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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 3 - cardio power, resistance, Day 4 - Cardio Recovery

Yesterday I woke up and Alexa wouldn't do it with me. :( But I did it any way, and it was a great work out. This morning, did the cardio recovery - and decided that Monday and Thursday will be my arm days - my extra p90x workout.

I think twice a week will be a great amount of arm time - especially to just maintain what arm strength I gained.

I ran the dirty dash on Saturday and hurt something in my leg - come to find out, it's IT band syndrome, and I just need to stretch the band in my leg. So the physical therapist is going to do this thing to it, and then I have stretches to do at home. Hoping I'll be able to run my race on Saturday, but I'm switching from the 10k to the 6k though just in case it starts killing me two miles in. Then I'll only have a bit more to go. :)

Anyway, I need to be better about the food I've been eating. I want to go completely off white flour stuff, and so far - I suck. lol So today's the day- and I'll just have to renew that goal every day so I always concentrate on it. :)

I am losing these ten lbs baby! :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 1 - fit test, Day 2 - plyometric cardio

So yesterday started day 1 again. Also, I'm including arms at least twice a week - following the P90x schedule for arms - but kinda modified. On Fridays, p90x does back and legs - so you do a ton of pull-ups in between your leg work out. SOOOO... I was going to fit that in with a ball routine of arms - but I'm thinking I might just add some pull-ups in and just take small rests or something. I haven't quite figured it out yet.

But, yesterday I did insanity and chest and back for p90x. And Alexa did it with me! And I think she's gonna keep with the program too - or at least says she will. It will be nice to have someone to do this with.

This morning, we did insanity and then went for a small jog.

I did The Dirty Dash on Saturday and hurt this thing in my leg - and i thought I was fine, but it hurt again today - hopefully it goes away soon. :(

Anyway, I'm excited about all this! and excited Alexa wants to help!! WAHOO!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Starting again...

So I got sick... and I tried exercising, and then I was done for.

So, I missed two days, and am going to start over. I've only been running this week - but hey, that's something! :)

I gained 1.8 lbs. DARN IT. BUT, I did do a sprint time again..

last time: 51 seconds at a 6 min and 45 sec pace (.13 miles).

This time: 59 seconds at a 6 min 41 sec pace (.15 miles) NICE!

I'll be back to day 1 of Insanity on Monday.

Friday, September 17, 2010


I suck at blogging on this - I've been doing my calories on and just forget to do this too now. Oh well!

Soooo... Day 10 was the cardio circuit... which is actually a typo and it's the plyo cardio circuit. So did that. Day 11 was cardio recovery - I love cardio recovery - it's nice once in a while to not work out until you're sweating to death, and just break enough of a sweat to fill like you did something!!!

I'm excited to see what cardio abs brings - these workouts already include so much of your abs, butt, and thighs, that I wonder what more it will be.

I've been sick and haven't had the energy to start my arm work out - so next week, hold me accountable for it!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Running update

So, Molly said she would go running with me -but we haven't been, so I'm sucking it up and doing it myself. I am not a "by myself" kind of runner, yet this morning was nice as I enjoyed the outdoors, and my pups. My main motivation for running is those precious dogs. They need their daily exercise, the wear and tear on their nails, and the plain old fun.

So, while teaching Roxy what a leash means, (she tries to walk herself, it's hilarious - and she has to be on a leash cuz she needs to learn some running commands such as "heel." Tucker is so dang good with it that he doesn't need a leash, but little Roxy... sorry babe!), and trying to make the run fun, I decided that I should be trying to get faster at running.

I never really had a goal of being faster, until I started doing more exercise, and running the races. Now that I run races, you get your time at the end, and I'm always looking to beat it. So towards the end, I started timing and racing myself and I did 51 seconds at a 6 min and 45 sec pace (.13 miles). Tomorrow, I'd like to try doing 55 seconds at a 6:47 average min/mile pace or less. We'll see how I do! :)

So that's my other new thing - doing insanity and sprints in the morning, doing biking and arms at night. Love it!

I've also been thinking a lot about what to do after insanity. People have asked me if I am just gonna keep doing work-out programs. I think it's important that your body learns different things. I can tell that I was just plateauing on P90X cuz my body was so dang used to it. So I know that the body needs variety. And work-out programs give me an ending goal. And if I don't lose the ten lbs I want to lose in insanity, then maybe I'll have to grab another work-out. We'll see. The plan now though is to lose the ten lbs, then start a daily running, biking, swimming work out. It will be winter and we will need our gym passes for the swimming, and since our tri is next July - good time to start learning. Especially because I've NEVER had formal swimming lessons and Eric has a lot to teach me.

Anyway, that's the plan Stan!

Day 6 - Plyometric cardio circuit, Day 7 - Rest, Day 8 - Cardio Power and Resistance, Day 9 - Pure Cardio

Sorry I haven't blogged much! Insanity has been going very well. A few things I've noticed over the last few days... when Shaun T tells you to go right, he goes left- because they want you to do what they are doing. It confuses me more. haha

Also, Shaun T has some pretty short shorts. AND, he wants to show you his core is working, and picks up his t-shirt to show you... just take it off Shaun T!!! haha Towards the end of videos, he does, but just start that way!

I love these work outs. They are just crazy insane. :) Also, I think they are exactly what I need to be shedding these pounds. I'm losing weight, and can see the difference in my legs.

That being said, I think it's going to affect my arms/back/chest for the worse. SOOOO...I'm gonna steal some p90x moves, and some of my better homes and garden magazine ball routine - and make a 20 minute work out to do tues, thurs, sat. I don't want to lose the muscles I gained from p90x, and since I had been doing an hour and 15 minute work out on arms for p90x two times a week, I better incorporate a little more. I'll do the arm thing after my biking with Eric.

Anyway, that's the update! Here I come ten pounds - you're gone!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 5 - pure cardio

I LOVE how short these are - yet make you sweat like hell. It would be stupid for me to miss one because they are so short - so it doesn't take up all of my morning. Running was shot this week cuz Molly's husband has been working so early. But Alexa offered to sleep at their house for the hour we are running - and I'm really excited about that. So monday, here we come! Eric and I have still been biking, and I love it. We always go after dinner - which makes it nice, because it makes my full belly seem not full - and I kinda go to sleep feeling good, instead of full and lazy. :)

Insanity has been good for me - it's working parts of me I didn't work in p90x. My body was so accustomed to the p90x videos, and now it's like the change I needed. I still hope to lose the ten lbs I want to in the next 60 days. We'll see.

I'm using a new tracker to track my calories, and I like it way better. It has more foods, and shows me more of how much protein, carbs, and fat I'm eating - and tells me at the end of the day, that if I were to keep eating like that, I would lose so much weight in so much time. It's kinda fun. Hopefully it's right. :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 4 - cardio recovery

This one is like a mini yoga. lol Defnitely not the hour and a half yoga I was doing with p90x.

It was a good recovery - there's still a lot working here in this one.

I need to make sure Eric bikes with me tonight though - because I definitely need to keep up the biking - we didn't go yesterday and I'm sad about that.

Anywho - that's it for now!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 2&3 - sweat on your eyelids...

So have you ever had swear drip off your eyelids? That happened to me yesterday.

Yesterday was Day 2 of Insanity - Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Today was Day 3 - Cardio Power and Resistance.

And I may take back what I said about needing to add extra weights... you do so much with your core, arms, and legs - who knows if I'll need to add extra weights. I may on days I have lots of time - or just to tone my legs more, but this is a total body work-out. I really love it.

My favorite thing about it is that Shaun T doesn't stop to show you a move. He does it, and you figure it out. So you don't have a lot of time to rest. Today he did show us exactly how to do a move, and he did it while we were getting water. Whereas in P90X, Tony always talked so much and had to show you every little thing - which is good to know how it works- but there was always so much lag time. Also, Shaun T only says one thing that annoys me - and that is "okay, check it out..." like five times. haha But it's okay. I love that it's continuous. It really is a 40 minute work out - no stopping. I really like it. And I get really sweaty... SO, if I am not able to drop ten pounds by the end of Insantiy, with the dirty dash 10k in the middle of it all, and the Wasatch Women 10k, then I may have to consider lipo. :) SERIOUSLY.

I'm excited for the rest of the program - it's shorter and tons of fun. And I love the motivation everyone in the DVD has. It's great.

Also, Shaun T said something I thought was really important and helped me a lot - but when you are just exhausted, take a deep breath and blow it out hard. IT REALLY HELPS. I love it.

Anyway, that's all for today. I'm keeping it up and staying strong! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Insanity! Day 1 - fit test

Today started insanity.

Biggest goal for insanity - losing 10 more pounds. I think 10 is going to be a realistic number for two months, training AGAIN for another 10k, and biking every day with the hubby. Insanity seems like a TON of cardio - so it should be the work out I'm looking for to start losing some more weight. The ONLY thing I'm afraid of is losing the muscle I gained in P90X and may incorporate some of my ball routine - all weights.

We'll see how much time I have to do all this.

Anyway, insanity is 60 days. So here I go! Today was the fit test, and I was sweating more than a whore in church does. haha And Molly and I are gonna go running in just a bit. I'm excited for a new program! Go me!

Oh also, I think with P90X I needed to be WAY better about the white flour thing, so today, I'm giving it all up again. Only whole wheat for me baby!


Before you decide to view too much of this blog - I'm going to warn you that the photos I posted might make you throw up. Don't say I didn't warn you! :)

The biggest difference (according to measurements) was my body fat, my weight, my waist, and hips. Also, Day 1 I couldn't even do a pull-up and today I can do at least 8. I say at least, cuz I'm not feeling AWESOME - kinda went under the weather - and could maybe do more, but that's all I did for my fit test. :) My vertical leap improved by 3.5 inches - making my vertical leap 13.5 inches. I am also able to pump out 25 push-ups without getting tired, reach further past my toes than before, lift more weight, and do a ton more ab exercises than before.

Day 1 Body Fat: 27%
Day 90 Body Fat: 23.6%

Day 1 Weight: 136.2
Day 90 Weight: 128.8

Day 1 Chest: 34.75 inches
Day 90 Chest: 34.25 inches

Day 1 Waist: 27.5 inches
Day 90 Waist: 26 inches

Day 1 Hips: 34 inches
Day 90 HIps: 32 inches

Day 1 Right and Left Thigh: 21.5 inches
Day 90 Right and Left Thigh: 21 inches

Now, for the pictures - sorry if I gross you out at all - with Day 1 ESPECIALLY. ICK. Also, I feel extremely uncomfortable in a bikini - but this has been a huge learning experience - so don't make too much fun of me as you look at these.

A few things... I didn't realize I was fat before I started this. I mean, I knew that that I wasn't feeling as great, and doing as much as I wanted, but I didn't think I was fat per-say. I knew I wanted thinner legs, and that was my goal. I didn't get as thin of legs as I wanted, but I achieved so much more through this 90 day program. Also, I think it's important to note - tanner is always better. haha AND, I had no idea elbows could be fat. Getting toner triceps has showed me that hey, elbows are supposed to be tiny. Eric laughs at me cuz I'm learning so much about muscles and the body. :)

You can see I lost weight everywhere. :) Biggest thing for me is my face is so much thinner. Also, I gained a ton of abs... It's really weird cuz my stomach has never been this hard, and I still have a little bit to lose in the area before I'm completely happy with it. But, love handles - GONE. Thighs are more toned, under the belly is firm - and almost grosses me out cuz you can see all my veins. And arms, shoulders, much better. I actually have real biceps! AH!

Things I am still working on: still shaping under arms, getting toner, thinner thighs, and losing belly button fat.
Comparisons: Can I just start with the most obvious? My back is ripped compared to day 1. It almost disgusts me. lol And you can see the shape throughout my arms. Also, not that you need to completely analyze the whole thing, but my butt is higher, and tighter than before - and again, thinner middle section - no love handles.

Comparisons: BIGGEST ONE - is that a double chin I had? EWWWWWW. Obviously, looks so much better. And again, you can see really well in these photos the abs I got - they define my ribs which is kinda creepy- but hey, I guess that's how it's supposed to be. Also, you can see the definition I've gained through my arms, and I hope they continue to get more defined.

Things to work on: Thinner arms, and legs, and belly button fat. :)
Anyway, that's it folks. P90x is over and I'm feeling awesome. These photos just prove to me, that hey, I can take over my body, I can shape it, and genetics can go bite themselves. :) I'm ready and willing to continue working hard, and getting the body I want. On to Insanity!!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 90!!!!!!!!!!! - Yoga

At this moment, I have the DVD in, and I'm pushing play. I'll be back with ya in an hour and a half when I'm DONE!!!!
And DONE! P90x is over. And how do I feel? Well, awesome actually. I will do my fit test tomorrow - and then I'll post results on here of my improvements.

This has been such a great experience. I've learned how to eat right, what is good or bad for your body, and how to control what's going on with my body. It gives me more hope that I can be happy with the way I look - and that I don't have to be sad about it - it's not ALL genetics. :)

Anyway, more tomorrow! YAY!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 88 - stretch, Day 89 - Core!!

DAY 89 is today!! AHHH!!

So, I did stretch last night while watching 17 again. Pretty good movie.

Did core this morning - tried to get Eric to do it with me, but no. So, basically, I don't think the Eric's - mine and Angela's - are actually going to do it. So I guess it's just Ange and I now. But that's fine. I'm excited to start a new program.

I don't think I'm losing two pounds before sunday - so I'm pretty positive I've lost 8 pounds doing p90x. Now I want to lose ten more doing insanity- taking me down to my ideal weight. Ten pounds in two months - sure! lol We'll see.

I also have a fit test I need to do - and will probably do Sunday or Monday - depending on the time. I should probably do it sunday and take photos and everything, so I can start insanity with out doing any p90x stuff.

Insanity is SOOOO much shorter than p90x for its length of video time. SO, I'm gonna have more time to run in the morning, so I'm hoping Molly will start running with me again. If not, then I desperately need to find someone to run with. Eric and I are biking after work - so that will still be good. And then I'll probably add in my own thing of weights two or three times a week to make sure I keep up my muscle mass while doing so much cardio with this insanity program!

Well, talk to you tomorrow! HOLLA!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 87 - kenpo

Still not moving in weight... it's frustrating. Angela and both Eric's are going to be insanity with me. It should be fun. We are doing a contest that whoever doesn't miss a day buys everybody else dinner. Hopefully I lose the two pounds quickly after starting that. I guess that's how plateaus go.

Anyway, today, I just don't feel like me. I've been BLAH since Friday - and a ton of people have noticed - which is strange. The House That Built Me kinda describes the way I've been feeling lately.

I think a lot of it has to do with everything going on with my sister. I just can't do anything to help and it's hard.

Anyway, that's all for now. Still need to do kenpo tonight. Did a run this morning with all the dogs. They enjoyed it for sure. And so did my cat.... chet. haha See my other blog - for a funny video.