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Friday, February 24, 2012

Um... wow...

Where have I been? Honestly, I've been a little sick-ish and exhausted lately, so I ruined my streak of good weeks. So here's to starting over AGAIN. So annoyed with myself, but I have good reason, so I'll get over it. I still did yoga the whole time - which I love!

I also added a ton more stuff than just p90x2. Eric and I are now training for a triathlon. We need to decide which one to sign-up for, just not sure which one we're doing. So I've been running - which is going really well. I've been doing a couch potato to 5k app on my phone will do week 2 day 3 tomorrow. My knee hasn't hurt and it's been great to learn to run again. I'm also using vibrams - for barefoot running - and it really has changed the way I run. I love it. It's putting my legs back in shape - so I'm kinda addicted. :)

I also bought a road bike, but still need to do more running, and more swimming. I've done it a few times, but it needs to be more.

 I also added three apps on my phone - 20 chin-ups, 100 push-ups, and easy legs. The chin-up and push-ups are a six week program designed to give make you do 20 chin-ups and 100 push-ups in 6 weeks. You do them three times a week - so every mon, wed, fri I do them. Then I do easy legs tues, thurs and sat after running.

Anyway, Angela wants to try p90x2 with me. So I started it again on Monday.

Here are my total body results:

1 arm chest press - 12 with 15 both arms
4 position pull up: 2 sets/3 sets
push up side arm balance: 10/13
switch lunge press: 6 with 15/again
warrior 3 kickback: 8 with 15 - left leg/6 with 16
warrior 3 curls: right leg - 8 with 15/6 with 15
boing push up - 10/9
leverl pull up: 3 touching chair each time between/1
mule kick burpee: 6/3
swimmers curl in half chair: 8 with right leg on left/6 - need to get my tens out of the car
balance kick back: 8 on both sides with 15
rocket launcher preacher curl: 8 with 15/5



  1. I'm a P90X2( worshiper,I like challenge, especially the body challenge.

  2. Insanity Workout( and P90X( are home fitness workout program,and fitness diet included,there are challenge.Its can get you types of results and lose weight fast in just 60 days or 90 days.I highly recommend it!
