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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 9: Plyometrics

So I'm not sure what's wrong with me - I start exercising, and I do a really good job, and about a week in, I get to this point where I'm like, this is pointless and I stop. And then I get all untoned again, and hate it, and start again. So, this morning, I thought to myself, I'll just do it tonight like I did yesterday. Then I slapped myself, got out of bed, and went and did plyometrics. And of course, I'm not tired from getting up early, I'm happy with myself for getting up and doing it, and I feel good. So why do I ever convince myself to NOT exercise? It's so stupid. So I'm glad I have all of you to make sure I'm on track. It will hopefully keep me on track.

On a side note, I feel like I'm not losing at much fat as I should be - so I've decided I'm going to keep track of everything I'm eating for the next week, and then we can review it and see what I need to change.

Today's food:

Breakfast: Two pieces of toast with peanut butter
Snack: chips and salsa
Lunch: The pasta I made yesterday, and three slices of french bread.
Snack: Chips and Salsa
Dinner: Pizza hut personal pan pizza, potato wedges, and sprite
Snack: Popcorn

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