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Friday, December 28, 2012

Total body, ab ripper

Things are going well. Almost done with the second week.

1 arm chest press: 15 with 15 - need bigger weight next time/ same
4 position pull up: 3/4 set myself, 2 chair - wow, how did i get weaker?/1 self, 1 chair
side arm balance: 15/12
switch lunge press: 8 with 10 on right side/8 with 10 left
warrior 3 kickback: 15 with 10/10 with 15
warrior 3 curl: 10 with 15/same
boing push ups: 12/10
crunchy lever pull up: 3 self - my back/arms are exhausted today/1
mule kick burpee: 6/4
swimmers curl press: 8 with 10/same
ball kickback: 8 with 15- this hurts my shoulders/8 with 10
preacher curl: 8 with 15/8 with 15

Monday, December 24, 2012

Week 1 is over

Week 1 is over! :) P90X2 says you can do the weeks for as long as you need and gives you recommendations. So I would like to do this first round for three weeks.

My food intake is going very well. EVEN with the Christmas holiday. Sweets just aren't calling my name lately. :)

Weight: 130.4 today - same as last entry. Really gonna try to break into the 120s this week. 3.4 lbs left to be at a cool 127.

Sphinx to plank plyo: 10
1 leg plyo squat reach: 10 both sides
russian twist: 20
sphinx to plank roll up: 12
4 direction: 8 both sides
forearm alt side plank: 10
sphinx: 6
weighted katherine: 20 - no weights this time
Plank x crunch: 11
renegade row 1/2 lolasana: 6 with 15
glute bridge roll out: 20
over and under: 15
warrior row press: 8 both sides
split lunge: 8 both sides
crawly crab: 11
lateral plyo push up: 12
lunge kneel knee raise: 8 both sides
spider something: 16
dumbbell row to side plank: 8 with 15
dumbbell burpee: 8 with 15
plank ball crunch: 8

Friday, December 21, 2012

Total body and ab ripper


I moved my food log to my fitness pal account so I could keep track of it on my phone.
I didn't do any more p90x2 last week except for that one day, so I restarted again this week. I've done core, plyo and total body. I have two more workouts left this week.

I signed up for a tri in January. So I need to get more running, swimming and biking back in. The running I've been really good at except for this last week. I'll get back on it soon.

Weight stats: 130. 4 - I'm doing really well. It's all what you eat. Hopefully I'll be back in the 120's this next week.

1 arm chest press: 10 with 15 both sides/same
4 position pull up: 1 set myself, 2 chair/.5 self, 1.5 chair
side arm balance: 12/12
switch lunge press: 8 with 15/same
warrior 3 kickback: 12 with 15/8 with 15
warrior 3 curl: 12 with 15/8 with 15
Boing push ups: 11/10
crunchy lever pull up: 3.5 self :)/3 self :)
mule kick burpee: 5/2
swimmer's curl press in 1/2 chair: 8 with 15/6 with 15  - 15 is too much balancing on my bad knee
ball kickback: 8 on both sides with 15/same both sides  - need to strengthen my shoulders more
preacher curl: 12 with 15/8 with 15

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


How do you make a habit? You do it over and over. They say it takes 30 days to make a habit. However, my good habits turn into dust whenever I get sick. Nothing sounds good to eat and exercise is minimal.

So when I was sick three weeks ago, I stopped exercising, and am back to square one. GRRRRR.

Highest weight in the last 12 months: 137
Lowest weight in the last 12 months: 125
Best maintaining weight - felt toned and good, and was awesome!: 127
Weight today: 133 :(

Lowest weight EVER (when being healthy and not living off of cookies and chips/salsa: 122

So I need to lose at least 5 lbs. I have the dream of being 120 someday, but for now, I'd be happy being back at 127. So I restarted p90x2 this week. Anna and I had done it for about half of the program, and then she stopped doing it with me, and I got sick. SO...I'm back to doing it by myself and restarting too because you know how I feel about not doing it continually for 90 days. Lifting weights just makes me feel so much better about myself.

I'm also going to keep a food log this week. I need to get back to eating entirely healthy again. We'll see where I need to cut back next week.

Breakfast: Grapenuts with bananas and milk
Lunch: Kid's burger and fries from McDonald's