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Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 39 - yoga

Did yoga this morning - by myself. I don't know if Molly will ever join me again. I've decided to run a 5k or 8k while in WA - which should be a ton of fun! :) But that will be myself... so I need to go run by myself and see how far I can go without having someone there. Then when it's the race, there will be so many people, I'll just love it! :)

I need to run a 5k and 8k this week and see which one I would rather do. I don't know when I'm going to find the time to do that - since Eric wants to go camping, but we'll see.

PS got on the scale today - losing weight AND body fat. Feeling awesome. :)

Breakfast: egg whites with cheese and salsa, yogurt - 1 protein, 1 dairy, 1 snack
Snack: fruit cup
Lunch: lettuce, corn, and chicken - with vinagrette

To go:

3 protein servings
1 dairy servings
1 vegetable servings
1 carb serving
1 condiment serving
*Can have a p90x protein bar, and recovery drink as well*

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