and have a fruit as well. that's a lot of food. haha

5 protein servings - 2 more

2 dairy servings - 1 more

1 fruit serving

2 vegetable servings

1 fat serving

1 carb serving

1 single snack serving - done

1 condiment serving

*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Week 3 - Day 15 - Chest and Back

So sad news...

I have been writing my numbers down on this sheet, and I can't find it anywhere. I also can't find out vacuum belts and I'm pretty sure I'm losing my mind. :(

So back to writing reps here. Nutrition will just have to be another entry - or something.

Standard Push ups: 20 on feet/10 on feet
Wide front pull ups: 1 by myself!!!! 13 more with foot on chair/ 1 by myself again!, 9 with chair
Military push ups: 6 on toes, 5 on feet/5 on toes
Reverse grip chin ups: 3 by myself, 5 with chair/ 1 by myself, 7 on chair

Wide fly push ups: 10 on feet/8 on toes
Close grip overhand pull ups: 1 by myself, 5 with chair/1 myself, 5 chair
Decline push ups: 7/7
Heavy Pants: 20 lbs - 10/8 with 20

Diamond push ups: 6 on feet/6 on feet
Lawnmowers: 20 lbs - 10 on both arms/ 8 with 20 - both arms
Dive bomber push ups: 6 boy ones/5 boy way
Back flys: 9 with 10 lbs/8 with 10 lbs

Day 13 - Kenpo, Day 14 - rest

Nutrition= AWFUL over the weekend lol

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 12 - back and legs

Did back and legs today, and ran four miles. Need to do ab ripper tonight - ran out of time. So many things happened last night to this morning, that I was so flustered, that I forgot to eat breakfast or bring a snack, and now I'm starving. lol

Guess that just means big lunch for me.

Didn't have time at lunch to eat. Had a protein bar.

One protein serving today out of 5... crap... and only 260 cals. I have to eat 1000 calories for the rest of the day... not happening.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 11 - yoga

Yoga was hard this morning - Molly didn't make it over, so she is doing it on her own today. So it made me not have fun. lol


Breakfast - eggs - 360 cals, 1 protein, 1 dairy
Snack: protein bar - 260 - 1 protein

5 protein servings - 3 more

2 dairy servings - 1 more

1 fruit serving -

2 vegetable servings

1 fat serving

1 carb serving

1 single snack serving

1 condiment serving

*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 10 - shoulders and arms, abs

Breakfast: eggs and a slice of toast - 360 cals and 100 cals - 1 protein, .5 carb, 1 dairy
Snack: banana
Lunch: cafe rio burrito - 415 for half burrito - black beans - .5 carb, half wheat tortilla - .5 carb, rice .5 carb, cheese - 1 dairy, lettuce and tomato- .5 veggie, chicken - 1 protein - ate one carb serving over - darn.
Snack: Protein bar
Dinner: Had a wonderful dinner made by Cathi - Thanks! Chicken - 1 protein, rice - bad .5 carb, slice of bread, - bad .5 carb - both were white instead of whole. Whoops. Need to concentrate on not so many carbs tomorrow. Corn - veggie!

5 protein servings - 1 more
2 dairy servings - done
1 fruit serving - done
2 vegetable servings - done
1 fat serving - probably in burrito sauce
1 carb serving - done - 2 over
1 single snack serving -1 more
1 condiment serving - maybe the burrito sauce?
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 9 - plyometrics

Did plyometrics this morning, didn't run afterwards and took a nap, until work, instead.


Breakfast: eggs - 360 cals
Snack: protein bar - 240 cals
Lunch: cheese quiche - chicken - 200 cals?
Snack: had peanut butter crackers and a fiber bar - have to check cals
Dinner: Eric left for a bon fire, so I had teriyaki rice - 250 cals.

Total: 1050 plus...?? Did good on calories, bad on portions. Better tomorrow.

5 protein servings - 2 more

2 dairy servings - done

1 fruit serving

2 vegetable servings

1 fat serving

1 carb serving

1 single snack serving

1 condiment serving

*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

Monday, June 14, 2010

2nd week - Day 8 - Chest and Back

So both Molly and I are just exhausted from all this hard work - and we both totally slept in this morning. haha So we're doing chest and back tonight instead of this morning.

Nutrition today:

Breakfast - eggs with cheese and salsa - 360 total
Snack: protein bar - 250 cals
Lunch: - Ate lettuce, corn, chicken and tomato - 2 veggie servings and protein serving, and milk - .5 dairy serving, and dressing - condiment serving - 199 cals?
Snack: had a yogurt - 100 cals
Dinner: went to ikea to get an extra table, so we ended up eating there instead of my chicken cheese quiche that was at home waiting for us. :( Had a couple swedish meatballs, some french fries, and some chocolate cake. ALL against my diet. Crap. lol And later had a piece of taffy while organizing my craft room. - 210 for the meatballs, cake - 235, taffy - 22 cals, french fries, 200 cals?

Total for day: 1366 - YAY Stayed over 1200! WAHOO!

5 protein servings - 2 to go
2 dairy: .5 to go
1 fruit: 1 to go
2 veggies: done
1 fat: 1 to go
1 carb: 1 to go
1 snack: 1 to go
1 protein bar: done
1 recovery drink: 1 to go
1 condiment: done