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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Running update

So, Molly said she would go running with me -but we haven't been, so I'm sucking it up and doing it myself. I am not a "by myself" kind of runner, yet this morning was nice as I enjoyed the outdoors, and my pups. My main motivation for running is those precious dogs. They need their daily exercise, the wear and tear on their nails, and the plain old fun.

So, while teaching Roxy what a leash means, (she tries to walk herself, it's hilarious - and she has to be on a leash cuz she needs to learn some running commands such as "heel." Tucker is so dang good with it that he doesn't need a leash, but little Roxy... sorry babe!), and trying to make the run fun, I decided that I should be trying to get faster at running.

I never really had a goal of being faster, until I started doing more exercise, and running the races. Now that I run races, you get your time at the end, and I'm always looking to beat it. So towards the end, I started timing and racing myself and I did 51 seconds at a 6 min and 45 sec pace (.13 miles). Tomorrow, I'd like to try doing 55 seconds at a 6:47 average min/mile pace or less. We'll see how I do! :)

So that's my other new thing - doing insanity and sprints in the morning, doing biking and arms at night. Love it!

I've also been thinking a lot about what to do after insanity. People have asked me if I am just gonna keep doing work-out programs. I think it's important that your body learns different things. I can tell that I was just plateauing on P90X cuz my body was so dang used to it. So I know that the body needs variety. And work-out programs give me an ending goal. And if I don't lose the ten lbs I want to lose in insanity, then maybe I'll have to grab another work-out. We'll see. The plan now though is to lose the ten lbs, then start a daily running, biking, swimming work out. It will be winter and we will need our gym passes for the swimming, and since our tri is next July - good time to start learning. Especially because I've NEVER had formal swimming lessons and Eric has a lot to teach me.

Anyway, that's the plan Stan!

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