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Monday, October 31, 2011

Started the challenge...

Today we started the challenge. Mom wanted to wait until today because she wanted to eat whatever she wanted for her birthday this last Friday.

In our contest, we add a dollar to the Jar:
if you eat sugar
if you miss a day of exercise (this also means that there needs to be a half hour of cardio a day, and three weight days - probably m/w/f.)
for every pound gained
if you do miss a blog

The person who reaches their goal gets the Jar of Money - end of challenge is the first of the new year.

So here we go!!!!

Also, I got a vitamix - and I LOVE IT - the food is delicious AND healthy. I will blog each day about what I ate, the exercise I did, and if I need to put money in the jar. Fun fun!

Starting weight - 128.8 (icky) haha

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Challenge

Well... I was doing so well. I was writing down all the workouts, and doing them all up until last week. I was almost done with the third week but didn't do any p90x in WA.

AND, ate a bunch of junk, so I'm sure I've gained weight - so Stephanie wants to lose weight, Mom wants to, and I want to. So... we are doing a contest. I'm really excited. I think it will help me actually lose these last few pounds.

In our contest, we add a dollar to the Jar:
if you eat sugar
if you miss a day of exercise (this also means that there needs to be a half hour of cardio a day, and three weight days - probably m/w/f.)
for every pound gained

The person who reaches their goal gets the Jar of Money

My exercise was seriously lacking today - but still managed to take a half hour walk with the dogs.

Jar - $1 (didn't do weights)

So, this will be super fun. I'm really excited to have motivation to lose the weight. 9 weeks... should be able to lose 9 pounds. Here goes.

Read Steph's here

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 2 - yoga, Day 3 - shoulders and arms

Alternating Shoulder Press: 8 with 20/8 with 15
In and out bicep curls: 10 with 15/8 with 15 - everyone does 16 haha whoops
two arm tricep kickbacks: 10 with 10/8 with 10

deep swimmers press: 8 with 15/same
full supination concentration curl: 12 with 15/16 - 8 each arm with 15
chair dips: 20/same

upright rows: 11 with 15/9 with 15
static arm curls: everybody does 16 - 8 each arm with 10/16 with 8
flipgrip kickback: 8 with 10/10 with 8

seated shoulder flys: 10 with 10/12 with 8 lbs
crouching cohen curls: 8 with 10/12 with 8
lying down tricep extensions: 8 with 10/8 with 10

straight arm shoulder fly - 16 everybody: with 8 - still hard/same
congdon curls: 8 with 15/11 with 10
side tri rise: 15 both sides/12 both sides


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Better start again - Day 1 - chest and back

So... I suck. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time sticking with my p90x/exercise plans. I think it's because I'm stressed. There's a lot of pressure on our finances right now because Eric's job has sucked. But he's moving into his new position now so it should get better, but makes for wanting to start a family not a good thing. The problem is - I'm so ready. So we need to get a grip on reality.

Plus, this morning I weighed 126.6 - and 25% body fat. I want to be between 120 and 122 for my sister's wedding - so I need to get back on this bandwagon NOW. So.. let's try again.

Standard push ups: 15 toes, 5 knees/ 9 toes
Wide front pull ups: 10 with chair/ 8 with chair
military push ups: 6 toes, 4 knees/3 toes, 3 knes
reverse grip chin ups: 2 self, 6 chair/1 self, 6 chair
wide fly push ups: 1o toes, 5 knees/7 toes
close grip overhand pull ups: 1 self, 9 chair/4 chair
decline push ups: 12/8
heavy pants: 10 with 20 lbs/8 with 20 lbs
diamond push ups: 8 toes/2 toes, 8 knees
lawnmowers: 8 with 20 each arm/same
dive bomber push ups: 9/7
back flys: 8 with 20/same

Ab ripper.