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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 4 - cardio recovery, Day 5 - pure cardio

Soooo... did cardio recovery, and decided that I'm going to do the p90x arms MWF - and just alternate. Seems like the best option to me - Thanks Angela for that input as well!
I didn't get any arms done yesterday because yesterday was AWFUL.

TODAY!!! Today, I went RUNNING! Molly is training for a 5k that is in a month. So, today we did a 5 minute warm-up, then ran for 60 seconds,then walked for 90 seconds. It was wonderful. Came back home, iced my leg and stretched (for precautionary measures) and then did Pure Cardio! My leg didn't hurt once... I think I just need to continue to use my hypnosis/subconscious talking to it, and we'll be just fine. :) I have my tri in July... hopefully this will all go well!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 3 - cardio power and resistance

Didn't get to do yoga today. This week I've just not felt the exercise like I used to. BUT today, I was all back to normal - wahoo! So I'll catch the yoga classes next week for sure. Today's video was good - and felt really good to get motivated and moving again. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 2 - plyometric cardio circuit, p90x shoulders and arms, ab ripper

So yesterday I didn't do Insanity- not because of laziness, but because I totally tweeked something through my shoulder and neck. Gave it a rest day yesterday, and got a nice massage from Eric and I think that helped a lot. It still hurts today, but it's okay enough to use it. So I'll just skip my rest day on Sunday - and use it from yesterday instead. :)

Also, I'm really excited to get moving on getting pretty again. Saw a pic of me on my cruise... I HATE MY LEGS. SO let's get these bad boys toned!

Monday Eric and I went swimming. The tri is 1.5k swim or .98 mile or about 1700 yards. I was able to swim 200 yards in six minutes. I'm going to keep track of my time and try and get better and better. I have a long way to go. Good thing it's not until July. :)

Talked to Molly yesterday and she wants to start running on Saturday. :) Leg... you better be good. I think I need a new routine of icing after running. I think that might help a lot in terms of feeling my leg hurt or not. We'll see.

Okay, now to all my readers...biggest question!!! In p90x, you do three weeks of the same arms, and then a rest, and then three weeks of new arms, etc. BUT, Friday was always back and legs - with the extra pull-ups. But I'm not concerned about doing weights on my legs, just for my arms. SOOOO... do I just do a bunch of pull-ups? OR, because Insanity is only 60 days, should I just do the first arm day, then the next arm day, then on friday pick up the first arm day again, and then monday would be the second arm day, etc etc. So like on Friday I would do chest and back again, monday would be shoulder and arms, then wednesday would be chest and back again, and then friday shoulder and arms again? Then I'd just do that until it was three sets of two, then switch to the next set of arms. What do you think? HOPE IT MAKES SENSE!! :)

Shoulders and arms:
alternating shoulder press: 12 with 10 lbs/12 with 10 lbs
in and out bicep curls: 16 with 10 lbs/16 with 10 lbs (everybody does 16)
two arm tricep kickbacks: 15 with 8 lbs/12 with 8 lbs

deep swimmers press: 10 with 10 lbs/10 with 10 lbs
one arm concentration curl: 10 with 10 lbs/i forgot to count right lol
chair dips: 16/15

upright rows: 8 with 10 lbs - this hurt where i tweeked my neck SO bad./10 with 8 lbs
static arm curls: 16 with 10 lbs/16 with 8 lbs (everybody does 16)
flip grip twist kickbacks: 12 with 8 lbs/3 with 10, 9 with 8

seated shoulder flys (elbows out to sides not back): 12 with 8 lbs/12 with 8 lbs
crouching cohen curls: 12 with 8 lbs/8 with 10lbs
lying down tricep extensions: 15 with 8 lbs/12 with 8 lbs

straight arm shoulder flys- front, then sides (everybody does 16): 8 lbs/8 lbs again
curl up hammer down: 10 with 10 lbs/12 with 10 lbs
side tri rise: 15 both sides/10 boths sides

ab ripper!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 1 - fit test - P90x chest and back

All right - so obviously I suck. But that's okay. Because I have a very good motive at the moment. I see my sister (who I won't have seen for 18 months) in something like 65 days. If I saw her now, she would probably think I was way skinnier from when she last saw me, but I'd like her to really say, wow Jackie, you look amazing! :) I know I did a great job in p90x, and I've kept it off, but I haven't really been able to keep the tone I had up as much without doing more p90x arms.

Also, I always feel really fat when other people have lost weight, and my mom has lost 100 lbs, so I need to make sure I've lost some too. :)

That being said... I can't miss insanity and I can't mess up my healthy diet in this next little bit or I will not be able to meet my goals. So, I HAVE to do this.

Girls who inspire me: Jennifer Aniston :), and my friend Megan. I want to look just like her when I'm pregnant. She had five weeks left to go in this picture... if she's not the most fit, beautiful pregnant person you've ever seen, I'm not sure who is! :)

So here's to losing those next ten pounds and hopefully getting some thin legs! Go me! :)

p90x chest and back:
standard push ups: 12 toes/8 toes, 4 knees
wide front pull ups: 8 foot on chair/8 foot on chair
military push ups: 5 toes, 5 knees/3 toes, 5 knees
reverse grip chin ups: 1 self, 6 chair/7 chair
wide fly push ups: 9 toes, 6 knees/5 toes, 5 knees
close grip overhand pull ups: 3/4 self, 6 chair/chair
decline push ups: 8/6
heavy pants: 10 with 15 lbs/8 with 15 lbs
diamond push ups: 6 toes/2 toes, 6 knees
lawn mowers: 15 with 15 lbs/10 with 15 lbs
dive bomber push ups: 8/4
back flys: 8 with 15 lbs/8 with 15

ab ripper!

Fit test
Switch Kicks: 89
power squats: 25
power knee: 79
power jumps: 22
globe jumps: 9
suicide jumps: 10
power jacks: 10
low plank oblique: 49

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 1 - fit test/ Extra - P90X chest and back, abs

So, I didn't get caught up on the cruise, and ate like crap, that I decided I needed to start over. So I did. Hopefully no sicknesses come up and I can finish all 60 days before I go to get Stephanie in Dallas.

Also, I want to be way better about doing the p90x arm videos - at least twice a week, but hopefully three times a week. I hate feeling weak - and I do feel that way without lifting weights.

ALSO!! Biggest news! Eric and I won the raffle thing for the tri we want to do! So, Eric has said he really does want to swim three times a week, so I hope we can keep that going. :)

So, here it goes all over again.

Insanity 6 days a week - I will start over if I miss.

Arms three times a week
Swimming three times a week
Yoga twice a week

I need to get some biking in - which will be easier when it's warmer around here. BUT also... I saw Terry Stokes on the cruise ship, and did some hypnosis stuff - and I think I fixed my leg... It hasn't hurt since Thursday. We'll see. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Molly should have her baby in the next two weeks, and then we are going to start running - very slowly at first - probably once or twice a week, but wouldn't it be great if I was better?! Oh, how I hope!!! :)
FIT TEST - Day 1!
Switch Kicks: 83
power squats: 25
power knee: 84
power jumps: 22
globe jumps: 9
suicide jumps: 12
power jacks: 11
low plank oblique: 48

chest and back:
standard push ups: 11 toes, 6 knees/9 toes
wide front pull ups: 10 with chair/6 with chair
military push ups: 4 toes, 6 knees/1 toe, 5 knees
reverse grip chin ups: 7 chair/4 chair
wide fly push ups: 5 toes, 6 knees/6 toes, 4 knees
close grip overhand pull ups: 6 with chair/4 with chair
decline push ups: 6/5
heavy pants: 15 with 15 lbs/8 with 15 lbs
diamond push ups: 3 toes, 7 knees /1 toes, 7 knees
lawnmowers: 12 with 15 lbs/12 with 15 lbs
dive bomber push ups: 5 mens way/6 mens way
back flys: 10 with 10 lbs/10 with 10 lbs

And ab ripper! What a good exercise day... now need to go swimming tonight. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

This week..

Because I was so sick, I didn't do ANY exercise for insanity this week. So do I start over?

In p90x, I missed a day, I started over - unless I could make it up on the rest day.

So, I could make up a day on sunday, and do Saturday, but would still need to make up 4 days...

So do I just pick up from where I left off? Or do I try and make-up the days by doing two work-outs a day while on the cruise (until I've caught up)?

Or start all the way over?

Please! Give me your thoughts!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Last few days

So, I did all of last week's stuff. Day 19 - cardio power and resistance. Then Day 20 - I did pure cardio and cardio abs, INSTEAD of plyo cardio circuit, cuz I read the wrong one.

So my monday work out needs to be plyo cardio circuit... but, I got EXTREMELY sick. They want to remove my tonsils so I can't get sick like this any more. Please, take them out now. :)

So I didn't do my workout yesterday, and doubt I will do my work out for today... does this mean I start over or what?

We'll see. I probably won't this time - but we'll see.

On a brighter note, I'm only 1.6 lbs away from what I wanted to weigh for the cruise. HOLLA!