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Thursday, August 2, 2012


So, I suck. haha I didn't stick to my challenge for myself because I didn't have anybody keeping me accountable INCLUDING myself. FAIL. My friend Anna is training with me for the tri in september, and we both want to be WAY fitter and skinnier. She found a challenge online, and we are doing it! It costs $30 for each person to go in the challenge, and the pot is already at about $600! It's super motivating. I'm already back to 131.8 (yes, I gained weight since my last entry- DISAPPOINTING). So Jersey is tomorrow, and I'll probably weight 131/132 -but it's okay because I've been toning up my muscles and trying to just get fit. My knee is feeling a ton better because of it.

Hopefully this challenge will help me lose the rest of it. :)

Wish me luck!
