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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Well... let's try this again.

So... I'm not sick any more. I have been sick TWICE this year- record for me - except both lasted a month. Apparently, I have acid reflux and it's not just a one time thing - it's an all life thing. So, I need to keep taking meds for it whenever my throat even hurts a little bit. If i feel fine, don't need to take them. Soooo.... that means I shouldn't get sick as often! WAHOO! First hurdle down.

Second hurdle - IT band syndrome or not?


I had an MRI. I don't have the syndrome, yet the doctor is still convinced that's what it is, even though the MRI shows no signs for it. What's the cause of the pain? Fluid behind my IT band and in front of my meniscus.

What does this mean? It means that I'm hopeless. I have no idea what is wrong, and when I asked the doctor - so how is this caused and what does this mean, he said "I don't know."


So he gave me this EVIL shot in my knee - in the spot with the fluid - its a steroid shot - and is supposed to heal it. We'll see how this goes - it takes up to four days to START taking effect.

If it's not better by next week, I'm supposed to go back to Physical Therapy. What's the point?

We'll see what happens I guess. Needless to say, Ange and Eric are starting insanity on Monday (stopped it from before), so I'm just gonna restart it and do more yoga - stretch my knee out if I can. Then try running again in 60 days. We'll see.

So... look for me on Monday! :)


  1. I have acid reflux too. It's not to bad ;) You just have to stay away for certian foods and it won't flare up. They also reccomend you sleep inclined with your bed raised up but I don't like to do that. But I do have a constant sore throat... pretty lame. I like to pretend its my sexy voice like Pheobe in that Friends episode.

  2. Ummmmmm . . . it's Monday. Where are you?
